Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Good bye February 2018

Yes, good-bye to February!!!
Of course I should not complain about this month.  For me I am feeling better as my leg is on the mend to some degree and I am still up and about.  BUT for sure February has been difficult for many reasons.

  • Terry is still hobbled by that darn foot.  She had an MRI yesterday and we are hoping it gives us some answers.
  • The paper this morning had the headlines, "This February in Florida is the warmest on record".
  • I have mentioned before but to sum it up 5 family/friends died this month.  That is difficult.
  • The traffic in Naples is, in my opinion, is about 140% of what it has been at it's worst in the past.  I would say if one is going some place that should take 25 minutes it will be at least 40+ and that makes going out no fun.
  • What the heck I purchased new hearing aids and then lost one in the first 3 weeks.  The good part is there is one replacement free so my warrenty is up!
Terry and I had a fun time last night.  Our neighbor John took us out to a dinner/theater kind of thing. Terry had a terrific time and it was fun for me too.  The theater was two guys acting and singing along the lines of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin.  Those kind of social times bring out things in me that are kind of pathetic.  I am not sure anyone else notices but for me I feel like a farmer in a city situation!  I know I never was a real farmer but I grew up on one and perhaps still have some of the rural life in me where social skills and knowledge of things are lacking at times!!  Not sure that makes sense but it is what it is.  There was dancing and I am not a dancer BUT I would have last night except for my leg.  Terry danced with John and had fun.  I could tell that some of the evening John had his mind on his life when he and Diane would go out and dance.  The food was very good.  As I glanced around I know John, who treated, put out a bit more $$ than a McDonald's outing!!!  Actually he expected company this week and had purchased the tickets but his company became sick and did not come.  Their loss and our gain.  The music was mostly OLD time songs that I had heard but did not know the words.  Terry pretty much knows most of those songs.  In her childhood she was into music and I was into baseball and sports.  I would say Terry and I probably do not do enough of that kind of things so it was refreshing for sure.  By the end of the evening my leg begged to go home and my body said I may have overdid the day a bit as I awoke about 5 or so.  Anyway today is a new day and I did not get out of bed until 6:30 so that is good.

We have a home tennis match today.  Weather shows it should be 83 by the time we play.  Ouch!!!  We are on the down swing for the season but I am already looking and planning for next year.  Partly because I plan to be able to play and partly because we have used this season to settle into the 3.0 league.  {we were 2.5 last year and there is a world of difference in the level of play}  I would say I have maybe 6 players at 3.0 and the rest are a bit below.  It would be nice to add a couple more players next year that could compete on court #1 but we will see.  I have to be careful to balance the competition and the fun part.  I admit that sometimes they get a bit unbalanced and one could guess to what side!

I don't remember if I mentioned that our villa party last Thursday was a success with 29 people showing up and having a good time with super food.  After some of the villa meeting drama last year we did not know what to expect.  One more in March and that may be it for the season.  Terry and I have to decide if we want to do our burger/brat thing.  People have enjoyed it in the past but not sure about getting the grill over to the pool.  

I continue to do PT twice a week and then have sore legs for the other 5 days.  I guess that is par for the course.  

French toast is gone, french press is gone and this is a Norwegian saying it is time to get to work.

