I will soar into the sky on Spirit Airline today at 12:50 headed for Minnesota and then on to North Dakota. I will board the plane with plenty of preparation as Spirit Airline is a no frills outfit and I am not sure but maybe, for the price, one has to bring their own oxygen. Well not really but they do take the "no frills" concept almost beyond possible. I did not want to pay for a seat. I did not want to pay for priority boarding. I did not want to pay for a bag and I did not want to pay to get in the fast TSA line. SO I probably will wait. Will probably get searched but I do know that I have a middle seat, 17B. It will be perhaps more than interesting to see who I sit between. When I looked at the seat selections that one could pay for it appeared that the plane may not be all that full but time will tell. With a 12:50 flight I think I need to leave here maybe at 10:30 as the airport is about 25 minutes. I then need to park in the long term parking and get to the terminal by maybe 11:15? They say boarding begins at 12:15.
My tennis racquet is taking a rest for 4 days. The last time I went 4 days without being on the court was summer when I did not play tennis. I will then play Tuesday and then my team plays away on Wednesday. Let's see if I can stay undefeated this winter as I am now 5-0. Of course that is NOT going to happen but as long as it continues it is fun. With 4 match tie breakers out of the 5 wins I am pretty much playing with fire I know.
I have really mixed feelings about this weekend. I do NOT like to be away from Terry. I also just feel kind of out of things often at these events. For sure there will be family and more family and it will be fun to see my kids and grand kids but actually for me I am always most comfortable at home or in small settings. I will do my best to enjoy. I often had different opinions than Grandma and that tends to spill over into the family as well. I am NOT saying I don't get along as I do but still IF I were staying home with Terry I would be happier and more comfortable. This is saying good-bye to the last of a generation which is interesting. My Mom died in 1984 if I remember right. Dad died in 1987. Grandpa Saunders died in 1990 I think. I may have these years wrong as I am terrible at dates and I am not going to take the time to look them up this morning. My point is Grandma is the last and she certainly outlived others by many years. In terms of uncles and aunts there are none living as well. Actually I had a first cousin die just a few months ago and she was 100. I did say cousin. My goodness the more I write here the older I feel. Terry's parents as well have passed away but she does have a couple of aunts living. It does make a difference as Terry is the second oldest in a family of 5 and I am the second youngest in a family of 6. Mom made a huge difference as she was the youngest by 10 years in a family of maybe 12? So one can imagine cousins on that side as well as aunts and uncles were/are a lot older. Cousin Arlene, daughter of Aunt Bertie, is living in Lidgerwood in a home and she is maybe 93 or 94 now. Enough of the old stuff.
I am pretty much packed and ready to go. I will double check things but I think the suitcase is almost ready to close. It is small enough to carry on as I just did not feel like paying $30 for a check in!
I will miss my FP for the next few days. One of Mark/Mary's in laws always has FP so maybe she will bring and share? Well to be honest this is probably not an event that one HAS to have FP and I might add I will be fine. However today I am now on my last half cup so ready to finalize packing for the Spirit Airline experience.
I will be back on Tuesday morning. I mean on the blog as I return to Florida about noon on Monday. One may not want to look at the blog for some time as I think I may have MANY pictures to post!
Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Oh my the good times keep on rolling!
OK so I felt my team could maybe win on all three courts but we came up a bit short. We did win the match but came away with only two courts wins out of the three. I would like to say I just am becoming a much better tennis player but that may be a bit premature. Ron and I played court 1 and fell in the first set 3-6. I actually felt we would win the second set and in game 2 the momentum shifted in our favor and we went on to win 6-3. They tended to come in close to the net after a shot so Ron and I lobbed several times which changed the entire game. After going ahead 5-1 we finally prevailed 6-4. So that meant, for the fourth consecutive match, I was going into a 10 point match tie breaker. Ron and I started like gang buster by going ahead 6-0 but tennis is tennis and often things tend to even out. We lost the next 4 points which meant we were only ahead 6-4. We kind of went back and forth from there and finally won 10-7. I do not know if I am temping fate but that is 4 straight match tie breakers and 4 wins. I will take it and hope the law of averages does not catch up with me soon. My team is now 7-2 in matches which is great. I will have to wait until next Wednesday to see if we can keep things going.
I will fly out tomorrow for Grandma's funeral. It will be a short trip as I fly early afternoon tomorrow and come back Monday AM. MANY family will be there so I am actually taking my 35MM camera for many pictures.
Naples weather continues to be great. Highs are in the high 70s and the skies are sunny so life is good.
We are waiting for the results of the two MRIs that Terry had over the weekend. It would be great to hear that all is well. No idea when the Dr. will call but I would think soon.
Not much else to say today. I need to finish doing the little packing I will do for the trip and that is about all for the day. NO tennis today and no tennis for a few days. I think the time off will be good for the body. My next court time is Tuesday so I will see if the rest is good or if I become rusty! I may have to have a double dose of FP tomorrow as I will go a few days without it. Today, I certainly had it and as usual it was great.
I will fly out tomorrow for Grandma's funeral. It will be a short trip as I fly early afternoon tomorrow and come back Monday AM. MANY family will be there so I am actually taking my 35MM camera for many pictures.
Naples weather continues to be great. Highs are in the high 70s and the skies are sunny so life is good.
We are waiting for the results of the two MRIs that Terry had over the weekend. It would be great to hear that all is well. No idea when the Dr. will call but I would think soon.
Not much else to say today. I need to finish doing the little packing I will do for the trip and that is about all for the day. NO tennis today and no tennis for a few days. I think the time off will be good for the body. My next court time is Tuesday so I will see if the rest is good or if I become rusty! I may have to have a double dose of FP tomorrow as I will go a few days without it. Today, I certainly had it and as usual it was great.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Again today???
Almost like my stance as I waited for the volley on the last point of our tie breaker! The ball sailed over my head and Greg and I had a winner, a match tie breaker at that! Well as I look at this guy he may not be 73, looks to be left handed and he has more hair so a person just has to use their imagination as I do not feel like going back to look for another picture!
Greg and I played court 3 on the 70+ team yesterday and got smoked in the first set 1-6. I thought really we are at least as good as our opponent but the result did not show that. There are times in tennis that things just do not go your way and the first set was an example. Our shots just landed out and their shots just in. If I hit a shot right at their weakest player he would hit it back and so that was the way things went. Different in the second set. All of a sudden our hits were in. They hit it long. When we hit it to their weakest player he hit it into the net. The result was a win in set two 6-4. So that meant a match tie breaker where you play to 10 points but you must win by 2. We prevailed 10-7 as the last ball sailed over my head for the win. Really I think they set up court 3 thinking they would win as one of the guys was very good and took at least 70% of the shots. I would often hear him compliment his partner when there was just an ordinary shot. He would tell him it was a good shot. That told me what kind of team they put together. One really good and one not so good as they felt that would prevail on court 3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that strategy, it just did not work for them yesterday.
I often go into the pro shop with a question for either Phil or Myke. Today my question is, "Are match tie breakers always LUCK?" I am in trouble if they are because in my last 3 league matches I have been in match tie breakers and won all three. If luck is involved I think I may be in for a DOWNER. I am hoping the pros will say usually the best team wins!!!
My team plays today at 2:00 at home. It is our first home match after 2 away matches. Ron and I will be on court 1. Ron is a machine in turns of keeping the ball in play. He will play deuce side and I ad. He covers the court really well and also has a good serve where my serve is maybe luke warm at best! Anyway it should be fun. I am having perhaps my strongest team yet on the court so I have hopes of a team win. Actually win or lose if a person is on the court in great weather it is always a WIN.
Enough about tennis. What else is there? The den here still looks like a hurricane went through so perhaps there is work to do here at home.
I am finished for this morning. Breakfast consisted of two eggs, a slice of ham and of course FP that was so so delicious. Enough
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
It was a good day so I guess 73 is not so bad!
