Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The great minnesota get together

waiting to buy tickets

just like our "M" but a bit nicer

Terry in the middle of a few people!
Terry and I spent about 5+ hours at the fair and about $40+ which I am guessing was less than the average fair goer on both accounts!
We did not have dinner in the evening because we shared a slow-roasted pork mole tamale ($10) and a hill country beef pocket ($8.75) and cheese curds ($6).  I soled on a pronto pup ($4) and a foot-long ($6).  Oh, Terry allowed me to sit while she purchased the beef pocket and she surprised me with a beer ($5).  I think that was all the $$ we spent.  On the plus side we each got a stunning free McDonald's shirt!  As we left the wheel you spin for it we realized there was a long line which we did not see and by mistake butted in😁.  Really we did not see the line as it was on the sidewalk about 8 feet away.  Terry also got a free U of MN backpack which is kind of nice.  We walked to the education building a second time to say hi to a MN senator that Terry had worked with.  I said earlier that we probably spent less time than the average person there BUT on the bus back we did say hi to two couples we knew who were on the bus there.  OH, they are about the same age as us!!!
The International M tractor is just like the one we had.  Well it looks a bit nicer!
Of course a trip to the MN fair always brings back memories of going there with Dad several times as a child.  WAY back then they had stock car races on Sunday of the last weekend.  We would go to see that.  One time we were sure a certain car had won but they announced the winner as a different car.  The next day the paper said there had been a mistake and our car had actually won.  Another time we were standing near the side of a game booth.  Dad told Dave and I to watch the guy in the booth.  He would put his hand back of the device sometimes and when he did that nobody would win.  Suddenly he came over to us and, in a harsh voice, told us to move.  Then there was machinery hill where we always spent a lot of time.  There were the 4 Ford tractors who were doing a square dance with attachments on the back.  They would drive in and out and hitch or unhitch to the music as if they were square dancing.  Yes we arrived early enough to have a bit to eat at the Hamline cafe which is still running.  Of course all of this could not happen unless we finished plowing before we went.  AND we would stay with Phillip and May or Olaf and Mable.  One time Phillip and May took us out to eat at the pancake house and we could have all we wanted to eat.  That was glorious!  The place even had different flavored syrup as we always had Karo at home.
I think it had better be nose to the grindstone today in terms of work.  BUT I do need to get on the bike for a bit.  With rainy mornings I have not ridden for some time.  Also need to get somethings ready for our 3 day camping trip over the weekend.
Hard to believe what people in Houston are going through.  I heard them say on the news last night that some places had experienced 30 inches of rain and were expecting 2 feet more!  I think people are looking at years of recovery.
Enough FP and words for now.  The bike is waiting.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Another of natures watering

Terry was busy yesterday making TWO fresh peach pies.  What the heck, Colorado peaches were on sale for $.99 so of course you need to buy lots.  After she canned some she decided to make some pies and put them in the freezer without as much as a taste!!!  They look delicious.  I am trying to figure out a way to get a piece without her knowing it but I have yet to come up with a workable plan!
As I walked to the rain gauge this morning I knew it contained WATER.  I emptied the first part and then poured the remaining water and in the end it showed 1.4".  That means there will be at least TWO mowings in the next week.  AND it also means that we will have green green lawns until well into September.  That is good for week control.
I intended to work on the bath baseboards today but it looks like a light rain all day and so not good to have the air compressor and hose out.  Perhaps on Monday.  That means more time to work on Christmas presents that seem to be coming along quit well.
I could sit here and watch the lawn grown but will opt to change into work clothes and get out into the shop.  I took so long to get this done that I had to pour the last drop of FP and heat it up.
I forgot, I also have to make sure the camper is up for travel as we will head to Iowa Friday for 3 nights of camping and Brian's wedding.  That darn portable cooler is acting up and I am not sure if it is working right.  If not we may have to resort to ice in the cooler.  Anyway it is out to the shop now.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The days are flying by