Monday, February 26, 2018

I can't winWn

What can I say, it's Naples!!!
I just can not win.  Last Thursday I deposited my HUGE royalty check from my book.  For the last several months it totaled $22.64 and I was happy.  It brought my retirement account from my book up to a level where I could now go out and buy a used bicycle as long as it was not too fancy.  I read in the paper this morning that Michelle Obama's book will come out this fall.  She signed a prepublished deal for $30,000,000.  I give up as I can not compete with that kind of unfair edge.  Perhaps I should urge Terry to run for president and being the first woman president she would be more famous than she is now.   I could write a book that would BEAT Michelle by a wide margin!!!  I would name the book "Wineing and dinning in the White House while I watch Washington DC go by".   Of course that is assuming Terry could win but what the heck, she won two senate races in Minnesota so why not go big time?  I would be by her side and offer advice if she asked.  BUT I have to admit I would spent most of my time playing golf or tennis.  Might even go for rides on my Bentley bike if the secret service could keep up with me.  No if I keep this up I might qualify for being a member of the "dreamers".
I have PT this morning and I am still sore from last Thursday so not sure what to expect today.  Last week I did not ice so today will be sure to do that as soon as I arrive home.
I checked out 3 books from the library last week but not sure I am up to reading one which is about President Grant and goes for 900+ pages.  I started another book which is one of these "I don't have to concentrate to understand it" books.
Oh my the FP is down to a drop and I need to dress as I am going to the courts this morning to watch some of my team play.  I fool a lot of people and these guys think I can give them tips to be better tennis players---I will try but some of them have played longer and better than me.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Last Sunday in February of 2018

Bagels anyone?

Pretty much any topping you would like!

Over half the team came to bid farewell to Bill who is fifth from the right.
I guess it is about time to wrap up this month.
Above are most, but not all, of the tennis team and wives who came to our gathering yesterday.  I would say a great group of guys and gals.  They come from Delaware, Illinois, New York, Michigan, Minnesota,  and Vermont.  Their professional lives vary from scientist for the US government, CFF of a fortune 500 company,  commercial real-estate, lumber guy and finance.  But on the tennis court they are teammates and friends.  Fun to be with and fun to play with.  It is a lot of fun to see a team come from nothing to being competitive on the court and enjoy each other off the court. I think I have said in the past that we are on the down hill swing in the league and I am expecting and hoping that we can end the season on a positive note.

On the home front I am struggling to stay on the bright side of my leg.  It is just too darn easy to be on it too much.  Yesterday I was so so sore from PT on Friday.  My right leg was worse than my hurt left leg, go figure.  The leg seems to be doing fine so it is difficult to not use it too much.  The legs ached to the point of 3 IB yesterday but I do not like to take too much of that.  This too shall pass.
I am hoping the the month of February contains all of the bad new for the year.  Five deaths, one in his 50s, three in their 60s and one 90.  On top of that a friend down the street has flown to his home town of Cleveland to doctor with a serious kidney issue.  When I asked Joe's wife how he was she said "bad".  He has only one kidney and that appears to be shutting down.  We will wait and pray.  As I have told so many people, my leg is no big deal when you look at the big picture!

I am at a loss as to what to do.  Here I am, almost 11 years into retirement and I have so many things to do I do not know where to start.  I am getting ahead of myself but I am already thinking ahead to this summer and trying to prioritizing project on Niles ave.  There are the new kitchen windows to prime and paint, the living room to fix and paint, the stairs to replace, the bathroom to finish, the guest bedroom and sunroom to finish, projects in the wood shop to work on and enjoy, some things on the garage to fix and as I list them I am already tired!!!  Oh, I am positive there are many many more.  AND to make matters worse I have come to the point where I would much much rather be in my wood shop than doing house projects!  That does not bode well for getting things done!  Oh I almost forgot but Terry would like more garden boxes!

As I look to this week it seems that it is not too busy.  I have PT on Monday and Thursday, a home tennis match on Wednesday, I need to watch some guys play Monday at 8:00 and then I have a appt on Tuesday.  Other than that I should have some time to work on taxes and continue to get some order to our paper work.

Sundays are a day to kind of look back and reminisce but I have come to the conclusion that I am tending to do that too much so will forgo that today.  I have enjoyed my pot of FP and will now get on with other things for the day.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The last Saturday in February

The above quote is the famous words often spoken by Terry and the guys loved it!

Kind of a busy Saturday.  About 14 people will come over this morning as one tennis player is not coming to FL next year.  Terry and I wanted something before he left so we will serve bagels, juice, coffee etc at 10 AM.  Should be a fun morning.  The guys have become a real team where there are friendships, competition, and also much improvement in most everyone's game.

I was going to leave my FP until the guys and gals came over but I think I could use a cup of java right now!