I have heard of people who, as they get a bit long in tooth, want to forget about birthdays and even say they do not exist any more. WHY in the world would anyone want to:
not get several phone calls
not have a birthday cake
not have a lunch with their spouse
not get TWO new tennis hats
Yep, I think one should always embrace birthdays and celebrate. After all we do know many who can no longer celebrate birthdays so go for it! I received several phone calls and that was nice.
It was a good day. I am now saying that it is a GOOD thing to be 73. I know, I am kind of old but still not bad. Before I played tennis at 10:30 Terry and I went to the store as she needed to get some things and then we stopped at a post office to mail a package. It was court time at 10:30 and I was happy with my play. Even tho my partner and I did not win we played almost even against two players who I thought should have beaten us easily. Then it was off to lunch and of course we found a place where the birthday meal is free! After we came home Terry made me a cake. I do not remember the last time I got a birthday cake. I am guessing it was many years ago. This cake was a spice cake with vanilla frosting. It was delicious. I had to have a piece for breakfast. Why not, there is nothing wrong with celebrating the day after as well!
I will be playing on the 70+ team this morning at 11:00. Greg and I will play court #3. When I got the word that I would be playing on court #3 and with Greg I was put off BUT then I thought I will take it on as a challenge and make sure I have fun. Greg and I did play in the morning yesterday and we played pretty well together. Funny, I feel I am a better player than many give me credit for. Wonder if I am alone? Well in sports one is supposed to be confident right?
We should have great weather for the match with temps in the upper 60s. Tomorrow my team (60+) plays at home. I THINK I will put a good team on the courts so will see how we do. I have Karl and Rich on court #2 for the third week. I would like to move them to court #1 and move myself to court 2 but for now they want to stay put.
Oh my I woke up way too early this morning. As I tumbled out of bed the clock showed 4:20. What is a person to do? Maybe when I come home after the match a nap will be in order.
Here we are already almost into the second month of the new year and the new decade. Time does go by so fast. Ruby's birthday is coming up February 1st and I think I should get busy and make cards for way ahead. Last year I had all the cards made by the end of April. It was so nice to just go to the box and pick out the card instead of making it at the last minute. I will see IF I have the "get up and go" to get it done.
I had eggs with olives and cheese in them and then sausage on the side for breakfast. Of course there was the cup of FP too so I feel I am good to go for the day.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Here I am, according to stats I THINK I am an old man!
Yep, it is that time of year again. Some wise old man once said "old men dream dreams". I looked up the life expectancy of males in the U. S. and it is 76.6 years. So IF I am average I have 3.6 more years of life and tennis left AND woodworking. BUT I look at family like John M and he will be 84 this year (I might add on July 11-I got that correct John) which means he is WAY above average! Dad also lived well into his 80s so maybe, just maybe, I am justified in thinking my wood shop and the tennis courts may be my domain for many more years. On the court I have gotten smarter, really! If you don't believe me just call me up and ask!!! Well here is how I know. When I turned 70 the kids gave me a Fitbit which I wear when I play tennis. In 2017 I would regularly take 6000-7000 steps while I played tennis for 90 minutes. Now while I think I get to as many balls as I did back then I usually take 3500-5000 steps in 90 minutes. Why? Well of course I play smarter and move more without the ball which means I do not have to run after so many shots. Please keep in mind I said nothing about playing better, just playing smarter. However I also will claim that I am a MUCH better player now than 3 years ago!
So here I am an old man who struggles with a mind that often forgets or refuses to admit that he is old. Some of my problems that are self inflicted but NOT all:
So here I am an old man who struggles with a mind that often forgets or refuses to admit that he is old. Some of my problems that are self inflicted but NOT all:
- I tend to take maybe 2-4 naps a week. I know some people would say, "How is that a problem?" Well how can one get anything done when you are sleeping. Nobody could argue that!
- On the tennis court I sometimes beat myself up for not getting to the shot. Well the truth is one moves a bit slower at 73 than at 25. Oh, I forgot that I did not play tennis at 25.
- I exercise too little and eat too much. I know, that is a self inflicted problem that should be solvable but....
- Sometimes I forget when I am getting on my bike. NOW I need to tilt the bike, lift my leg over the seat and then start BUT at times I forget and the YOUNG way is to put your foot on a pedal, push off and lift your leg over the seat as you start. Well the problem with that is IF you don't lift your leg high enough to get it over the seat your pants catch and you are in big trouble. Guess how I know that!
- Now days I tend to wake up several times during the night. I think that may be an issue with old people. I thought about working harder which would mean my body would be more tired but I actually ruled that out as a bad idea.
- Well here is a problem that is NOT of my doing. I have a hearing loss. That means those darn hearing aids need to be working so I know what is going on around me. Well when I think of it the hearing loss can be good too. At Grandma Saunders funeral this Saturday there could be as many as 60+ grand children and great grand children--I may turn my aids off!
- AND those darn, double darn pills. As one ages it seems they multiple by the year. Actually I should not complain as Drs. tell us those pills give us a longer life but really they are a pain in the wrong place as taking them means you have to remember! I wonder how many of us remember Dad taking those Doan pills out of the green metal container. I think they were for his back.
- AND one must talk about those old age aches and pains. There is spondylolisthesis (and some people think I can't spell--google helps!) that sometimes tells me I had better be careful. If there is a pain in my lower leg and my toes curl I know I need to back away! Oh, the ankle that every once in a while just sort of caves a bit. Not to the point of falling but just telling my body to be careful. The right knee, sometimes it wakes me up at night just to say "Hi". AND that right shoulder, my goodness sometimes I think I may not be able to play tennis but then I get on the court and it some how doesn't hurt. The lower back, oh my sometime the ache cries for some relief. So life goes on and on with sometimes small and sometimes not so small reminders that you can run from a lot of things but not from aging.
- I think I could come up with several more problems but why? Life is good and to prove it here are some reasons I am so blessed:
- seven great kids and in laws
- 14 grandchildren
- a wonderful wife
- a home that is paid for
- the ability to enjoy physical activity
- great friends
- 3 super siblings and 5 extra special in laws
- living in St. Paul in the summer and Naples in the winter is wonderful
- I am by no means close to rich but I can have what I need
- a mind that still works very good (my opinion)
- a shop that gives me much pleasure
So here I am, at the ripe old age of 73 and still looking forward to much more in the future. I look forward to more travel, more home project (maybe less of this) , walks on the beach and rides on the bike, family time, MORE TENNIS TIME, and much more.
At times like this I often think of Grandpa Saunders and how he died of ALS. Lord I know you have plans and I know much of how we live our life is in OUR hands BUT please please spare me from ALS. I promise I will do my very best to accept what comes BUT...
So here it is close to 7:30. I had my ham and eggs, I had my FP so now I will get on the bike (leg over before I start) and watch a bit of tennis before I play at 10:30 I really should have ground some KONA for my FP this morning but thought I would save it for another time--maybe when I turn 74!
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The last of my kids grandparents--the story line
Chick became a grandpa at the age of 52 and he kind of thought he was a bit young to be grandpa. As the years went by he mellowed into the "grandpa' image but not too much!
Chic was wonderful man. He was a very good farmer, he championed the cause of the farmer like no other. Way back in the days of the start up of NFO (National Farmers Organization) he lamented the fact that you went to the store and there was a price on any thing you wanted to buy. If you were unhappy with the cost you simply bit your tongue and paid the cost or did not get it. The farmer, on the other hand went to the grain elevator and ASKED, "What will you give me for my load of wheat?" The Saunders milked cows and sold the milk to a business. I guess you would say they were dairy farmers although the most important money making part of the farm was the crops. NFO protested prices and for a short period of time Chic milked the cows and then dumped the milk in the ditch alone Highway 11 that went by their farm. I guess it is called protest!
