I made another HUGE deposit into our book account. We received a royalty check on Thursday in the amount of $26.93. I figured if I can keep that up we will hit the million dollar mark by the year 11260. As I looked at that figure I felt that was not doable so my goal is to recover our costs which will take until I am 102 at the rate things are going. As I looked at that figure I resigned myself to the memory of a fun time writing and publishing that book and leave it at that.😎
Today is packing day. My goal is to have 90% in the car by mid afternoon. I would say most is already sitting in the hall ready for boarding so the day should not be too busy. I do need to go over to the pro shop and say good-bye to Phil, the pro. He will be in the Twin Cities in August for a tournament so will see him then.
No, I smell the bacon and my FP, from the new shiny grinder, is almost gone so will sign off and greet the day with a smile.
Safe travels to you! Have a great trip! Love, Helen