I am sitting at my computer and it is 6:04 AM.  The street lights are on and it is dark as can be.  It seems only a few days ago that I could have been sitting here at this same time and thinking I should go for a bike ride!  I guess our days are getting shorter with each passing sunrise.
My Terry loves to read the paper.  I am guessing that she could or may spend an hour or two each day reading it.  For sure she not only enjoys it but gathers much information and news that is good to know.  For me, the paper can be read in maybe 15 or 20 minutes and then much of that is spent in the sports section.  I have wondered why I don't like to spend much time reading it and it came to mind this morning.  It is almost depressing for me to read of the things that are happening in our world.  I don't think I avoid them, I just don't like to see how much our world is changing and often not for the better. 
A tiny example was in the paper today.  One of the small towns near the cities is considering not allowing candy to be thrown out during parades.  The reason is children may get hurt while trying to retrieve it!  What the heck!!!  That sounds like a weak reason beyond belief.  What is a parade without things being thrown out so children can get a goodies?
Some of the things I enjoyed during childhood that probably would not be allowed today:
  • playing all day around the creek.  Dave and I could spent all day wadding in the creek, trying to catch some fish, digging in the mud etc.  Today that would be too dangerous.
  • riding our bikes up to swim in the lake was something we did all summer but today there would have to be an adult with us
  • walking the mile and half to school that we did would be too far and too dangerous today
  • riding our bikes without a helmet no no no
  • going barefoot all the time would be not acceptable today as you may injure your foot which of course we did many many times
  • no sunscreen and no hat was the mode but today that is a no no no
  • riding shotgun in the car at the age of 6 no no
  • no seat belts on in the car--oh there were none
So today I sit here at the age of 70 having survived childhood without serious injury or trauma.  I am not suffering from skin cancer or childhood abuse or head trauma from not using a helmet.  Yes I know that it could have happened and it did for some people but I am just saying times have changed, not always for the good and perhaps I was lucky.  But I still find it hard to accept that many of the "fun things" of the past are now too dangerous and off limits for young people today.  Maybe what I am most upset about is our government or culture now dictates much of how parents can raise their children.  I know and agree that things like bike helmets, car seat belts etc are safer and good but at my age please bring me back to the Burma Shave days of roadside rhymes and a bit more freedom.  That being said I NEVER start the car without putting my seat belt on but the bike helmet thing, well I am not so good at that yet!
We have a bit of rain this morning.  I am not sure when it is supposed to stop so my bike ride, not sure.
I am making progress in the wood shop on some things I want done before Florida looms ahead.  Tomorrow I plan and hope to get the baseboards in the bathroom and then I can make the quarter rounds.  I would buy them but it is cheaper to make plus I want them a tad bit smaller than the ones you buy.  The guest room and sun room still stare at me daily without any make up on so to speak.  The hardwood floors also scream for a new clean finish and I should add the living room often asks why the paint intended for it's walls remains in cans sitting in the shop BUT we will see.
A week from today we head to Iowa for Terry's son Brian's wedding.  We will camp for 3 nights in the state park where the wedding takes place.  The poor camper has not had the use it desires and actually has let me know in some ways it is upset but one must stick to what needs to be done or where one needs to go.  The camper mentioned to me last week that it felt maybe it had done something wrong as over 5 years it served us as we traveled over 50,000 miles and now it feels kind of a "has been".  I assured it that we love it as much as always but this summer is not the time to travel a lot.
My beloved pickup will soon have a new home.  The South Bend Lees will own it this fall.  I looked for a pickup for several years and found the perfect one in the fall of 2006.  At the time it was 15 years old with 41,000 miles.  It had it's original tires, brakes and most everything else.  It had served its owner by pulling his boat to his cabin in the spring and back in the fall.  It had then rested all winter in the garage.  When Gail and I went to see it there it sat in the driveway with its mag wheels, electric windows, AC working, topper on the back and not a speck of rust to be seen.  It even had 2 gas tanks for the person who may not check the gas gauge. We found out that the owner had lost most of his eye sight and could not drive anymore.  We bought it on the spot and I was excited to own my very first pickup.  Now, 35,000 miles, 7,000 miles on a camping trip to Canada, later it needs to be needed which is not here in St. Paul.  Well it is needed when I need it!!! But really mostly sits so time to move on to a place where it is needed more and used more.  I might add that at the age of 70 perhaps it is time to pare down somethings in my life.
I just took the last sip of cold FP so time to shut down the computer and get out into the wood shop.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


