Sunday, May 25, 2014

On the road again

Terry enjoying a glass of wine in Dunedin

The state park we stayed at for 2 nights near PeachTree City

The oldest brewery in Florida
We are camped on the banks of a creek in NC just outside of Great Smoky Mountain NP.  We arrived at the park after it closed and the campsite we thought would be wide open had already turned away 20 campers.  SO it was turn around and travel back about 15 miles and camp.  It was one of those camping times one would like to forget.  Dark, in a strange place and no place to camp.  As I sit here this morning it is really beautiful.  Will post some pictures later.
We got Sam, Terry's grandson, graduated on Friday, took in the party Saturday and then we were off. Actually we made a bad decision in leaving when we did as we should have stayed around yesterday and left GA this morning but sometimes those things happen.  I battle the "want to get there thing" and need to change so things will be better next time.
As we drove in the dark last night we came close to stopping at a motel but thought better of it.  One motel we passed looked like it had 30-40 cycles at it.  Don't know if there is a cycle thing here this weekend or not but this morning too has been cycle after cycle.  As I write 14 just went past.
For some reason I can not get back to put a title on this posting.
FP (french press coffee) is all gone.  Got to drink it fast when you are sitting outside.

1 comment:

  1. You were in my home area near the Great Smoky Mountains NP. Sorry about the camping situation but people are pretty good. That Dunedin Brewery looked pretty nifty and hope the beer was decent. Safe travels along the way.