One story about Grandpa Saunders. We were visiting for Christmas vacation and all the kids were home. In the basement of their home (the house Grandpa built) was the play area with a shuffle board pattern on the floor and a dart board on the east wall. Allen and I engaged in a game of darts and I don't remember who won, well maybe we did not finish BECAUSE in the middle of the game a wayward dart from my hand hit smack in the middle of the water pipe which was part of the furnace. As I pulled the dart out there was this thin spray of water shooting into the air!!! I do not remember how Grandpa fixed it but he was pretty good in his reaction to the incident. I never did figure out how that happened as I always thought I was fairly athletic! I mention this story because Grandpa was pretty well known to have a temper that could flair up in a second but really it would only happen if there was wrong doing or dishonesty going on. I could also tell of the time 3 cattle got out of the fence and wandered over to the neighbors corn field. Several of us chased those darn cattle for hours but could not get them out of the corn field. Finally Grandpa got his deer hunting rifle and the cattle became steaks and burgers, all three. I am thinking he insisted paying the neighbors for the damages of the cattle but am not sure about that.
I probably have said this in the past but will say it again. Grandpa started dealing with ALS in July of 1989 (I think that year is correct). He and Grandma spent his last 3 months of life (January-April) with us in St. Paul. ALS is a terrible disease and I often think to myself "Lord please do not allow me to come down with ALS". His description was "being a prisoner in your own body".
I usually do not play tennis on the weekend BUT am playing today at 9:00. A friend who likes to schedule me in TOO much has me playing. We both started playing tennis way way back in 2011 and often played singles in the morning as our level of play was pretty bad. BUT as the years have gone by his level of play has gone up and then leveled out. My level of play (I like to think) is still on the upward slope so now there is a gap between his and my play. Because of that I try to not play very much with him as the way to get better is to play against better players. So this morning is the first time in the last two weeks that I have played with him.
A side note. I enjoy reading the WSJ as there are usually a few interesting stories in it. Today a short story about Jeff and Paulette from CA. They have been convicted of a Ponzi scam taking $900,000,000 from people. The government auctioned off 148 luxury vehicles that they owned. Now what can a couple do with 148 cars??? IF they drove a different car every day each car would be driven twice in the year plus some. I wonder how they figure in the oil changes?
I miss my swimming pool times during the day but with this weather it is just too chilly to heat it.
I think I intended to get some messes cleaned up in our den yesterday but what the heck nothing happened so maybe, just maybe today? I often wonder if I inherited my messiness from Mom or Dad. Well maybe neither and it is just me. As I have visited Joan, Helen and Dave I see none of that but then it could be they just pick up before I visit. No actually I am pretty sure they are much much better at being neat and nice than me.
The scrambled eggs are eaten, the FP is gone and I am ready for the day.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Back to warmth
One could hardly talk about Dad without having a picture of perhaps his favorite thing-hunting. I will not say anything else about Dad's interests except to say hunting may have been what he lived for! But I would be remiss if I did not mention some of his skills. As young man in his early 20s he spent 2 winters in Aberdeen SD going to mechanic school. That meant he could take an engine apart and fix it with no trouble like the time Dave and I drove the truck without any anti-freeze! He also wired our house and barn as well as some neighbors. One has to mention his photography skills and his athleticism as well but he was beyond sports when we grew up. I should add that he also loaded all his big rifle ammunition and often for friends as well.
But one story about Dad. We had neighbors to the north, Bert and Eleanor. Their farm was right on the lake shore and certainly was a picture like setting. Bert had cattle and he farmed land to our north. Bert was really one nice guy but he had his downfalls and that was drinking (not kool-aid). We would see Bert in his field working hard and perhaps going too fast. Dad would say, "Bert is going on a bender!" He was usually correct. Bert would go to Geneseo and hang out in the bar for several days at a time. I am sure while there he had great friends and maybe even solved may world problems. One day Eleanor walked down to our house (a half mile) and asked for Dad. There was something in the family that Bert had to be at and he had been gone for a few days. Eleanor asked if Dad could drive to Geneseo and get him. Dad, being the good neighbor, said he would do that. The story goes that when Dad arrived at the bar to get Bert he was less than cooperative and less than in a good way. Well according to Dad it took one swing which landed squarely on Bert's jaw and Bert came home while profusely apologizing all the way. That is what good neighbors do, right?
Not a whole lot going on. I do play tennis at 9:00 today and Terry has a luncheon gathering I think at 11:30 at the club. Tomorrow she will have the first of two MRI appt with the second one on Sunday. Trying to get to the bottom of some of the pain she has. We are hopeful this will tell us.
I could add that I have made a mess of the den here. Everywhere you look there are papers and messes so maybe I need to address that. MAYBE!
I decided to pass up breakfast this morning so will see how that goes. I am thinking I should eat when I am hungry and not eat just because it is a certain time. Would that be a way to lose weight?
FP is history so I will sign off for today.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Some warmth today, but not much!
Today it is about Mom
I would say that there are not many, if any, moms we know who did so much with so little. I actually think she may be the BEST definition of "selfless" as she had little to give but what she had she did not hang on to for self.
I am guessing that seldom did Mom have much money in her purse. I am not sure but I think the girls got her purse after her death and there was a little change.
Well Mom had a chance to have some money after her brother Jim died. Jim never married. He lived with Grandpa Sampson until grandpa died and then at some time he moved in to live with his sister Bertie. I don't ever remember Jim farming himself but he owned the land "down south" that we farmed for him. I have no idea what happened to his land when he died and I think most of his money (I have no idea what he had) went to Bertie as he had lived with her and Obert for some time. Well Mom did get a few hundred dollars from his estate. What did she do with the money. She spent it all on herself-NO NO. She purchased a sheep skin throw/rug (ours was hot pink and served as a cover on the piano stool for a long time) for each of her children. That said everything about Mom. Someone you would want to emulate in so many ways. Mom, thanks for who you were and how you raised us kids!
Well tennis was fun yesterday and not only because we won all three courts. Elton and I played court #1 and won in a tie breaker. It was 6-4, 3-6 and 10-6 in the tie breaker. Of course it was fun to win but our opponent was just fun to play against. They were fair, they were competitive and they were willing to go back and forth with comments. It added to the fun as there were about a half dozen people watching and the talk went back and forth from spectator to players. We also won court #3 in a match tie breaker. So I think we have played perhaps the two weakest teams in the league and we stand at 5-1 so really it is off to a good start. Time will tell as we go forth during the season.
I feel like I am on an island today, just by myself. I got the word yesterday that I will play next week on the 70+ team and AGAIN on court #3. The guy on my team that I played with yesterday is also on the team and he is playing on court #1!!! Sometimes I ask myself if there is a reason some of the tennis people don't like me. I use deodorant everyday, brush my teeth everyday, pretty much wear clean clothes but still.....I don't know. Maybe, just maybe a ship may come by my island and rescue me or is it that I am not on an island but maybe feeling sorry for myself??? I guess either way I will go ahead with my life and be happy.
Enough. I had my FP this morning and it was extra good!
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Several "no shows" on the courts today
I am not playing this morning as we have a match this afternoon. I did however bike over to the courts to see what was happening. Even though the computer schedule had the courts fairly full there were many empty ones. Why? Well it could be because as I rode over the temp was 37!!! On the news last night they said if it got to 37 it would be the coldest temp in the last 5 years. I had on long pants and a pull over jacket and still the bike ride was chill. It is only maybe a quarter of a mile or even less so no big deal but still unusual for here this time of year.
There have been e-mails flying all over the place as Al, Deb, Mark and spouses try to button down details for Grandma's funeral which takes place a week from this Saturday. I will take the time to relate some stories of parents, mine and Gail's over the next few days. Today we recall Grandma Saunders.
There have been e-mails flying all over the place as Al, Deb, Mark and spouses try to button down details for Grandma's funeral which takes place a week from this Saturday. I will take the time to relate some stories of parents, mine and Gail's over the next few days. Today we recall Grandma Saunders.
Perhaps in the early 2000s
Grandma had written a note to say she was coming down for a visit. She would be coming into St. Paul on the bus on a Thursday. It was not often she came to visit and for sure she had not been down much since Grandpa died. Gail got things ready including changing things in the den as Grandma would be sleeping in our room and we would take the den downstairs. As usual, Grandma arrived in grand fashion with a new color to her hair BUT the same suitcase and clothes she came with the times before. After exchanging hugs at the front door I picked up her suitcase and started upstairs. Grandma quickly said, "no". I will be in the den. Now in Grandma's defense she and Grandpa had made the den their bedroom the last 4 months of Grandpa's life BUT that was in the past. I turned and said "Grandma we are putting you in our room upstairs." Things went down hill from there! She flat out refused to be in our bedroom and I said something like it is our house, you are our guest and we will have you where we think it is best. Within 30 minutes or so we were on the road on the way to Allen's place in Hastings. I should add at Grandma's insistence. Such was Grandma, a gal with a strong opinion and a will to back it up! I am sure the situation said nothing about me!!!
