Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Closing in on our first week

Six of these guys will move up to 3.0 tennis this fall--fun but perhaps humble pie too!
We have been here a full 5 days and MOST things are put away where they belong.  Maybe a first for me as I don't know if I ever got things put away in St. Paul last summer.
We are into our annual fall Dr. visits to make sure we look good, the plumbing is working and the mind is kind of OK!!!
I have been pleasantly surprised with my tennis play.  Not great but really doing fine since I found proof that I did not have cement in my shoes.  Still not moving as I should but that will come.  It is so easy to hit the ball and then stand there and wait to see what happens instead of hitting the ball and then moving to where you think it will come back.
As of now our first match will be 2 weeks from today.  As I looked at the teams they are all different from the 2.5 teams we played the last 3 years so that should be fun.  It is always fun to travel to new clubs and meet new players.
Our weather has been a bit hot and a BIG bit humid.  Yesterday a record was set with a temp of 93.  As one could guess the temp here does not fluctuate as much as in MN.  It seldom gets below 70 for a high for the day and seldom get higher than low 90s for a high for the day.  This time of year the normal is 85-87 but the humidity has been near 100%.  When we play tennis at 9:00 one is soaked in a sweat by the time the first point is won.  With a starting time of 7:30 you may not be soaked until the 3rd or 4th point!
My goodness this weight of mine is not so easy to lose now compared to a few years ago.  It still can come off but the effort is much more.  I have a goal for the month of October so I will see how I do.  I have to learn to eat when I am hungry, not just eat because it tastes so good!  Perhaps it is called discipline which way too often escapes me!  I have been arriving at the courts a good 30 minutes ahead of a match and spending that time in the fitness center.  I am trying to warm up before I play to cut down on the chances of an injury.  Many guys get out of their car with racquet in hand and step onto the court.  Not a good idea at our age.
Enough for now as the FP is almost too cool to enjoy.

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