Got a not and a picture from sisters Helen and Joan.  They have been in Mexico for a week now and I must say they almost look like they have been behaving themselves.  I am not sure about that but the picture seemed to show that.  I suspect Helen sent the picture so she can come back and say I told you we would be good BUT of course we all know pictures can be doctored!

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Terry and I are doing our first villa party of the season this afternoon.  Last year we did 4 but for now we may settle for 2.  Rain is forecast but we will see.  I think it is a go.
I am finding out what it is like to reintroduce my leg to usage and it is interesting!  I get tired but am doing well.  For the most part it is home without brace and out with brace and cane.  I think people look at me kind of funny as I walk pretty normal with that cane but Dr. said it is needed to check ahead for uneven surfaces etc. 
My tennis team did well yesterday but I need to keep in mind that it was two cellar dwelling teams fighting it out.  We won 3 of 4 courts so for the second week the guys got a jolt of confidence to go forward.  I may have said this before but in the last 4 matches of the season I THINK we can bring home 7-9 points of the 12 up for grabs.  Less will be a bit disappointing and more will be a mountain top experience!!!  It is still, and maybe always will be, difficult to sit and and watch but it is what it is so will try my best to be happy and content and thankful to be able to do that for now.  Come May 1st life will change for the better😀.
Enough for now as there is still some work to do for the party tonight and then on Saturday we will entertain some 12-16 tennis players in the morning.  Got to get these things in as life moves fast!
Of course the FP provided pleasure this AM so none for now this PM.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The day after

Just a reminder of what is to come in a few months!

I would post a picture of my 11 inch scar which looks great but people may not be interested!!!
Yesterday was my first day "post" walker.  I am fine but I admit I over did it.  I had PT at 7:45 which was tiring, then Terry and I did some shopping at Costco and then I had an appt at 3:00 PM.  As I arrived home from the library after PT I was exhausted and my legs were tired.  I was able to stay up until 9:30 which I felt was a victory because the night before I headed to bed way too early.  The freedom to walk again in a normal way is overwhelming.  Sounds crazy but it is true.  This morning as I looked at e-mails and my FP needed refilling I just got up and walked to the kitchen rather than stand, turn my walker around and hop.  Then with a full cup of coffee I needed to travel the distance back to the computer slowly and carefully.  NO MORE.
We tackle the second half of our tennis league today.  Our opponent is the "kissing cousin" kind of thing as we share the bottom of the league!!!  Really the standings this winter do not make any difference but I feel today is a time to show improvement IF there is any!  I feel we are a much better team now than in January but we will find out today.  Of course you never know what kind of team will show up.  Here there is tennis, family visiting, trips and much more so the question is what kind of team will we play.  Last week they were 0 for 3 in their match but I have no idea who showed up and who will show up today.  We will see in a few hours.  I do know that because we asked for a 4th court they said we should share in the cost of drinks and snacks so for 2 extra players and one extra pitcher of beer we give them a $20 bill!!!  Unusual but I do want to get as many guys on the court as possible.
I look at my calendar on the wall near the computer and see that February is slipping away.  A week from today we say farewell to February and a week from tomorrow we welcome March.  When I look at the weather on my phone and see places like South Bend, Madison, Cayuga, Rapid City and more I really wonder if we are in late February as the temps look too cold but then perhaps March will bring warmer temps.
Enough for now as the FP is gone and I will go to the courts for a short time.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


I wonder if anyone can tell what the Dr. said yesterday?   He said pretty much what I had hoped for.