Grandma, the last in the family of a generation that lived through wars, the depression and much much more. Even though I did not always agree with my parents or Gail's parents they certainly are missed and I hope that my generation can be as resilient and strong as they were. I am also convinced that my kids do not always agree with me either. Many of their generation lived from the horse and buggy days through the days of flying coast to coast or continent to continent was no a rare occasion but rather an everyday occurrence for some. I wonder if any generation of today or tomorrow will see those kind of extreme changes. AND if we do can we adapt?
I already have a few butterflies as I think of the tennis match. I know, that sounds strange but it is true. Today is a match I feel we could win again as we did last week but we will see.
The FP is finished and I am out of words so will stop for today. Tomorrow a story about my Mom.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Darn darn, double darn
In the store a couple of days ago I saw a BOGO (buy one get one free) for potatoes. I enjoy hash browns for breakfast so I purchased two--only had to pay for one! When I was putting them in the freezer here at home I realized I had purchased tater tots and not hash browns. Now who in their right mind would eat tater tots for breakfast. I do admit I MAY but not with intent! So Terry and I had some for lunch and they actually are very good so I guess all is not lost. Now as I sit here and write I say to myself, "With all that is going on. Death, life, snow storms, bitter cold and the list is perhaps endless what is so important about buying the wrong potatoes? AND I answered myself by saying nothing really.
For Naples we have chilly weather this morning. When I walked outside with the garbage can and then picked up the papers my phone showed a temp of 45. We are supposed to only get up to 62 today which is about 10 degrees cooler than normal. I would say NO heated pool for some time. I play tennis at 10:30 so it should be OK by then. We have our second week of team tennis tomorrow. My best player is not available so I had to change my lineup. I still have hopes of winning at least 2 courts but we will see. We play 3 courts. The 70+ league that I am in play today but usually I play every other week and am not playing today. It is a home match so I may go watch some of it.
Darn I do have work to do around here and just have not gotten to it and I currently have no books to read. Maybe the library is a place to go today.
This may be one of the very few weeks where neither Terry or I have any appt we need to go to. Actually Terry has one on Saturday and then again on Sunday. She will be getting 2 MRIs and for insurance purposes you can not get 2 in the same day. Strange but true.
I am finished for this morning. I may put a jacket on and ride over to the courts just to see who is playing. Well I can go on line and see too but I could use a short ride and some COOL air.
I had pancakes with maple syrup and a side of sausage for breakfast and now my FP is almost finished so I should be good to go for the morning.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The end of a generation
I received word that Gail's mother, Marian, died yesterday. She is the end of a generation. She was 3 weeks shy of her 99th birthday. Marian had been blind for many years and had been in failing health for some time. She was one of a kind. We had our great moments and some not so great with Grandma so enough said about that. BUT I feel I am in kind of a funk today and it is, I suspect, the fact that NOW I am one of the old generations! That sounds kind of weird. OK so I was #5 of 6 children in our family so there are still several members older than I BUT still of parents, uncles and aunts there are none living. I have kind of the same feeling as I had after Dad died. After Mom died Dad put us kids through some pretty interesting things but still when the word came out that he had pasted away there was this empty feeling that lasted for some time. I guess it is part of life as we age and become "the older ones!"
I will fly to St. Paul for Grandma's funeral but as of yet I do not know when it will be. I suspect it may all take place this Saturday, January 25th but I have not heard. I think all of my kids will be there but again I have not heard from all of them.
I played tennis at 9:00 today so that is history. There is plenty to do around here IF I can get up the energy! I had a terrible night as I woke up many times and then finally at about 7:00 I got out of bed with a headache. I took pills and went down for another hour. Maybe a nap is in the afternoon schedule! I do know the FP is gone.
I will fly to St. Paul for Grandma's funeral but as of yet I do not know when it will be. I suspect it may all take place this Saturday, January 25th but I have not heard. I think all of my kids will be there but again I have not heard from all of them.
I played tennis at 9:00 today so that is history. There is plenty to do around here IF I can get up the energy! I had a terrible night as I woke up many times and then finally at about 7:00 I got out of bed with a headache. I took pills and went down for another hour. Maybe a nap is in the afternoon schedule! I do know the FP is gone.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
A day to reflect
I feel like this is a day to look back on life and what it is. Why? Gail's mother Marian Saunders is in her last days. I received an e-mail on Friday where Allen said she had not had anything to eat or drink for 2 days. Well that means she will enter into eternal life any time. I actually googled about near death and it says a person can live up to 8 to 10 days after having nothing to eat or drink but on average death comes within 3 days. Well it looks like Grandma is above average as she approachs end of life. This brings me to remember events I have been part of as people leave this life for another. In some cases I was very close and in others not so much but:
- Perhaps the first recollection I have is of Mom's dad, Grandpa Sampson. It was always fun to visit him in Veblen as he lived with uncle Jim. I do not know what year he died but I do remember how sad Mom was. I thought she must have really loved her dad
- Uncle Jim died not too long after that. He owned the land "down south" that we farmed. many of my memories are of Jim coming down when we were harvesting his crops. He would climb up on the end of the truck and take a small handfull of wheat and chew it into gum! When we harvested it was the first truck load to Jim and the the second to home. It went that way until we were finished with harvesting. I remember Jim moved in with his sister Aunt Bertie after Grandpa Sampson died. Jim was a life long smoker and I remember in his last days he struggled with emphysema as he could hardly walk up the stairs at Berties. Of course I remember Mom getting a small amout of money from his estate and buying lamb rugs for all her children. Of course she did not spent any of the money on herself.
- One of the most tragic deaths was of course cousin Robert who died in the hunting accident. Oh my goodness the memories of that are still fresh. It was not a good thing for a boy of about 7 or so to be in the home where the body was for a couple of days! Robert was a freshman in high school.
- I remember the death of Grandpa Lee while Grandpa and Grandma lived in Cayuga. Dad was so very sad as he pretty much looked up to his dad. I believe I was in the 6th grade.
- Sometime when I was in high school our neighbor was killed in a jet crash right on the bank of the lake. He had taken a flight over his parents farm near the lake and for some reason his jet crashed. Oh my but the talk of the areas was BIG.
- Of course the most devastating death in our family for me was Ronald. That late dark Friday night as I drove home from a football game. The next day, about mid day Mom and Dad came home and they were almost in a trance. His death hung over our home for many many months.
- Grandma Lee went into the hospital in Veblen about the time I graduated from high school. I wish I still had the $20 she pressed into my hand the last time I saw her. I spent many many school nights at her home in Cayuga when it was so late and Dad did not drive to get me. Memories that are still fresh.
- Then came February of my freshman year in college when sister Joan called and asked if I could baby sit Esther and Bob as Janet had the flu. After letting some air out of the tires of my bike as it was icy and snowy I biked to south Fargo and spent the day there. Ron and I did take her to the hospital that afternoon as she was not getting any better. She died shortly after that. Memories for sure that are still fresh.
- There was taking care of Grandpa Saunders at our place as he suffered from ALS. From late January to the first part of April was heartbreaking. One night his body went into convulsions and all he could do was scream. We called 911 and when they came a shot was given. He was taken to the hospital and clung to life for several days. THEN it was Allen, Grandma and I transporting his body to Lidgerwood in our van. Oh my how times change.
- I received a call as family was at a meeting. Dad had called and Mom had died in her easy chair as she sat in front of the TV watching her favorite show. It was a Sunday. I drove to Veblen that evening. We will not get into the state of mind that Dad was!
- It was the spring of 1997 and Dad had been put into a different wing of the home he was in. I had gotten more than one call from him saying he was a prisoner and wanted to get out. The call came from Joan that Dad had died.
