there once was a car port over these spaces |
along the road |
Common curb side view |
Hoping there were no cars under it |
The remains of a huge tree |
These pictures are from around our neighborhood. It seems that trucks are hauling away downed trees and junk almost 24/7. Yesterday, Sunday, they were heard hauling at 7:00 AM. I know that here in Naples there were no lives lost and Irma was predicted to be much worse than it was but still the scars will remain for years and years and of course the $$ are there as well. Many lost their homes and all possessions.
Terry and I had a fun filled weekend. We took in an open house kind of thing at the Alamo which is a large gun place and shooting range. They served hot dogs and brats with the trimmings. In one gun display case they had about 6 rifles which dated back 500+ years. One was totally made with inlayed ivory. The guy said there was over 2 million $ worth of rifles in the case. We sat and watched the gun range for a bit. One boy, about 10 or so, was shooting for the first time. He had this HUGE grin on his face yet each time a shot was fired he would flinch!
We drove 5 miles east of I75 to an open house at a new development. They will have a large recreation building, outdoor courts and 610 units when finished. They had 8 models on display, free Royal Scoop ice cream and hot dogs. We were too full from the Alamo! The units ranged in price from $300,000+ - $600,00+. I found their marketing method a bit offensive. We walked into a unit that was listed at $317,000. Wow I thought, very nice with a spa and pool out back. The sales person was talking to other people and mentioned that the pool and spa were a $170,000 up grade!!! Of course that was not listed and you would not know that if you did not ask. Many of the units had top loading washers and dryers in white and fridges as side by side. Well we know that perhaps nobody is going to spend half a million dollars on a home and get those appliances so the name of the game, it appears, is get the people in and then convince them to add on many $$s in upgrades. Anyway it was fun to see what was there and it certainly enforced the idea that SW Florida is growing and growing. As for Terry and me we are very happy where we are.
Yesterday we picked up some friends and took in an open house at the Naples Zoo. It was free for Collier county residents. The normal cost for seniors is $21.95 which in my opinion is high so why not go on a day when it is free!
Time to sip the last of the FP and get on with the day.
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