We did not get to see it in St. Paul as there were clouds but in many areas it was spectacular. 
Another great day in terms of weather.  I did get my bike ride in this morning and managed to get in 8 miles.  I was tempted to not go as sometimes one does not feel like getting in exercise but go I did and it was fine.
Got to get more work done today.  My lazy days really should be behind me but.....
I now have a grandson who, if he wishes, is only 2 years away from driving.  Oh my!  I am guessing that Henry has started school and I know the Adkins, and Madison Lees have not started yet. 
The MN state fair starts on Thursday.  I think Terry and I will go on day.  Not sure I am up for walking a lot but pretty hard to get around the fair without walking.  Maybe I can get a cob of corn, some FF and just sit and people watch!  No, that does not sound like it would be any fun.
My FP is cool and there is actually a sip left.  Need to sign off, heat up the last drop and then get to work.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Henry's face says it all.  He is a very determined, smart and great 14 year old.  Happy birthday Henry, we love you.  Grandpa and Grandma Terry

Terry has been busy!

Terry has been busy!  I will not even have to go into the cellar with little critters to get them!
I finally actually got in kind of a bike ride.  I intended to bike along the river, over the Lexington bridge and back on the other side BUT when I got across the river the bike path on the south was closed.  So I turned around and came back which gave me 12+ miles.  Better than 5 or 6 but still not much of one.
I need to get some bathroom work done today so to work.  I enjoyed my FP before my ride.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Life is good

A first for me, there at HyVee grocery store was a charging station for your e-car.  I found out that it does not charge your phone in fact it may fry it!

I lined them up before I ate. 
The favorite camping cup that invites FP coffee each morning,
The sugar and creamer from my Grandma Lee.  Aunt Raga gave them to me.  She would have given them to sister Joan but I was in CA and Joan was not!!! The creamer had heavy cream of course. 
Then the fresh Colorado peaches that would soon be swimming in that heavy cream.  We had to make 2 stops at HyVee as they had peaches for $.99 a pound and they flew out of the store as if they had wings.  The second time, yesterday, we wanted to buy 2 lugs but had to settle for gathering up about 20 pounds in plastic bags as the lugs were no where to be seen.  Can't mention peaches without commenting on how nice it was in the fall way back.  The lug of peaches came each peach wrapped in thin tissue like paper which was WONDERFUL in the outhouse!  I would go to the famous 3-holer and try my best just to use those fancy papers😁.

My usual breakfast of eggs, a meat and potatoes took the day off and gave way to peaches and cream.  A great way to start the day.  Now I need to get on my bike as it is not raining like it has been for the last couple of days.  How many miles do I need to ride in order to have peaches and cream again tomorrow?
I got the good word today that Elspeth's birthday present, which came on a slow boat from China, arrived and it was only 2+ weeks after her birthday.  I still am in awe when you order something on Amazon and expect it to arrive in a few days but instead it is shipped from China.  How did it not get crushed in that big container on the ship?  Luckily Jude's birthday present from Amazon came in 2 days.
We will head out today about 10:05.  We will drop off Jude's birthday present and then head to Eden Prairie to watch our tennis pro Phil play in the semi-finals of the tournament.  Another day of bathroom work on hold, who cares!
As I sit in front of the den windows and type I THINK I can see the grass grow in front of me.  Kind of like corn on a hot wet July day.
Two cups of FP down and one will wait until after the bike ride.


Jude is eight today.  Happy birthday Jude.  Jude has become a very smart, kind and fun young man.  He was a pony at Servant Camp and the first day he came home with a head scarf that they had made at camp.  He did a great job of painting on it.  I told him Grandpa should have one like that because it was so nice.  The next day Grandpa and Terry gave him a ride to camp.  As he sat in the back seat he said he was going to ask the staff if they had an extra scarf because Grandpa would like one!
Have a great birthday Jude, we love you.  Grandpa Lee and Grandma Terry