- February of 2009 changed my life forever. Gail was diagnosed with recurring cancer and we had to make decisions. Treatment or not. She went in for her first treatment and it put her in bed for 3 days. She said "no more. I want to be healed BUT if that is not God's will I want to feel as good as possible for as long as possible." As the months went by her health declined and by late August she was pretty much confined to bed. She entered eternal life September 14th. I maybe could write a book about growing wheat grass!
So life comes and life goes. As Grandma Saunders enters her last days it also is pretty much the end of a generation. I have no uncles or aunts living and not many cousins on Mom's side as Mom was the baby of the family by many years. AND my generation is kind of gettin "long in tooth" too as among my brothers and sister the ages are 69, 72, 75 and 77. John M. and Glorine both will be 84 this year. Enough said, right?
No tennis yesterday or today and that is good. I got word yesterday that one of my best players will not be able to play this week. That changes much of my lineup and I am not sure how to do it. I will put out the changes today but as of now I am not sure just what I should do. We are playing a team that we have won against in the past so it would be nice to win again! I may just leave courts 2 and 3 as I put it out a few days ago and then add a player to be with me on court #1 and see how that works out.
We have one more 80 degree day and then we may be in the 60s for 3 days. No swimming "for sure".
FP is almost gone but it is now cold so need to warm the last couple of sips up.
Friday, January 17, 2020
A success "for sure"
Well Terry and I had our first Villa pool party last night and I would say it was wildly successful. As always there was a great variety of food and people! As we started eating I counted 32 and I know several came after that. Several commented on how much they enjoy these gatherings and one gal even said as she walked the last few days people would stop her and ask if she was coming to the gathering. It started at 4:30 and Terry and I did not get home until 6:45 or so. It was nice we had help with setting up and taking down which is always appreciated. Our next one, in February, will be the 20th and we will grill brats and burgers on site. I will have to see how difficult it is to get our grill over to the pool. It is only a few houses away but the Traeger grill is a bit more difficult to move than our Weber was.
I was really happy to have our turkey turn out great. Terry thought it would be a good idea to grill our last turkey and bring. I sprayed it with oil and then put a seasoning on it. After smoking it for an hour I put more seasoning on with melted butter and then grilled it at 275 for about 4 hours. Several people mentioned how moist and tender it was. I think I like our Traeger! An experiment that worked out great.
No it is time to dress and hit the courts for my 7:30 match. I see it is getting light out and I think we still have warm temps for a while. In the 60s for highs Tuesday and Wednesday but for now we still have temps in the 80s.
The FP is gone and I am out the door.
I was really happy to have our turkey turn out great. Terry thought it would be a good idea to grill our last turkey and bring. I sprayed it with oil and then put a seasoning on it. After smoking it for an hour I put more seasoning on with melted butter and then grilled it at 275 for about 4 hours. Several people mentioned how moist and tender it was. I think I like our Traeger! An experiment that worked out great.
No it is time to dress and hit the courts for my 7:30 match. I see it is getting light out and I think we still have warm temps for a while. In the 60s for highs Tuesday and Wednesday but for now we still have temps in the 80s.
The FP is gone and I am out the door.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
On a roll!!!
Yes sir, that is me and that is how I feel this morning!!! I think I must be among the best tennis players in the world. I have now won my first 2 matches which makes me undefeated for the year! "For sure" I am going places in the tennis world! Wait a minute, I think I just had a dream!!!
OK now for the truth. Yes, I am 2-0 in league play in 2020. BUT perhaps I should add that I have played against mediocrity opposition and that is "for sure". After winning Tuesday on court #3 against a team that was a 2.5 at best I won again yesterday. Yes, I did actually play court #1 on a 3.0 level team yesterday with Ron as a partner. As I have said in the past Ron can cover almost the entire court with ease and did so yesterday. We won 6-1 and 6-2 and really it could easily have been 6-0 and 6-0. I am absolutely positive that I will not play against a team like that the rest of the season. So yes the first paragraph was a dream and as most of us know dreams are often what we wish or want and not what really is. I would say that I am a better tennis player today than a year ago but still at the age of 73 (almost) if I were standing among 100 guys my age on the court I would be closer to the top than the bottom but actually not all that much! Still a win is a win and yesterday was fun. WHY NOT LIVE THE DREAM FOR A WHILE??? My team won 2 of three courts so we won the match. On court #3 my players were down 1-5 in the first set and came back to win 7-5 BUT then they ran out of gas and lost the match in a tie breaker.
Terry and I host our first villia party this afternoon. It is a bring an item to share. We are doing a turkey so I need to figure out when to put it in so that it is done by 4:15 with the party at 4:30. "For sure" not a good idea to bring a turkey that is not finished cooking or the other way to bring a turkey that is over done! We bring the tables, siliverware etc. and then go over early to set everything up. We do 3 or 4 events a winter and it seems like people enjoy them. I have tennis at 9:00 so will bring things over after that BUT first I need to google "turkey on the Traeger grill" to make sure I have my timing right.
Naples has wonderful medical facilities BUT at this time of the year they are so so busy. Terry had a Dr. appointment yesterday and the Dr. wants a couple of MRI pictures. The earliest they could schedule them was 11 and 12 days out! I mean there are many places that do MRI images and I am sure they can do many many a day and still that far out.
We are looking at a cool down weather wise. Next Tuesday and Wednesday we will have highs in the mid 60s. I am guessing the pool heater goes off again. It is so so nice to jump in the pool for a short while after tennis but when one has visions of the meter going around really fast it kind of takes the fun out of it.
Word came out that Grandma Saunders seems to be failing healthwise. She has had several episodes of being unresponsive and it seems that the end could be near. Her 99 birthday will be February 6th so will she make? The family is planning a birthday party for her February 1st. Of course we never want to lose a loved one BUT in Grandma's case she has wanted to enter into eternal life for some time now. I guess Deb has been by her side the last couple of days. Lord, for Grandma's sake, please take her soon.
Enough for today. I have not eaten breakfast yet but my FP is almost gone so will sign off.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
A good start, kind of!!!
So my partner Terry D and I won our match in the 70+ league yesterday. I should be happy and I kind of am BUT. I think of all the matches I have played in the last 3 years our opponents yesterday were probably the weakest AND we lost the first set! If Terry was not hitting it into the net I was hitting it long it seemed. The first set was 3-6 and I could not believe it. Finally we righted the ship and went on to win set two 6-1. To me that seemed like a fair score as we were certainly the better team, I thought! Well with sets at 1-1 you go to a 10 point match tie breaker. We prevailed 10-3. Before we started I thought to myself IF we lose this tie breaker maybe I should retire from tennis! Not really as I have experienced tie breakers as not going to the more skilled team but rather going to the team that is on some kind of run. Tennis tends to go in streaks. I remember last year we lost the first set something like 4-6, went on to win the next set 6-1 BUT lost the tie breaker so one never knows. As I said yesterday Terry D and I tend to NOT play well together so getting the win was a good thing and a nice way to start the season. One of the team members who did not play yesterday was there watching. He laughed as he told me he overheard one of the guys bemoaning the fact that they won the first set but lost the second! I guess each of us have our own thoughts as to the level of skill we play tennis at.
Today my team plays at 1:30 and it will be a very different kind of match. My team is a 60+ so the players tend to be younger, faster and better. I have put myself on court #1 with Ron who covers almost the entire court with ease so we will see what happens. I am hoping that our match does not go long as Terry has a Dr. appt at 3:30 and she can not miss that. Come on Ron, let's win in good time!
I have had limited success in losing weight. I love bread and have not had any for a few days and I think that helps. IF I can lose 10 pounds that would help me on the court and maybe make me a "fast slow" guy!
Enough--breakfast was 2 eggs, 4 small sausage links and my FP so I am ready to go for a bike ride.
Today my team plays at 1:30 and it will be a very different kind of match. My team is a 60+ so the players tend to be younger, faster and better. I have put myself on court #1 with Ron who covers almost the entire court with ease so we will see what happens. I am hoping that our match does not go long as Terry has a Dr. appt at 3:30 and she can not miss that. Come on Ron, let's win in good time!