  • The leg looks good!
  • The brace stays but now it is unlocked so it moves with my leg and NOT at night.
  • I have a follow up appt in 6 weeks and at that time he will allow me to begin much more activity and probably throw the $700 brace in the gulf!.
  • He was a bit apprehensive about me not wearing the brace at night but I assured him it would be fine.  Of course I need to be careful but YES I will as there will be NO more hamstring injury.
I go in for PT at 7:45 this morning and will begin some exercises on the hamstring.  They say I need to learn to walk with a normal gait but I think I can already do that.  I told the Dr. that things would be fine as I am extremely athletic.  I don't think he believed me, I wonder why???  Maybe it is because I don't believe it either!
For Terry and I we have kind of a busy week.  Yesterday it was Dr. appts and neighbor John coming over for dinner.  Today I have PT and we need to do a Costco run.  Wednesday we have an away tennis match and then a meeting in the late afternoon.  Thursday we have our villa pool party.  Friday I have another PT and then on Saturday we host a 10 AM gathering for a tennis guy who will not be coming down here next year.  Instead he will spend time at Gulf Shores in Alabama which is much closer to his north home in Michigan.  I realize it does not sound like a whole lot but for a couple of people who really do not have much going on in their lives it is a packed week.
Actually one of the super things Dr. said yesterday is I most likely will be able to get on the tennis court by the first of May.  Granted it may be "take it easy" but just getting out would be wonderful.
FP is bottoms up and I am done.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Maybe Sundays are a time to remember too!

School year of 61/62
I hated my hair as it came straight across my forehead.  Now I do NOT have the problem but then I thought I may forever be like that!
Sundays are often a time to sit back and reflect on life as it is today but also as life has BEEN and even maybe as life WILL be.
This has been a difficult month in terms of family and friends.  There was Dale's and David's funeral yesterday and then this week there will be another David's and Anne's funeral towards the end of the week.  So what is one supposed to make of that?  Not sure of anything except maybe a person needs to be READY for the after life at any minute.  David O. had brain surgery, came out of it and was fine.  Then a short time later he had a stroke and died.  Anne was in her 90s and well beyond a life that resembled most of her years.  We often do not want to say it but there are times when death is best for the person and for family.  That does not diminish the loss that family feels.  David T. died of a heart attach at the age of 77 I believe.  Dale was only 67 and the cause of his lung disease is not known.  His brother had a double lung transplant about a year ago so perhaps it is in the family.

But regardless of age, health or other factors death is difficult for family.  We long for loved ones to remain with us forever but I feel that is why God gave us minds to keep memories close.   My prayers go out to spouses who have lost loved ones.  Especially Deb as she now has the weight of the farm on her shoulders.  She is a very capability person but I imagine there are many many details to take care of in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.  Of course she has family and they will be a big help but in the end it falls on her.

I am not counting but there is 1774 minutes/106,440 seconds until I find out more from the Dr. about my leg.  If I have to wait in the waiting room for a long time before the appt I think I just will get very angry!  For sure that would help, right?  So far I have 9 questions for him and they range all the way from "why very little pain from day 1?"  to "when can I get on a bike and ride?"  No need to mention tennis as I KNOW that is way way off in the distance.

I will spend some time this morning reading the Bible and then reflecting on God's grace.  It is so good and so rich and one has to be careful to find it even in the most difficult situations.  Even when we feel down and out He is there for us.  Most of us could maybe count on one hand or two hands the number of people in our lives who are there for us at the most difficult of times.   I know so many of us have many many friends but really when we are in the most need how many are there?

I had to laugh this morning as I read the Parade magazine.  It had things that a person could buy that are new and different.  There is now a suitcase with 4 wheel drive.  It just motors along side you as you walk the mile or so in the airport.  Then it also has a battery that will charge your phone.  It is a steal at $1000!  When I read things like that I think of my Mom and Dad and what they  would think about things that are in our world today.  Mom would probably say, "Ufda".