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Another rain

We drove to Eden Prairie yesterday to watch our club pro Phil win!  Pictured is Phil with his wife, Myke, who is also a pro and then some friends who winter in Naples and are also tennis players.  Phil plays again today at 12:30.  As I have said in the past Phil is an elite player and one of the very best in his age bracket.  Last year he was inducted into the US tennis hall of fame.
I am blogging about 23 hours and 1.6 inches of rain after yesterday!!!  The rain started early evening and went well into the night.  I opened our bedroom window when I went to bed so that I could hear the rain.  WAY WAY back on the farm I could lie in bed and hear the rain on the roof as the bedroom ceiling consisted of rafters and nails underneath the shingles!  No finished ceiling!  Of course the down side of that was in the winter the cold air seemed to creep into the bedroom like a silent thief and would surround you and chill you to the bone as you watched your breath float into the still air.  In the summer the relentless heat would charge through the thinly covered roof and turn the room into a low level summer water less hot tub!  The bedroom was comfortable for about a week in the spring and a week in the fall!!!
No work  and no bike yesterday as we spent the day at tennis and then a bit of shopping.  It was a strange feeling when we were at tennis.  Watching Phil and sitting with tennis friends from the winter I was transferred to Florida and into tennis almost as if I was sitting on a magic carpet.  Then we arrived home to Niles Ave and as I entered the house, projects stared at me with menacing eyes and I was once again in real life.
I am guessing that as the rain heads east and the warm air visits from the west in the days ahead I might have to just mow the lawn 24/7!  And the garden may take on an even more jungle like look.  Terry peeled and froze some tomatoes yesterday.  Those darn cucumbers grow along the fence and into some grass that is difficult to cut so every once in a while I spie one that has managed to hide for too long.  Yesterday I found FOUR that if I froze them I could use them as missiles of destruction.  I may engage brother Dave in making a device to propel them into space!  Well to be truthful we may find a way to eat them and I would say each one would be a meal for two.
With all the distractions over the last while my "to do list" has been neglected terribly and today I get to neglect it again😎.
I had a realization today about myself.  I have never been able to spell very well.  Spell check is a god send  but lately things have been so bad that when I click on spell check my word is so far from accurate that spell check comes up with nothing close.  That may mean I am the worst of the worst in the spelling challenge.
Sometimes I just sit down and wonder what in the world God was thinking about for me.  I think about sister Helen who looked like a movie star in her wedding picture.  You have brother Dave who can take any old piece of wood and shape and make it into a work of art.  You have sister Joan who has a successful marriage of 56 years, is on top of everything family that you can think of and has led a very exciting fruitful life.  Then there is me whose claim to fame is I can fool spell check!  I may have to change my life around.  I just had a thought.  My claim to fame is I have more grand children than anyone in the family AND nobody can say they are advancing the "Lee" name on to the next generation except ME😇.  I might also say that my life makes me closer to being an angel than any of my siblings!!!  They may dispute that!  Really as I grow into old age and have conversations with my siblings they have experienced things I didn't even know existed.  I had better stop before I get myself in trouble or maybe it is too late.  Maybe, just maybe, I can get away with words as they know I love them very much.  They also know that I not only respect them but am so proud of each of them and what they have done with their lives.
No this is getting too long and my FP is short so will stop.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

more rain

We received another half inch of rain last night and the weather report says we could get heavy rain tonight.  Then it should dry out and temps are supposed to get into the low 80s.  I have enjoyed temps in the 70s as that means no AC but it also means that it may be chilly for Terry.
We will go to Eden Prairie this afternoon as one of our tennis pros from Naples, Phil, is playing in a tournament.  He is one of the top ranked pros in his age division. There should be some other tennis players from Naples, who have a home in MN, to watch so it will be fun to see them.
No bike ride today as the roads are wet.  Will see if I can make up distance tomorrow but with rain during the night I may have to take tomorrow off too.  One would think I am serious as I talk about taking a day off  BUT it is only tiny rides that I take.
The People of Praise meeting last night was all about Servant Camp that was last week.  There were about 300 campers and I am guessing perhaps 60 adults.  It seems that God is continuing to use Servant Camp in a big way.  The entire meeting was kind of geared towards what God did during camp.  I had to keep my emotions in check as there were many years we struggled to make ends meet and have camp an important part of Community.  During those years I often had to beg to get 15 or 20 minutes at the meeting to share about camp.  I would say things are MUCH better today, praise the Lord.  After Gail died we started a "Gail Lee Award".  The thought behind it was that there are always people who work so so hard behind the scenes and never get credit BUT the person who was awarded it this year was one of the directors!!!  Not the intent of the award but it is what it is of course.
No I think I need to look at my list for today.  I was planning to fertilize the lawn but not sure if that is a good thing with rain coming so soon.  Also need to get some of those darn weeds that like to make their home in the lawn.  Again not sure about the rain.  Maybe I am just good at putting things off.
I received a package in the mail from sister Joan a couple days ago.  She sent some markers and labels for what???  She can't possibly think I need to label things when I put them away.  Why?  I have a perfect mind as I can't remember anything that I have forgotten.  And of course when I am looking for things I always find it in the last place I look.
The rain has been so good to the lawn.  I realize that the grass in the lawn is FAR from perfect but now, mid August, it still looks pretty good.  A far cry from maybe 5 years ago.  I remember a neighbor making a comment to me some time ago.  He said he felt sorry for me as it seemed like I put so much energy into the lawn and it looked so awful!  He was just being truthful!
I received a new lower belt for my band saw this week.  The blade would not track on the lower wheel as the rubber band was worn out.  I put the new one on and it works fine.  I remembered how I was so frustrated last year because I could not get it to work right and never thought if the band may be worn out.
Enough as the FP is completely gone.  