I have had limited success in losing weight. I love bread and have not had any for a few days and I think that helps. IF I can lose 10 pounds that would help me on the court and maybe make me a "fast slow" guy!
Enough--breakfast was 2 eggs, 4 small sausage links and my FP so I am ready to go for a bike ride.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
And they are off!
Today is the beginning of the winter tennis league for me. I am on a 70+ team that plays on Tuesdays. I think I will play on that team maybe every other week. I am scheduled to play today and it will be interesting. The captain has paired me with a guy I have played with in league maybe a dozen+ times over the years. I do not remember us winning once, maybe once! My partner was on my original team in 2015 and then in in 2018, I think, opted to stay at the 2.5 level as I brought my team up to the 3.0 level. I will give it my best shot and we will see what happens.
Tomorrow my team, the one I captain, plays our first match. We play a new team in our league, Sterling Oaks, and they are only a hop, skip and a jump from our club. I have high hopes for the match so we will see what happens. I have had high hopes in the past and it ended up to be kind of LOW hopes so it is a wait and see!
Our warm weather continues for at least the coming week. It looks like temps will be in the mid 80s for a while and I think our normal would be mid 70s. With a temp of 85 and humidity high playing this afternoon should be a challenge.
Tomorrow my team, the one I captain, plays our first match. We play a new team in our league, Sterling Oaks, and they are only a hop, skip and a jump from our club. I have high hopes for the match so we will see what happens. I have had high hopes in the past and it ended up to be kind of LOW hopes so it is a wait and see!
Our warm weather continues for at least the coming week. It looks like temps will be in the mid 80s for a while and I think our normal would be mid 70s. With a temp of 85 and humidity high playing this afternoon should be a challenge.
I am pretty sure I did not post this before. Here is Terry's grand daughter Tori at her college graduation. Tori is Terry's third grand child to graduate from college and each of them has gotten a blanket, personalized, from us. It is a fun gift. It is a throw flannel blanket that is comfy to have. We find old pictures to put on it. One can do a lot with Shutterfly! Tori is working at the college she graduated from for this winter and hopes to start med school in the fall. She wants to specialize in an area of medicine that would allow her to reach out to people in countries who have less than us.
In February one of Terry's very special friends from her senate days will be here for a visit. Norma and Wayne are coming to Florida to visit some family in Tampa. They will drive here, 150 miles, and stay I think 2 nights. Wayne has purchased spring training tickets for a Twins game while they are here. They are a special couple. IF Terry and I can kind of be like them at their age I will be more than happy. I bring it up because we have a TV that is on top of the dresser in the guest room. Terry would like it mounted on the wall so that is my current project. The TV is not huge so I purchased a bracket that mounts on the wall. Well the way it mounts it needs to be in the middle of the space as the dresser is between the window and a wall. Of course there is NO stud in the middle of the space. I cut a piece of plywood, painted it and will mount that attached to the studs. Then the TV can be mounted to the plywood. I know it sounds like an easy fast project but for an old slow guy it takes time of course! I think I am ready to mount the plywood to the wall. I borrowed a stud finder from a guy close to us so I THINK I have it down pat! Maybe I can get that done this morning as I am not playing tennis until the team thing this afternoon. Some time ago I decided that I just could NOT play twice in a day when I have team competition. I say that and guess what? I played at 7:30 yesterday and then again at 10:30. I don't even like to do that but I had a 7:30 court and then someone backed out of a 10:30 match and the guys playing were some of the better players that I have been trying to get in with for a couple of years. I felt I needed to play and after playing I would say I played as well as anyone at the 10:30 time. I would never think I am better than I am, right??? Well it did not do my body any harm to play twice but I would just as soon not do that very often.
Enough, the FP is pretty much gone and I am into the morning.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Warmth is back as we expect mid 80s today
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A kerosene barrel with a pump on it |
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I am guessing this is a picture from many years after I left home as the granary was bad when I was living at home but not really as bad as it looks here! |
Saturday, January 14th, 1956
It was a cold snowy day (not like in the pictures!) and I was grateful that we did not have school as I was pretty sure Dad would have had us walk even though it was cold. Some how he felt that the cold did not make any difference as one could walk fast to keep warm. I don't doubt his logic BUT still I did not like it! Dave and I had some chores to do but I knew we would still have a lot of time to play games. After the milking was finished and breakfast was done we needed to bring in kerosene for the living room stove. We thought this may be the last time as Dad had actually worked on putting a large barrel on the north side of the house. He still did not have the line through the wall into the living room but he said he would do that soon. BUT for now it was bringing kerosene into the house. We would pump a 5 gallon can full and then carry it into the house through the front door. One had to be really careful because if you spilled any the house would smell kerosene all day. SO with a 5 gallon can that had perhaps 4 gallons and 3 quarts we would carefully walk into the entry way, through the kitchen and then around to the back of the stove in the living room. The stove did sit on some kind of pad so if one did a tiny spill as you were poreing a person could wipe it up. Well to be honest we had NO carpet in the house so even if you spilled on the way through the kitchen it could be wiped up but it still would smell. If we full of energy we would carry 2 cans in and that would last more than a day. As I struggled into the house with the second can I thought "why does Dad not do that TODAY". I knew the barrel on the back side of the house was 55 gallons so when that was ready to go and if we wanted to fill it with several trips the kerosene duty could be done on a Saturday and then maybe nothing for an entire week. The kerosene was brought to the farm by Art, the oil man. We had perhaps 5 or more 55 gallon barrels in the granary. they were in the main part of the granary as one went through the front door. (As you can see there was doorway with NO door). The granary had several rooms in it. By the time I left home I am sure there was not a dry room in it as the shingles went missing on much of it but in 1956 there were 7 rooms and a few were relatively dry. To the right there were two rooms and the one in the back was where we had a tepee kind of metal hood and that is where we put the tiny chicks when they arrived by way of the mailman Fritz! To the left there were two more rooms and they were not used for anything. The back room had the least shingles so when it rained it poured. As you entered the granary there was a large space with two smaller bins to the right and left. Both of them were pretty much dry and the one on the right was where coal was shoveled into when Dad purchased that. The space in the middle was where the kerosene barrels were. That is where they were lined up with one pump. When one barrel was empty we just took the pump out and put it into a full barrel. On this day I made up my mind that when Dad got that line into the house I was going to make sure that Dave and I did all the work in one day and then we would not have to carry kerosene for about a week. I was happy about that as I did not like the job. I tried to keep one pair of mittens just for that job as they always got to smelling kerosene in a big way. In fact I usually kept them out in the granary so they would not smell up the entry which is where our separator was for the milk. It was also where we hung all our coats and hats so to have smelly kerosene mittens there was not a good idea.
This day Dave took the first can into the house and I took the second. That would keep us toasty warm until Sunday afternoon or evening. Maybe by that time Dad would have the line from the north barrel into the stove but then I would not bet on it!
If I remember right it was sometime late January before Dad got his part of the work done. But then, really, can I remember way back to 1956 and come up with details--your thoughts are as good as mine BUT I promise the facts in this story are true but the details may be another story!
This day Dave took the first can into the house and I took the second. That would keep us toasty warm until Sunday afternoon or evening. Maybe by that time Dad would have the line from the north barrel into the stove but then I would not bet on it!
If I remember right it was sometime late January before Dad got his part of the work done. But then, really, can I remember way back to 1956 and come up with details--your thoughts are as good as mine BUT I promise the facts in this story are true but the details may be another story!
Friday, January 10, 2020
It was a harrowing night!
August 13, 2007
It was one of those summer days that one can not forget. I awoke early in the morning as I was so so used to doing the paper route that had ended just a month past. The clock showed 4:30 AM and I did not want to get up but as I tossed and turned I finally decided sleep was out of the question. I tiptoed down the stairs and quietly opened the front door to see if the paper had arrived. It had so I ventured out into the yard to get it and as I walked out into the night it felt like the air wanted to surround me and hold on tight. In the kitchen as I took the paper out of the plastic bag I thought this day feels like a storm. After my FP with heavy cream was ready I settled down to read the sports section with the idea that I would catch up on e-mails later.