About some memories that I am thinking about today:

  • band trips in HS, they were always a fun time
  • getting comments about my book, always fun to hear them
  • national park after national park, they are a treasure that we all should enjoy
  • the dogs on the farm and I remember Tiny and Benny the most
  • the sad sad day we dropped a pipe on our puppy and had to put it away
  • my pogo stick, out to the barn and back
  • milking cows in the dark of winter with beady cat eyes waiting for a squirt
  • using rocks for shot puts, for baseballs and for many other things as we drove the Ford tractor pulling the rock wagon around and around and around
  • mowing the lawn for the first time after Dad brought home a lawn mower and Mom was so thrilled
  • cleaning up the old pig barn foundation that had, in my mind, stood as an eye sore for way too many years on the west side of our yard
  • playing with baby calves
  • bouncing the ball against the south barn wall and pretending I was a major league player
  • taking a shower in the "fancy" one we helped Ronald make when he and Glorine stayed with us for a summer
  • learning to water ski behind John's or Ronald's boat
  • biking up to the lake and back with no hands
  • football games in HS as it was so fun to hit people
  • little league baseball games with Mr. Murry coaching
  • winning the boxing championship in Lidgerwood and getting a little pin for it
  • the many travels Terry and I have done and none more exciting than Alaska although China was interesting with a sick twist
  • winning every tennis match last fall and winter
Enough for now as the FP is history and there are other things to do the rest of the day but memories, I could go on and on as I know anybody could.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Are weekends made for memories???

An article in the Naples paper triggered some memories
I think it was the fall of 1962 and our Sargent Central band went to march in the homecoming parade in Ellendale ND.  It could have been 1961 but Dave was still in school and I do not think he was there.  I think I was a sophomore at the time.  John and Janet were there but I can not remember if they lived there or if they had come for the weekend.  John asked me if I would like to drive around in their corvair.  Oh my I thought I was king of the hill and one hot guy.  The car was not like this but perhaps a bit older, I am not sure.  Anyway it was a grand day for me.  Not sure but I thought my friends were jealous.  No girl friend at the time so maybe it was a sole ride, not sure again!!!
One day closer to my Monday Dr. appt to see IF I can enjoy more freedom with this leg.  As I get closer I tend to remember the Dr. words when he said the rehab was long and difficuilt.  I think my leg has lost some muscle as my brace now irritates my leg, especially at night.  Now I am thinking if there is something else I can complain about---better get my head on straight!
A friend who taught at Trinity School in the Twin Cities died yesterday.  He had been battling cancer for less than a year and just Thursday there was a hotline went out.  He was a canidate for a Potune thing which is pretty much a electrical hat on the head which is supposed to help brain cancer.  A day later he died while in the U of Minnesota hospital.  A wonderful guy and a really great teacher.  He will be missed.  Brother-in-law Dale's funeral is today.  I am sure it will be a big event.  I am always surprised at how often a person is sick and in the end days they go so quickly.
Another super weather day in Naples.  As I write it is in the 60s but it is supposed to reach 80 by mid day.
As I reread my writing I see way too many "I think".  Is that a sign of old age?
I already cleaned the kitchen along with my FP cup that Terry bought me at the end of the Alaskan Highway.  I mention I cleaned the kitchen because for the last several weeks this leg has made it difficult to do that and Terry has carried the work load but I decided this morning things need to change.
On to CVS to run an errand.

Friday, February 16, 2018

February, not a good month so far

We are 15 days into February and 2 family and 2 friends have left us.  In one case it may have been for the best at this time  but really--4!
Brother-in-law Dale's wake is tonight and the funeral is tomorrow.  I am guessing both events will be crowded with friends of the Bindes.  They have lived in the Lake Park area for perhaps 20+ years and have been very active in community so many will come to pay their last respects and honor Dale.  Following is what I would have liked to say at Dale's wake but with this bum hamstring which still has me hopping on one foot I asked son John if he would read it.                                 


The spring sun was brilliant 
winter snow melted into puddles
the Binde farm home
was in for a big change

The first of many children
came with April showers
a baby boy was born
his imprint would last forever

The chosen name was DALE
some say it means valley
perhaps we can expand that to

Dale grew into adulthood 
On the family farm he thrived
to the point where people said
Dale and farm meant the same

Some people play games
some people travel far
some people invent things
Dale was FARM—and more

To be a good caretaker
of the treasured land
Dale went off to college
he found wisdom and a lassie

Her name was Deborah 
Deborah means bee
Dale knew it would mean

And so the D’s prospered 
they grew in number
they tilled the land
they traveled the globe

