Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Here we are at November 1st, 2022

 It has been toooo long since I posted so will try to post how things are going.

It seems that my health is kind of OK.  My left side continues to be fine but my right side is slowly or not at all improving.  I can do everything with my left side but my fingers are somewhat numb as well as my right leg.  It does not impair me in any way so for that I am thankful.

I am settled in at 2094 Niles in St. Paul in my house which I am sharing with son Travis.  I GUESS I am getting ready for winter which I have not been here for several years.  Snow will be something I have not been in for perhaps 12 years and I can honestly say I am NOT all that excited about!

Terry is in GA near her daughter.  I have not seen her for several months and miss her terribly. From time to time I get the urge to jump in the car and drive to GA and I may still do that but I am not sure about driving 1100 miles!

You may ask why are we 1100 miles apart???  Well I had two strokes and Terry is in bed 24/7 so her daughter took her to be close to her and my kids brought me to St. Paul.  At my age I am not crazy about having others make decisions for me but it happens and that is life for now.

I am excited for Thanksgiving to come as ALL of the family will be here and that will be grand.  I just hope that the weather is good.  I will have to get a family picture for sure.

For now I am good.  I hope everyone is gearing up for the holidays and excited about them.  I THINK I am excited but really there is streak of sadness in all that has happened over the last many years BUT one needs to be positive and keep your head up as I try. 

To everyone who reads my blog I hope health is good and the holidays are a joyfully time.


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