Monday, August 14, 2017

More rain

As I looked out the kitchen window at the rain gauge I saw nothing which meant there was NO rain or a lot of rain.  When the gauge is full one can not tell there is anything in it.  As I walked out to make sure I could see IT WAS FULL.  That means we got an inch of rain last night.  That, of course, is always good for the lawn, trees and the garden.  Our cherry tomato plant is giving us about a dozen per day which is great. 
I will go to the lumber yard this morning and order the window inserts for the 4 kitchen windows.  That will be SO nice to have new panes in the kitchen although it will be a pain in the bank account!
Enough for today as I need to go and then, a ride, not so sure about that.  Terry is out for her daily walk so I would like to be home before she comes back.
FP, gone!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

A very fun day

Terry sitting in the senate chair that she occupied for 4 of her 6 years in the MN senate

Enjoying the Quadriga on top of the capital building
On my bike ride, wild animals are invading our city!
Over the last several years Minnesota has spent 300+ M dollars on the capital renovation.  This weekend there is an open house and Terry and I spent a couple of hours there yesterday.  The building is absolutely beautiful.  I doubt there is a building anywhere that would out shine it.
The gold horses on top (Quadriga) were totally redone and shine like new.
The wild turkey, I saw on my bike ride.  They are actually becoming kind of common, what the heck!
Last week, Sun-Sat, I actually made my biking goal.  I rode 49.2 miles.  I know that is weak but it is better than sitting on one's behind and eating too much!  I started this week out with an 8.09 mile ride.  I am thinking that I probably should start riding a bit harder as I ride but at the same time sight see in St. Paul.  I would say each morning I am amazed at something I see.  For sure I am always amazed at the city sidewalks, they are terrible.
We have a cool, cloudy day.  I thought it was going to rain this morning but it did not and looks like it Will not.
I heated up the last of my FP after my ride and now it is gone.
Enough for this morning.

Friday, August 11, 2017

It just was not there

I woke up this morning with intentions of riding a long way but as I ate breakfast and got ready I realized that the get up and go was more like a get up and no!  I managed to make it almost 6 miles but my intention was for a much longer ride.  I did hear a strange noise about half way finished with my ride.  I stopped and inspected the back tire and a spoke had broken.  I think I need to get that taken care of.
Terry and I went out to eat with Jerry and Susan last night.  The Lexington on Grand and Lexington Ave has long been a restaurant that I thought would be fun to go to.  We found out that the food is VERY good and the price, well not so good.  A "one time" meal there was fun, more than that and it may break the bank!  I won't say how much the bill was but will add that it probably would cover a month of McDonald's and Culver's combined!  No regrets, it was delicious and a very fun time.
I ran into a snag in with baseboards yesterday so need to make some adjustments today.  I had cut out 9 pieces and some how had failed to prime and paint one.  Then I found out that I had measured the width of one length but had not taken into consideration that with a 45 degree angle the board needs to be not 5 inches but at least 6👎. 
Our 3rd set of blinds for the sun room and bathroom arrived yesterday and they look like the right ones and the right size BUT the first one I put up has a defect in the front SO there will need to be a return of that!  Dang!  Those blinds are becoming a pain in the wrong place.
The weather is perfect for the wrap up of Servant Camp.  If it rains on Friday that makes it difficult but it is sunny and warm.  It makes for a much easier end to a week of God Times.
No it is FP time and then on to projects.

A time to celebrate, Aaron is 44!