From North Dakota prairie
to Minnesota farm land
the Bindes toiled and sweat
they built THEIR farm

It meant building
it meant remodeling
it meant fixing and restoring
together they labored-loved-dreamt

In life, age has its way
age always changes life
more Bindes, more adventures
but FARM, it was their staple

There was time for adventures
far and near, they hit the  road
memories of so many travels
caution to the wind perhaps

There was California
south Texas, the east coast
the gulf coast, even Key West
no fancy hotels or fancy eating , just fun

Ask Deb about family travels
adventures here, there, everywhere
the fun, the excitement, did it ever stop
no, not with our Dale at the helm

Community called Dale’s name
county fairs with ribbons, school affairs
county roads both snow and garbage but
FARM, the land remained his bedrock

It seemed that life would
provide more adventures
so much more time with age
but our plans often…….

One day a foreign breeze blew in
perhaps it was the 10,000th hay bale
it seemed so very heavy 
out of breath, Dale sat and pondered 

Exhausted but still joyful and hopeful
Dale remained A MAN OF THE LAND
on a frigid winter day God beckoned DALE
Perhaps there is a farm in heaven

February 4, 2018

I am excited to visit the Dr. Monday.  I am hoping he can release me to be more mobile.  Also on Tuesday as I have my PT we will be able to start working on the hamstring.  The gal said to not hope for a FAST recovery but we will see progress as long as I do not push it.  Terry will also have a Dr visit Monday and we are so hoping that something can be resolved  because that foot injury of hers has gone on way way way too long.
We had a super visit with Mary and Mark Saunders.  They swam, walked on the beach, enjoyed our pool and of course the weather was perfect.  
Enough for now.  As I ponder life and think about how so many of us do not get to enjoy retirement I remind myself that I NEED to enjoy each minute, each day, each week.
I should not forget to mention that my tennis team won 2 courts and lost the third court on a 10 point tie breaker.  It was a needed lift for the guys and it gave them confidence for the last half of the season.  In the first half we earned 3 of a possible 15 points.  I am on record as expecting a minimum of 6 points in the second half.  If that does not happen it may be the end of the world, right?  WRONG
I did finish my FP this morning.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mary and Mark's visit

Bloody Marys to start the day
Grouper, the best

fish and chips

the famous Naples City Dock
It has been an exhausting day--time for a rest
As one can see we had a full day.  It begin with a brunch at THE DOCK where we sat at the waters edge and enjoyed brunch.  From there we toured some high dollar (10-50 M$) homes and then spent some time at the pier.  After some home time we went to the fish house for dinner (supper!).  As you can see it was not difficult to get Mary and Mark to relax after that!!!  Not sure if it was the activity or the swim that did them in!  We had a perfect day for their visit.  A bit of wind, mostly sunny skies and temp in the low 80's.
Today it will be lunch at the club, a shuttle ride out to the gulf and perhaps a walk on the beach.  As they are doing that I will get in my Monday PT visit.  Tomorrow we will drive to Shark Valley in Everglades National Park and do the 2 hour tram where we should see much wildlife.  As they leave on Wednesday I am not sure if they will want to get home to catch up on things or stay here and rest up!
I am now into my last week of PT before I can start to put some weight on that leg which means I will start to rehab that hamstring next week on Tuesday.  I am hoping that means the end of this darn walker.  Am I sure, no but I know that the healing process is going well.  The leg feels fine and the only thing is when I sit the incision tends to hurt but that too is getting better.
I will cut down on my FP today as Mary and Mark enjoy a cup of it when they greet the morning and there is no need to make 2 pots.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 11th

