Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13th, Friday!

Things must change, Henry beat me in table tennis and may be taller than Grandpa soon

Jude is one neat kid and he has the best smiles for pictures
Not much to say today.  Tennis at 7:30, Terry has a PT at 2:00 and maybe we can find some way to celebrate Friday the 13th!
I am enjoying my FP this morning but it is not the BEST.  The best, Kona, is safely tucked away as there is very little left and I need to save it for a special day.
I weighed myself yesterday and it was YES my weight is way down!  I suspected that the scale was in some kind of giving mode.  I weighed today and I was right about yesterday!!!
I got a mild surprise yesterday as I looked at my LuLu account. (my book was published by them)  On December 31st 14 books were sold!  How about that.  I think my take on those books will be a grand total of $13.95.  That inches me a bit closer to the million dollar mark--I figured that at the rate my book sold in 2016 the profit will reach 1 million by the year 15,349!
No, I may leave early for tennis and get some stretching in before I hit the ball.  I think there is enough FP left to take a cup along.

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