Happy birthday Aaron.  Keep being the great guy you are.  Love, Dad and Terry

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A fun trip

Yesterday Terry and I stopped at Cynthia's house to pick up Jude and then drove down to Servant Camp.  We stayed only a couple of hours but it was a fun trip.  We did not get to see everyone of my grand children who are there but we did get big hugs from Faustina and Audrey.  So the FIVE who are enjoying some God time this week are Henry, Liam, Faustina, Audrey and Jude who goes as a pony for 3 "day only" times.
It appears that I left Servant Camp in good hands as they are enjoying about 300 campers and it appeared that everyone was having a great time.  It was good to see so many staff that I worked with for so many years, 31 to be accurate.  Of course I did not work all that time with many, if any of the current staff BUT many of them have spent many many summer weeks at camp playing with, talking with, praying with and mentoring so many young people.  I always said that camp was a special place because it was kids in a "kids place" and not "kids in an adult place".  I know that Servant Camp is not perfect and is not for every young person BUT so many many people have met Jesus there and continue to follow Him in their life.  It certainly warms my heart.
Another day of light rain yesterday and last night.  About 0.6" of rain will make the lawn and garden happy.  I did spray for weeds about 3 hours before the rain came.  The directions said it would be good after an hour so we will see if the directions are honest or if they give false information.
I think I have too many eating out times this week.  I had breakfast out Monday and Wednesday and Terry and I will go out with the Winds tonight.
I have the baseboards for the bathroom primed and painted twice so I could install them today.  After that it is making the quarter rounds and getting them up.  After that it will be touch up time and the bath will be finished except for the door.  I need to finish the exterior wall before I hang the door.  It is a barn door kind of thing and I THINK I have enough space to hang it with an inch to spare.  I did say  I THINK.  God and good luck have been on our side so far.  We installed the vanity and then the light mounted in the mirror without a thought about the height of the light and how the door opens.  When the two were in I opened the vanity and it cleared the light by less than an inch--ouch!  A God moment or luck I do not know but it works so I am thankful.  Perhaps I should say sometimes a person can ignore good planning and things still turn out.
I am going to try a bike ride today and hope it does not rain.  One more cup of FP and I will be good to go.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Another day and another 7+ mile

Just a short note today.  I did get my bike ride in but it was late as I had breakfast with Larry B.
I have decided that this retirement gig is just too busy a life so I feel I need to take all my 70+ years of experience and go look for work.  What the heck it was breakfast out this morning, work on the front door, paint the baseboards, work on the sun room walls, water the garden, put on weed killer, pick tomatoes and zucchini, check the battery on the camper, wash the car--I just do not have the time or the energy to do all that so I am making a list of my "dream jobs in my golden years".

  • I could apply for a carry out guy at L & B.  I can make people laugh with my conversation!
  • I could apply at Menards for a parking lot cart guy.  They NEED someone who would do a good job.
  • How about a shelf stocker at Walmart?  Probably not as the one closest to us is like an international village and I only know English.
  • Maybe construction companies are looking for a person to hold the stop and go sign.
  • I see Amazon is delivering a lot of packages around here, maybe they need drivers.
Well when my projects get finished around here I am going to be on the hunt.  That may not be for some time😟.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Happy birthday Helen

Helen in the middle, me with earlaps up, Dave with earlaps down, joan with a dress on!
Just had to post the picture to prove that Helen is the baby of the family!  Can't tell how old she is but a clue is she was born in the 50's!!!  Happy birthday Helen from brother Carmen and Terry.  We love you and hope you have a super day.

