I am guessing this was in 1949 with Grandpa and Grandma Lee |
I can't believe how cute I was, not sure what happened!
I have done the math with my tennis team and I THINK we have 1st place locked up. We play the second place team tomorrow and we each have 16 points but they have played 21 matches and we have only played 18. In the end winning % determines the champion. I am confident of winning all three courts against them tomorrow but you play the game because you never know. It will be fun. We have our last match on the 20th at home and I am planning to not play and have 3 players play who have not gotten in a match. Perhaps I have the cart before the horse. I am not forgetting this season but I am looking ahead to 2017/2018 when I think I will split the team and have a 2.5 and a 3.0 team. That will give the better players tougher competition and the less skilled players a chance to play more and improve. Of course I have to remember that there are MANY things in life more important than tennis.
Last week was interesting to put it mildly. We had our annual villa meeting on Wednesday PM and the verbal back and forth got hot and heavy. I think all we really want is transparency and a say in how our money is spent but the old guard likes to do things their way so.......... Long term, we will see how things fall. When Terry called for the meeting to be conducted according to "Robert's Rules of Order", which is in the documents, the chair said he did not have to follow them!!! What the heck.
Our next door neighbor is a new member of the board and really all she wants to do is have things happen in the right way BUT at this point she is frustrated and she has only been on the board for 3 days! Terry and I put on our monthly villa get together at the pool Wednesday night and had a nice turn out BUT there were at least 6 people who did not show up because of the earlier meeting. Kind of like if I can't have MY way I will go home and pout!
We are looking forward to sister Helen coming on the 23rd. Three of my four children have been down but my siblings have not and I am excited.
Our neighbor John, who is from Canada, came down last week. His wife, Diane, died in January and we flew up for the memorial. He said the U.S. government wants to tax his home here at 40% if he keeps it!!! Not sure how things like that work but he is saying he is trying to avoid that but really can not see keeping it if he has to pay that. I am guessing that any of the villas here would be valued somewhere between $300,000 and $400,000+ so he is talking about a chunk of cash. We hope he does not sell as he is such a great neighbor and a classy guy on top of it.
Terry is feeling better as time goes on and I have not missed any tennis because of my back so things are good in the health area.
My FP is gone and I have to say I flavored it with a bit of Baily's today which made it extra good.
I hope everyone is having a blessed Lent.
Judy Hepp, a member of People of Praise, died last week. Judy was a great gal and suffered from cancer for the last year or so. I have said this before but when someone who I know dies it is like a hard kick in the stomach. I am guessing Judy was maybe early 70's.