It is a new day and I am one day closer to my Dr. appt which I THINK will give me more freedom with my leg.  That darn brace is becoming more bothersome with each day.  My leg feels fine but of course I know that I need to be oh so careful that I do not undo any of the healing process.  Last night brother Dave called and I was in the middle of a conversation so I jumped up and to go to the other room but forgot about my let!!!  Can't do that again.  I am sure no damage was done but still little or NO weight until at least Monday, the 19th.
We picked up Mary and Mark from the airport last night.  They will be here until Wednesday morning.  Terry and I are looking forward to a fun few days.  This morning we will try to get a table waterside at The Dock, which is a fun brunch place.  We have reservations on the tram in Everglade National Park on Tuesday.
We had a fun lunch yesterday with the tennis team.  One of the guys and his wife hosted it.  Over half of the guys were able to come as well as wives.  It is just a great group of guys who like to spend time on the tennis courts but also seem to get along on the social side.
Not much new here.  I have yet to make FP so will go do that.  I hobbled out to get the paper this morning and it is ALWAYS here early but not today!  With this walker thing getting the paper is a BIG deal but will try again after I put water on for the FP.
It is hard not to think of Deb and family.  I am sure there is so much going on and she is looking at a full week before things will start to settle down BUT then there will be so many many things to deal with so perhaps for now she needs to soak in the company, the support and the events as the days, weeks, months ahead will present many challenges.  I actually dreamt about Dale last night.
That is all!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A sad day

A typical Dale thing!  I am guessing on one of their road trips.
Dale Binde died Sunday.  The Dr. just could not get anything to help his lung condition.  Deb has said there will be a wake and funeral late next week.  With this bum leg it just is too difficult for me to travel so we will not make it up to MN.
Dale was a farmer like no other.  Sometimes I wondered if he had dirt in his veins instead of blood!  Deb will have her hands full now with the farm, the land and all that goes with it.  Our thoughts and prayers are with her, the children and grand children.  One of their daughters, Deanne, died in a car accident about 8 or 9 years ago.
Another tennis match today that I get to drive to and then sit and watch but what the heck I can still do that!
A first cousin of Gail's, David Theilman,  died over the weekend so February has not had a very good start.  Maybe as the month goes on it will improve.  For sure it will as Mary and Mark Saunders will arrive for a visit Saturday night and be here until Wednesday early morning.  That should be fun.
Also I did not get to the phone but Grandma Saunders turned 97 yesterday.  I think this past year has been a trying one for her but she seems to be doing well for her age.
Enough as I need to do somethings before I leave for the tennis match and yes, the FP is almost history.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

First February Sunday

We are at our first Sunday in February.  I suppose the big news is today is Super Bowl Sunday and it is taking place in the Twin Cities.  We will spend the evening with some MN friends and perhaps watch some of the game!
For me it means I am a few days closer to being able to put some weight on my left leg.  Two weeks from tomorrow I see the Dr.  I am hoping he says I can sleep without this brace as that would make life a bit easier.
We received word Friday that my brother-in-law's illness is so serious now that his days left on earth may be few.  Dale would be 68 this year and has only two loves that I know about in his life.  His family and his farm.  Of course it is yet another reminder that our time on earth is limited and one never knows what tomorrow will bring.  AND it also brings to mind again that my surgery on my leg was a walk in the park so to speak.
I will end my post today, as I drink the last drop of FP, with a picture of Dad.  Note the background and what he is holding his game with!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Ruby Lee

Ruby, our only February birthday is EIGHT today.  She can about do anything.  She is learning Spanish in her Spanish immersion class, she takes dance, she does speed skating on ice AND I think she does her homework in record time without being asked!!!
Ruby, have a super, special day, we love you.
Grandpa Lee and Grandma Terry

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February 2018 welcome!

We welcome February 2018
We welcome February on a warm sunny day.  From Naples we are hoping that the second month of this year brings more joy and happiness than the first month.  We are hoping for no injuries and much healing this month.
The latest on my tennis team is we lost all 3 courts yesterday but on court 2 we took each of the 2 sets to a tie breaker so not bad.  It seems to me that as level 3.0 teams we are perhaps on the low end of skills and most of the teams are on the same level, 3.0 but on the higher end.  There is still hope and expectations that before the end of the season (3 of 10 matches played) we will not be at the bottom of the standings.
Another day and another hop along for transportation.  AND not finished with my FP yet.