On my goal after 2 days--7.27 miles today

We have the parking lot for this morning

No cars allowed

Looking south from the Ford bridge down at lock #1
My bike ride, which was 7.27 miles YES, took me over the Ford bridge, through Wabun Park and onto the grounds of the Veterans home in Minneapolis.  From there I went back over the bridge and then into several alleys in St. Paul.  I find that often the view in the alleys is interesting and perhaps better than from the street.  Some thoughts:
  • Wabun Park is awesome.  Minneapolis has put much $$ into it and it certainly is a wonderful place to have so close to home.
  • A huge addition 👷is being built on the veterans home.  They also have an adult care center there😐 and I am sure that is very good BUT I hope I NEVER have to be in a place like that.  
  • I think St. Paul should take on a name that indicates it is a city with many HUGE garages.  As I bike the alleys I know that many many garages are bigger, nicer and better furnished than a large % of the population's homes.  One garage near the Mississippi River is 3 stories with a deck on the 3rd floor that I am sure overlooks the river and Minneapolis.
  • Every day I ride I am amazed at how easy and fun it is to ride my Bentley bike that Aaron built.
  • I think St. Paul could also be named, in some way, for the people who walk in the morning.  Most of them appear to be like Lego pieces with no expression or if not that plastic toys who have legs that move and eyes that go from side to side.  When I offer up a cheery "good morning" some respond but some just ignore me as if I am some kind of evil guy who is out to hurt them.  Sometimes I want to stop, get off my bike and say that the weather is perfect, you are alive and out so smile and be thankful.  I say that but I do know that many people have many worries and troubles so I will just let it be.
  • St. Paul could also be called bunny village as they are everywhere.  Sometimes they just stop in the middle of the road and scratch themselves as if they have lice.
  • Traveling over the Ford Bridge is noisy and it can be kind of scary.  When I stopped to take the picture a large truck came by, going too fast for sure, and the bridge seemed to shake as if it would fall apart.  
We received another watering from heaven yesterday so no need to water the garden today, nice.  The agenda for today is do some painting and then cut out the rest of the baseboards and quarter rounds for the bathroom.  If I have enough energy left I may get the boards primed as well.
It was fun to see John, Henry, Liam and Audrey yesterday.  They stopped in for about an hour before John dropped the kids off at Servant Camp.  They will be there until Friday AM when they head home.  As the kids enjoy camp John will be working at Trinity here.  Actually their visit was a bummer as I HAD to admit Henry is now taller than Grandpa!  If only I was in my prime I would be a bit taller!!!
Enough for now.  The FP is almost history and my breakfast is eaten.  I will not tell Terry what I had for breakfast as she would think it awful BUT it was a burger topped with cheddar cheese, a fried egg and a slice of home grown tomato.  The tomato took the place of ketchup. That was a new sandwich for me and it was good but perhaps not for breakfast next time!
On to my next agenda item so that I can enjoy the satisfaction of crossing off things I have done!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

What is one to do???

So there are decisions to be made.  What are they?

  • Tomatoes and cream?
  • Eat off the vine as I go to the wood shop?
  • BLT?
  • Make tomato soup?
  • Can like Mom used to do?
  • Dry them for future use?
  • Make a burger with a tomato slice on top?
  • Make salsa?
  • Freeze them?
The list could be a lot longer and I just do not feel like making decisions today so will let it be for a while and hope they do not get over ripe.
God watered the garden and lawn again yesterday to the tune of .3".  That was nice as it saves me time and also is better than city water.  That in spite of the fact that there was NO rain in the forecast.
I did my time on the bike this morning.  I circled the block a couple of times as I arrived home so that I could get it over 7 miles.  It ended up at 7.17 and I do know that is weak at best but it is better than 6.17, right?  Kind of reminded me of the time I NEEDED an apple fritter.  I said God you need to find a parking space for me if you want me to get a fritter.  I only had to circle the block 5 times before God came through!!!
I will head to Menards today.  They have 11% rebate this week and I need to get a new garden hose.  That darn one that we purchased a little over a year ago sprung a major leak, I mean MAJOR.  The first one I fixed but the second was beyond repair.  I guess it fits in the category of "they don't make them like they used to".
Some work done yesterday.  More trim up and then some work done on the front door.  I saw on the Rockler woodworking website a pattern for a wooden screen door.  It is tempting but I know that in the past I have done WAY too much of that kind of thing while letting important things slide.  Have I learned something?  Not sure about that.
Friday when Terry and I were out and about I brought a piece of clock along that I needed a drill bit for.  The guy measured and said I needed a 1 1/2 " bit.  It is too small, I need a 1 9/16 I think.  I should have known to measure myself.  Live and learn but I am kind of running out of my "live and learn" life so I better be in the "live and learnED" mode.
No my FP is gone.  On Sundays it is usually extra good as the heavy cream is usually replaced with Baileys.  Today was no exception so I enjoyed to the very last drop for sure.  On to a interesting Sunday for me.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

