It was a good day yesterday. We have had too too many things around here. Travis drove the Allante from FL to St. Paul last year and we thought we would sell it here. Well we waited until kind of fall and of course nobody wants a car like that for the winter. Also it is 25 years old and the tops go up and down manually which is not the in thing today. Well we put for sale sign on the windows and parked it on busy streets and yesterday, the third day, we got a call and it sold. It was a fun car to drive and would have been fun to keep but with a garage for one car and 4 of them here it just did not make any sense. Now a decision to sell one more or not.
On another note the garden tiller, which was purchased in 1972 found a new home. Over the years it had a new gas tank, a new engine and much more. Along the way the throttle stopped working, the crank case leaked and that list could go on for a long time. Well yesterday I spent about an hour trying to start it. Finally when I was a nanosecond from giving up it started. I wired the throttle open and was able to till what I wanted. It kind of slowed down as it went during the 30 minutes and when I was finished it whispered to me it kind of was done too!!! Terry made a sign, I wheeled it out to the curb and within the hour it had found a new owner some place. I have come to the conclusion that with me in my mid 60's it is time to get serious about some things that were accumulated since the 70's. If my math is correct the tiller was 40 years old and sadly there are other things in the same category. I guess the only thing that never changes is things always change.
We will spend some time today getting things in order for the camper as we will head north to Duluth tomorrow. Plan to take in 3 or 4 MN state parks on the way and get the little passport stamp in our book. Kind of fun to do little things like that. I think we have 8 stamps so far this spring. I think if we were to get all 72 stamps we would get a million dollar check from the state---well not really but I do think with 20 or something like that one gets a free night of camping. For number 8 we got a little cloth badge kind of like a merit badge.
Coffee done and something to eat on the way.
Boy do I know how things change!! You know that doing a convertible top manually builds character! I've been building mine for 12 years with the Miata. Some day I'll figure out what kind it builds! Made potato salad yesterday, thought of you. Need someone to help me eat it. Have a good trip and get lots of stamps! Love, Helen