Of the 28 shirts we had when I was doing Servant Camp this has to be my all time favorite. The SOL stood for Servants of the Lord which at that that time was the name of the Christian Community we were a part of. In 1982 I was 35, Allen Saunders 32? and Deb younger yet. We had no idea that SOL actually is in the dictionary and has another meaning. So why was it my favorite? It was our first, it was there for all to see how young and naive we were and the colors were nice!!! I post the shirt as camp is now only in my memory bank in many ways. It took place this summer with me on the sidelines and it was wonderful. How great is that when a person does something for 33 years, steps back and it goes on as if nothing changed. God is good. We took in closing ceremonies, the staff party and the community time towards camp. I was so thankful that God still is so alive, so present, so powerful in Servant Camp. I can now rest easy that what I invested so much in, time-money-heart, will live on and young people will continue to see God, hear God, taste God, feel God and know how loving and present he is when we invite him in.
Also here is Henry, the birthday boy today.
The weather this past week has been to die for. Better than deviled eggs, better than potato salad, better than a burger--better than one could ask for. The temps have been high 70's to 80 or so. The humidity has been low, the sun has been out, a breeze has been present and all has been perfect for a MN summer. One could almost forget that we probably will have hot and humid weather to come yet.
We had Terry's friend Norma and her husband Wayne over on Thursday night. We attempted to go for a bike ride alone the river but as we started out the chain on Terry's bike broke so we came home, changed bikes and went on a shorter one around the neighborhood. After that we took them to Luci Ancor's, which is a short walk away, and that was fun.
Travis invited us over to his place Friday for lunch. We ate outside in the cool shade of a large tree on their weed free lawn. After we ate we walked to the lake , maybe 50 steps!, and sat in the breeze coming off the lake and talked. It was a good time.
I finished trimming out the 2 basement windows, changed the washer dryer around so the doors open to each other but actually the highlight of the week was the garbage disposal!! I put it in about 2 months ago but the electrical underneath the sink did not work. Each time Terry wanted to use it she had to reach down, take out a cord and plug it in. Any time I would see her do that I would cringe because my history of projects not totally completed is long and painful. Yesterday I climbed under the sink and took out wires etc. Then Terry helped me find out which circuit breaker was for those wires. I then took out the fuse box that was there and attempted to go without it but no luck. Finally I dug out an electoral book from the 50's and in picture it showed me what I needed to do. Presto all we need to do now is flip the switch on the wall and it works. Finished, done, complete, in the past, all sound good to me.
I have discontinued my daily times with Jerry Wind as he has come so far in his rehab. We still want to stay connected weekly so yesterday I picked him up and we went out to lunch. As always the food was good and the fellowship was better.
We continue to work on things in the house. Terry has the kitchen cleared out and we will paint the walls and the cupboards. It almost is a waste of time because things are so so so bad and all needs to be redone but that is not in the cards, in the budget or whatever one wants to say so paint it is and later will come changes.
I ordered a new french press coffee maker. Ours has a broken spout but it can still be used. Amazon.com has good deals on metal ones that I could not resist. It will come this week. Perhaps life is getting shorter and I am getting older when a new french press coffee maker is so important!!!
We brought chocolate and coffee over to the Adkin household Thursday as Jude turned 2. He is just the happiest, funniest cutest guy at this time. He is a little boy, a clown, an actor all in one.
Today our oldest grandchild on the Lee side, Henry, turns 8. Wow he is getting so big, so mature and so handsome as he grows. Of course with grandparents and parents like his how could he miss!! I know that humor is perhaps over the edge. It was hard when John/Mary decided to move. It certainly was a Godly move, one that they needed to make but it is difficult to have the grand kids so far away. As Terry and I were talking about what to get Henry I said I was not sure as kids grow and change so fast I was not sure where his interests are now. I e-mailed John/Mary and it sounded like he still likes tools--my kind of guy. Really my kind of person is anyone who is a grand kid in the family.
Some time ago we planted one cucumber plant and I would say we have gotten at least 4 dozen cucumbers so far. Terry is in the middle of making pickles and has another batch in mind. Also have enjoyed Zu (spell?), squash and kohlrabi (spell).
We have a picnic planned for 11:30 with Cynthia/Mike and kids. Should be fun. I think we may take the pickup and bring Wallace.
The MN fair begins this week and we plan to take in 2 days. NO 13 nights of work from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM this year. Of course that means no free tickets either but the trade off is more than worth it.
Enough for now as it is time to shower, shave and get ready for church.