I did it--not really

I count my biking miles from Sunday through Saturday so today is the last day of the week.  I did it in terms of my weak goal--at least 6 miles a day.  BUT really 42.40 miles in a week is really only a day or two ride so I guess I have to shoot for MORE.  Maybe an average of 7+ miles a day next week.  I know that is also weak weak but maybe going slowly up up is OK for an old guy!
Terry and I spent much of yesterday doing returns and things that needed to be done.  We finally got those TWO orders of blinds returned and then a return to Costco as well.  We started the day with Joe H coming over as Terry was on her daily walk.  Joe will give us a bid on putting in window inserts in the 4 kitchen windows.  I think our house budget can absorb maybe two windows this summer and two next.  Now that I am 70 1/2+ I need to take an RMD and I think that will pay for two.  If anyone is reading this and doesn't know "RMD" you can google it!
S & S tree service came on Thursday and looked at the backyard birch tree.  Actually Xcel had come the day before and trimmed a lot so I may not have any more done.  The cost of a sling and trimming would be $600+ which I doubt is necessary now.  What the heck, $600 to trim a tree!!!
We enjoyed a lunch at Surly yesterday.  Their food is so good.  I tried a seasonal beer and it was maybe a B- for my taste. 
Today needs to see some serious work up stairs.  I also need to do some weed kill and gardening watering.  Oh, I did relocate a bunny this morning.  They have been hard to catch and relocate and I am sure I caught one of about a dozen around here.  Squirrels are much more open to being relocated!
FP is gone and I am on to the work schedule.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Sometimes things just do not work out your way

Terry and I decided the newspapers on the upstairs bathroom windows when we arrived from FL would not do the trick so we ordered blinds that can be open at the top or bottom.  That way we can have the lower window pane covered and still have light coming in.  The blinds came and we decided that they were just a tad too narrow so we boxed them up for return.  We reordered, I did it, and they came Wednesday.   The first one I opened was broken!  Well we needed to see if all the rest were OK so I opened all of them and hung one up😕 and guess what?  They are not ones that open from either top or bottom, they only pull down from the top!  So now we have TWO sets of blinds to be returned and the third has been order!  Some days things go your way and some days they go south.
I did not get much of a bike ride in yesterday as it was rainy in the AM.  I did ride to Highland Village to get a battery for my watch.  Family got me the watch for my 50th birthday and I think this was the third battery in it.  I almost panicked a few days ago as I opened the box on my dresser where my watch is kept and it was not there.  After a few thoughts I remembered putting it in the glove box of the car a couple weeks ago.  I looked and it was not there.  After a second search it was there tucked way back in a corner.  Whew!
I did get in a little longer bike ride this morning.  I rode across the Ford bridge and rode north on the Minneapolis side up to the Marshall Ave bridge then home on the St. Paul side.  I then rode up to get a few things from the store so all in all it was 9+ miles.  A bit better than my average of 5 or so.  NOT really enough but better than most days.  
I have been kind of lazy the last couple of days so need to get in gear again. I get in the wood working mode and tend to ignore the work that needs to be done.
No more FP and no more news.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August, here it comes

This is yesterday, the trimmers are coming today!!!
I called S & S tree service yesterday and made an appointment for them to come out this morning at 9:00 AM.  About an hour later Xcel, the power company, showed up in the back yard to trim branches away from the power lines!  I still think the backyard birch needs to be trimmed but I will find out in about 20 minutes.
Got my bike ride in this morning and again not all that long but it was fun.  I continue to enjoy my Bentley bike that Aaron built.
Terry and I had an unusual day yesterday.  We went to a movie, Dunkirk.  It had great reviews but I would give it a B at best.  It may have been over a year since we last went to a movie.  We need to do it more often.  Then in the evening there was the annual night out on Niles and Juno.  Betsy, who lives on Juno, organized it again for the 15th or so year.  I had never been to one as it often came during Servant Camp.  It was fun.  Our neighborhood has changed so much.  Terry and I are now one of the "old folks"!  There were so so many young kids and several baby bumps too.  I found out from more than one family that the paper delivery has not been the same since June of 2007!  When I think of the 29 years we did the paper I question my sanity but it was nice to hear comments of thanks from people.
It looks like one more kind of hot day and then a major cool down.  They are saying maybe a high in the 60s tomorrow.  I know Terry will be cold but for me it will be nice but I may need a jacket for my ride in the morning.
No, the tree people should be here in a few minutes so will drink the last of the FP and sign off for this morning.