With an omelet downed and the FP history I suddenly decided that I needed to get out and about for some exercise so I hopped on the bike and headed towards the river as the sun begin to bring light to the day. Oh my the dark morning had seemed heavy but now it seemed even more so as I headed towards the Lake Street bridge which I would cross and come back home on the Minneapolis side. By the time I arrived home, about 6 miles later, I was soaked with sweat and as I looked towards the east where the sun was supposed to be bright and shinning all I could see was a dark cloud which made the morning seem almost like dusk.
I did not accomplish much that day. We turned on the window AC early in the day and I spent some time in my wood shop but really it was too hot and humid to do much. We watched the weather and it said that storms were a good possibility so we should keep an eye on the weather. In western Minnesota there had been a few tornadoes but they did not touch down.
Darkness came with no relief from the salty humid weather. About 10:00 PM I was sitting on the couch which was against the north living room wall when suddenly there was a loud crash and something brushed against the window behind the couch. I quickly opened the shutters and there were leaves and branches against the glass. I could not see much through the window but my thought was a branch must have broken off from the maple tree in our front yard and brushed up against the house. Little did I know at the time that the entire Maple tree had crashed down.
A minute or so later the phone rang. Judy and Mark lived next door, to the east. Mark had been having serious health problems so Judy was in charge of the home and yard. Well I am guessing that Judy had been in charge (in a good way) of most things in the family for some time. Anyway her voice was quivering and there was panic in her voice. She asked if I could come over as the tree had fallen against their house and they now had water coming in from the second floor. She said they could not get out their front door as it was blocked with a tree. I hurried out and in the pouring rain and darkness I could see the situation was not a good one. I went in the back door and hurried up the stairs to see what had happened. Before I did that I told Judy to call 911. When I got up stairs I found a large branch in one bedroom with water pouring in through the hole. It seemed only a few minutes until the fire truck came. The first thing they did was to shut off the electric power as they wanted to prevent a fire. The firemen helped Judi calm down a bit and then she was able to call a friend so that they could leave the house for the night. Luckily the rain did not last too long but there was water damage on both floors.
Judy was at the house bright and early the next day and she certainly did a wonderful job of getting things to happen. The tree clean up, the house fix up and ALL the details that had to be taken care of lasted well into the fall. As for our car we got somewhere in the $2000 range for a damaged roof top!
It was a night to remember and and night to be thankful for everyone's safety.
I got lazy for breakfast and perhaps a bit unconventional as I cut up pieces of ham and mixed them up in a dish of Terry's delicious scalloped potatoes which she made a few days ago. Well I would say potatoes and ham are fine for breakfast, right?? Now it is a bike ride and then tennis at 10:30 today. I am wondering if our pool will be warm enough for a swim later. I turned the heater on this morning as it is supposed to get up to 83 today. The pool goes on about 9:30 and stays on until about 4:30. Not sure how much it will heat up today as this morning the temp is at 68. I know, 65 years ago that temp would be fine but NO MORE!
My FP, with heavy cream from costco, is at the end so will dress and get on that bike.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
A new picture for an old post!
Some time ago I wrote my store about making night stands for the boys while we were still in Devils Lake. I did find a picture of one well actually I took a picture of John's when I was in South Bend after Christmas. Here is what it looks like at the age of 44 years old! The initials are still on and all the knobs are there. It actually looks good. One would be hard pressed to find, today, a stand that is made of 3/4" oak inside and out! I admit that it is NOT fancy but it looks like it has stood the test of time and is still in use. If think it is in the boy's bedroom but not sure.
I am home from the tennis courts this morning as I played at 7:30. Tennis is a funny sport. Some days one plays like your game is great. Your serves go in and the ball always seems to land IN. Other days the serve is mostly OUT and the ball lands outside of the court much of the time. Today was one of those days where the ball seemed to have eyes for the IN court! Rich and I played a couple of guys where the match should have been pretty even. We won 6-2 and 6-1.
Then after playing I walked over to the club house as I had looked at our bills from the last few months and found that we had been charged $52.00 for something in June when we left here May 19th. I do not often look at our club bill because we are not here during the summer months so there certainly should be NO charges. I think I need to look at it every month. Of course they gave us credit.
It looks like we will hit 80 this afternoon so we may put the heat back on for the pool. AND it looks like all the way until the 18th our temps should be well into the 80s which makes heating the pool not so expensive.
I need to get out and pick some oranges as there are several on the tree that are ripe. They are sweet and good. I think this year is the most we have had on the tree for a few years.
I am going over to the courts in a few minutes as Phil, the pro, said he is giving a lesson at 10:30 to a guy who may be a fit for the team. I am always looking for good players. I am also on the 70+ 3.0 team. (My team is 60+ even though about half are 70+) We play our first match next Tuesday. I have been paired with a guy who I must have played a couple dozen team matches over the years and I question if we have won any. We just do not play well together. I sent a message to the captain and said I would be fine playing but he should know that we are not a good team. Will see what happens down the road.
My team plays on Wednesday and I will have my best players on the court so we will see what happens. We are playing a team that was not in the league last year so I have no idea how good they are. It should be fun.
Enough for now. Time for a short bike ride.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A week from today the winter tennis league starts
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Mary and John, the hostess with the most |
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Uncle Travis, unusual to not see nieces and nephews around him |
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Amy and Aaron |
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Mary and John's Christmas card display |
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Audrey, it was fun helping with the rib sauce! |
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Looks like a happy Ruby--she will be 9 next month |
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Lord, thank you for all our blessings |
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cousins hanging out together--Jude, Ruby and Elspeth |
It is picture day today!!! The cousins, and siblings, had a great time together in South Bend the weekend after Christmas. There was:
- an afternoon at the Salvation Army water park
- outdoor fun
- great donuts on Sunday
- Grandpa's fudge
- delicious smoked/grilled ribs
- Grandma's or great Grandma's creamed potatoes
- lefsa on Sunday afternoon
- games pretty much all day
- meaningful conversation
- AND the list could go on and on
It certainly is a fun thing to see the cousins spend time together as there is 500 miles separating them and time together is precious. As I interacted and observed I had to think about history. As I tried to go to sleep on Saturday night I thought back on 1969, 1971, 1973 and 1980. Now here we have kids who are 50, 48 and 46 and 39. I missed seeing Cynthia/Mike with their 4 youngest as they stayed back in the Twin Cities and I am guessing maybe got a little bit of extra rest! One has to be careful as life has a way of flashing before your eyes and then disappearing into the distant. So it was a reminder that one should "live in the present as tomorrow it will only be a memory"!
I could add some thoughts one our changing world here. I get the Wall Street Journal 6 days a week. Today there was an article about women and men who want to have children but are not interested in marriage. There is a website that one can use. The website gives people options for having children and then the two people making arrangements as to how they raise that child when they live apart! They give different ways a woman can choose to become pregnant and then where things go from there. They did not mention if it was important for the child to have a mom and dad at home everyday. Well I know there are many families where divorce happens and families are separated BUT to plan that out ahead--I would say it is NOT a good idea in any sense of the word. I would say that my parents world and my grandparents world was far far from perfect BUT some of what one sees today in the world is scary "for sure".
I could add some thoughts one our changing world here. I get the Wall Street Journal 6 days a week. Today there was an article about women and men who want to have children but are not interested in marriage. There is a website that one can use. The website gives people options for having children and then the two people making arrangements as to how they raise that child when they live apart! They give different ways a woman can choose to become pregnant and then where things go from there. They did not mention if it was important for the child to have a mom and dad at home everyday. Well I know there are many families where divorce happens and families are separated BUT to plan that out ahead--I would say it is NOT a good idea in any sense of the word. I would say that my parents world and my grandparents world was far far from perfect BUT some of what one sees today in the world is scary "for sure".
