Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March marches on!

My fancy "in" box is now empty!
Over the last few days I have worked at catching up on paper work and have been successful.  I even was so lame as to bring a box of papers from MN that should have been taken care of last summer.  But that is all history as you can see my "in" box is now empty.  I actually thought of upgrading the box to some fancy expense thing but then I knew I would not keep it empty as it would be so much fun to look at.  So it will remain some old some old "in" box.
I started the day off with a bang.  First I opened the thick bacon and placed 3 pieces (half pieces) in our copper fry pan.  After they were fried I oiled a large screw top from a quart jar and cracked a "cage free egg" into it.  At B B & beyond they have a device where you can crack the egg into but my screw top large jar thing works just fine.  As the egg was frying I popped in an original Thomas muffin into the toaster.  I am wondering if original means it is really old?  It looked fine so I ate it.  As the cage free egg was ready and the toast popped up I put together my breakfast.  First half a muffin, then my perfectly round egg, then a slice of cheddar cheese with the 4 corners turn in, then the thick bacon and finally the last slice of muffin!  What a way to start the day!!!  Oh of course I enjoyed my FP as I ate the sandwich and read the sports section of the paper.

I found out in a most unusual way yesterday that my leg is certainly getting better.  Before I drove over to the courts yesterday I picked up my brace, put my foot on the edge of the tub and snapped it on.  It felt good so I took my foot off the tub, stood up and there right before my eyes was my brace on the WRONG leg.  I thought what the heck I must be doing something right, aside from putting that darn thing on the wrong leg.  I shared that with Terry and then commented on how pathetic I am but of course it did not come close to being in the same ball parks as drilling a hole in the roof of the garage some years ago.  I am amazed because that is one of the reasons Terry loves me, I am so pathetic at times!!!

We spent some time with friends Betty and Carmen yesterday.  Yep there is another male Carmen just around the corner.  We went over for goodies at 3:30 and then went out to eat at 5:00.  The food was very good and of course I ate too much.  Carmen and Betty have a home in Michigan and they have come to the point where they still want to keep their home but they now hire some of the yard work done.  At 85 and 83 I would say that is a good idea.

I would give myself a B- in my journey to better health and less fat.  I started last Thursday so will weigh myself this Thursday and see what the scale shows.  My plan is to get up, walk around for a while so I can do my business, shave, pluck hairs out of my ears, wash the sleep out of my eyes, take off my leisure wear and then weigh myself with only my birthday suit on.  If anybody reads this please try NOT to picture the scene.  Anything to make that scale show as much progress as possible!  If it is really bad I may just weigh one leg.   I am guessing I will be disappointed, depressed and may have to go in for therapy!  No, not really but I will do better in the coming weeks.

I am now 28 days from my next Dr. appt which I feel will give me a new lease on life.  I am thinking that after April 2 my PT can consist of some jumping, running and things like that.  For sure I do NOT want to hurry things but still I want things to happen as soon as it is right.  Actually the one perk of this whole situation is a handicap tag for parking.  The down of that is here in Naples it seems 80% of the people are old and have that darn tag so most of the time all the parking spaces are full.  When I do find a space and use it I have to be careful to not get out of the car and run to the store like so many do!!!  I carefully take my cane out and tap the street in front of me as I slowly walk to the store.  Oh I make sure I have my brace on too.  With my luck the week after my tag expires they will come in and add another dozen spaces which I will not be able to use.

I find myself thinking a lot about people who are dealing with hardships.  There is Ben who had a very severe stroke, Deb who lost Dale, Hilda who lost David, Linda who lost Dave, Pat who lost David, Linda who lost Bruce and the list goes on.  How blessed I am and it gives me cause to do more, be more kind and be more compassionate to others.  Please know that "lost" means a person died, it does not imply people are careless and can't find their spouse.  I am not sure I needed to clarify that but I did anyway.
No, I just walked fast to the kitchen to get the last of the FP so will sign off and get some morning things done.

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