I am having one of those "Why am I a captain of a tennis team?" weeks! I have 10 guys on the team and for the first time ever, on the 3.0 level, I think I have a very competitive team. So what happens? One guy, maybe the most skilled player, starts giving me vibes that he may think he is too good to be on the team! Here I have my lineup decided for the first 3 matches and IF he opts out things are in a scramble again like in the past. After a few e-mails I am left with decisions. IF he really does not want to be on the team but will persevere does that do the team any good? If I just say to him that he should just drop out is it fair to the team members who want a good team and know he is an important part? I could spell out other options too but it has me wondering if this "captain" stuff is worth it. I met with one of the guys on the team yesterday to discuss things. Then I happened to run into Myke, who is one of our pros. I said, "IF the pay wasn't so good I would quit". Of course the pay is ZERO as anyone knows! I then said "The only thing that makes this worth while is I know the club pros view the captains more favorable than others"! She said you are wrong. We both laughed. Anyway that is what I have been dealing with over the last few days. In my mind it is difficult to separate my feelings from what is best for the team. ENOUGH
Today is the start of a warming trend for the next 10 days. Starting tomorrow we should have temps in the 80s for a while. That means it makes sense to turn the pool heater on again. With the air temps in the 60s-mid 70s one goes out to look at the pool dials and all you see are $$ going around!
It is 9:00 tennis today with some of the better players so that should be fun.
Enough for today. I just stepped on the scale and I think I will skip breakfast this morning!!! Well I must have the FP but NO bacon, eggs and hash browns.
Today is the start of a warming trend for the next 10 days. Starting tomorrow we should have temps in the 80s for a while. That means it makes sense to turn the pool heater on again. With the air temps in the 60s-mid 70s one goes out to look at the pool dials and all you see are $$ going around!
It is 9:00 tennis today with some of the better players so that should be fun.
Enough for today. I just stepped on the scale and I think I will skip breakfast this morning!!! Well I must have the FP but NO bacon, eggs and hash browns.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
64 years ago today
It was a Saturday and the end of Christmas vacation was near. On Monday, January 7, it would be back to school. I am wondering if Dad will drive us or if we will have to walk. The mile and a half is not that far but it has been really cold. Today it is supposed to get up to 20 but then down to below zero tonight. Even though we have today and Sunday left of vacation it seems as if it is at an end. Ronald had come home from Ellendale college for a couple of days but he said he needed to get back as he worked at the Ford dealership and the after Christmas season was always busy. Janet had been home for several days but she is living with the Popp family for her board and room as she goes to high school. She said Mrs. Popp asked if she would come back on the 2nd as the Popp Gambles store would be busy after Christmas and therefore she could us Janet at home.
So here I was, getting out of bed kind of late and wondering what Dave and I should do today and tomorrow. We would not be going to church tomorrow as we had services every other Sunday and tomorrow it would be services at Palestine and not at Bergen. Dave and I had played games all day on Friday and I thought maybe we were kind of "gamed out" if that was possible. I blew rings of cold breathe up towards the ceiling with its frost covered nails and contemplated what to for the day. I had gotten a pogo stick for Christmas and had spent a lot of time trying to master it BUT still, after almost 2 weeks of trying I could only get half way to the barn before falling. We had very little snow on the ground so maybe I could practice today again. Sledding, behind the outhouse, was out as we had made a path with the sled down the hill but warm weather around the new year had kind of wrecked that. We did have a puzzle that as of yet had not been put together. Or, I could sort out my new baseball cards but then I had done that many times, it seemed like a hundred or more! Dave had already gotten up and I kind of hoped he had felt ambitious and gone out to milk the cows without me but then I heard Mom talking to him about what he wanted for breakfast. Why in the world she would be asking was beyond me as he was always happy with a mixing bowl of Corn Flakes or Wheaties! For me I would want the eggs with chokecherry syrup on but then that would take more work from Mom.
Finally I climbed out of bed and in a few seconds had my clothes on and ran down the stairs before I got frost bite. I exaggerate as that would never happen BUT it was COLD. Much to my disappointment I see Dave eating Corn Flakes when I get downstairs. That means two things. He has NOT milked the cows and Mom is in the living room knitting which means she has NO intention of making eggs. As I sit down at the kitchen table to eat I ask Dave what he wants to do today. Before he answers I let him know that I do not want to play Monopoly as that darn game went on forever yesterday and I admit I lost big time. Dave comes up with the suggestion of that new puzzle but we need to talk to Mom and Dad first. IF they are going to develop pictures tonight they will be using the kitchen from dark on and there is no way we could finish the puzzle, which we do on the kitchen table, by dark. AND if we put in hours on the puzzle we do not want to take it apart only to start all over again later. So we finally decide that between the Lincoln Logs and Dave's erector set we can keep busy. I do not want to say anything but in the back of my mind I know I have to practice that darn pogo stick. It seems that over the last week or so I have been stymied. First there was too much snow on the ground and then I just kind of hit a brick wall and did not improve. My goal when I got it for Christmas as to be able to hop on it from the front porch to the barn door without falling off. Really that seemed like a tall order but I felt it was doable.
Saturday and Sunday really went too fast as I was not all that excited to get back to school. On Sunday I did make it to about 10 feet from the barn before I fell off. (By the end of winter I was going to the barn, turning around and coming back without falling. I felt like a success)
Here I am in 2020 now and it is about 10:15. I need to get to the tennis courts as I am trying to get some playing time in with a new guy on the winter team.
So here I was, getting out of bed kind of late and wondering what Dave and I should do today and tomorrow. We would not be going to church tomorrow as we had services every other Sunday and tomorrow it would be services at Palestine and not at Bergen. Dave and I had played games all day on Friday and I thought maybe we were kind of "gamed out" if that was possible. I blew rings of cold breathe up towards the ceiling with its frost covered nails and contemplated what to for the day. I had gotten a pogo stick for Christmas and had spent a lot of time trying to master it BUT still, after almost 2 weeks of trying I could only get half way to the barn before falling. We had very little snow on the ground so maybe I could practice today again. Sledding, behind the outhouse, was out as we had made a path with the sled down the hill but warm weather around the new year had kind of wrecked that. We did have a puzzle that as of yet had not been put together. Or, I could sort out my new baseball cards but then I had done that many times, it seemed like a hundred or more! Dave had already gotten up and I kind of hoped he had felt ambitious and gone out to milk the cows without me but then I heard Mom talking to him about what he wanted for breakfast. Why in the world she would be asking was beyond me as he was always happy with a mixing bowl of Corn Flakes or Wheaties! For me I would want the eggs with chokecherry syrup on but then that would take more work from Mom.
Finally I climbed out of bed and in a few seconds had my clothes on and ran down the stairs before I got frost bite. I exaggerate as that would never happen BUT it was COLD. Much to my disappointment I see Dave eating Corn Flakes when I get downstairs. That means two things. He has NOT milked the cows and Mom is in the living room knitting which means she has NO intention of making eggs. As I sit down at the kitchen table to eat I ask Dave what he wants to do today. Before he answers I let him know that I do not want to play Monopoly as that darn game went on forever yesterday and I admit I lost big time. Dave comes up with the suggestion of that new puzzle but we need to talk to Mom and Dad first. IF they are going to develop pictures tonight they will be using the kitchen from dark on and there is no way we could finish the puzzle, which we do on the kitchen table, by dark. AND if we put in hours on the puzzle we do not want to take it apart only to start all over again later. So we finally decide that between the Lincoln Logs and Dave's erector set we can keep busy. I do not want to say anything but in the back of my mind I know I have to practice that darn pogo stick. It seems that over the last week or so I have been stymied. First there was too much snow on the ground and then I just kind of hit a brick wall and did not improve. My goal when I got it for Christmas as to be able to hop on it from the front porch to the barn door without falling off. Really that seemed like a tall order but I felt it was doable.
Saturday and Sunday really went too fast as I was not all that excited to get back to school. On Sunday I did make it to about 10 feet from the barn before I fell off. (By the end of winter I was going to the barn, turning around and coming back without falling. I felt like a success)
Here I am in 2020 now and it is about 10:15. I need to get to the tennis courts as I am trying to get some playing time in with a new guy on the winter team.
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