Oh my goodness--the next blog will be next year, 2017.
In about an hour Terry and I will head to the airport, headed to South Bend where all the kids and all the 12 grand kids will be for the next 2 days. It should be fun. I made a batch of fudge for the kids. A far cry from the 22 batches I made for C/M wedding in 06!
I think I will keep my camera in hand Saturday and Sunday so during the month of January the blog will probably be filled with pictures of the greatest grand kids in the world!
Got a call from Mark Saunders yesterday. Their Laura had her first baby a couple of days ago and it arrived several weeks early. She weighed in at 3 pounds and 13 oz but according to Mark everyone is doing well.
I will not have time to do a wrap of 2016 so that will come after the new year.
Here we go, on to the airport. Flying is not my favorite things. No fear but the waits in the airport and the cramped quarters in the plane are not my favorite---but it beats spending 2 days in the car. For such a short trip flying for sure is the best as we will return Monday.
Happy New Year early!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Strange--Strange and really strange
You might wonder why I have these strange pictures and here is the story:
I ordered a piece of luggage for Terry for Christmas from Macys. It came December 22 and it was way too large so we returned it to the Macys store in Naples about 4 days ago. Today that same box was delivered to our place. I called Macys 800 # and told them the story. I had not opened it so they asked me to open it to see the packing slip. When I opened it there were 8 pairs of shoes and 3 dresses in the box!!! I would guess the value would be $1000-$1500. It appears that they are items returned to the store and the store was shipping them to a warehouse or another store! How crazy is that. The second time I called (lost connection the first call) the lady asked me to return the box to the store. I said I had nothing to do with it and did not have the time to do that. She then asked me what I wanted to do! I said I had no idea but I was not about to take my time to return them. She then said they would be picked up January 3. We will see if that happens. I would say it is one of the more strange things that has happened to me in the past many years. If I do not hear from Macys in January anyone want some shoes???
Monday, December 26, 2016
Christmas in the past
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Gathered around the new Apple---Christmas 83 or 84 |
Shortly I will be on my way to the courts with a new tennis racquet, new tennis bag and a water cup that is supposed to keep things cold for several hours. Will see how cool I am on the court!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Merry Christmas to all
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Christmas 1969 |
I went for a short bike ride this morning, something that would not have happen most of my life. Why?--because it would have been too cold or too much snow. Today, in Naples, it will be sunny and near 80. A different Christmas than most family is having.
I have been thinking about Christmas a lot during Advent. I ALWAYS thought of Christmas in terms of cold and snow. Way back in 1985 we drove to CA to spend Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Saunders and it was not a lot of fun. It was warm and so very different than we were used to. BUT now I realize that perhaps most of the people in the world do NOT think of snow or cold when Christmas comes around and for sure baby Jesus did not experience it. So now, as I think of it, I have a different mind set and I feel that whatever the weather I can experience Christmas for what it is, not for external things.
My thoughts this morning turn to the grand children. I am sure they are so excited today. I do not know if they open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day but whatever they do it has to be an exciting time. I can still hear the screams when the kids opened several packages that contained computer equipment in about 1987--it was fun.
Terry and I had a nice Christmas Eve. We had a delicious meal, no lutefisk, and then opened some gifts. I am so excited to now have two great tennis racquets and a super nice tennis bag. Also got a history DVD and a very nice cold cup for playing tennis.
This afternoon we will be with friends which should be fun.
We are already putting things on the bed in the guest bedroom, things that will go to South Bend on Friday. I am a bit concerned about Terry traveling that far but if she brings some pain pills (if needed) she will be fine.
We had an interesting thing two days ago when we went for the boat ride. As we stepped out of the car we were in the middle of a fire ant colony. I would say in a nanosecond my left foot had a hundred ants and before I could get them off there were at least a dozen bits. Terry had the same so now we have bites and swollen feet but it too will pass. That was the second time I have encountered fire ants and they have won both times.
As I sip the last drops of FP and sign off I, again, wish everyone a VERY merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
December 24th, 2016--the last day of Advent
December 23, 2016 on the back waters in Naples FL |
Rusty, the captain, leading us in our 3+ hours of pleasure! |
We arrived home and needed to leave in about 10 minutes as a friend and tennis team mate asked Terry and I to go on a boat ride. We spent 3+ hours on the back waters and the gulf. It was a perfect weather day and a very fun and relaxing time. I would say I have never spent a December day like that.
I decided to have a bit of Baileys with my FP on the last day of Advent. Not so much memories of Advent or Christmas this morning but rather of winter on the farm.
- We did not have a hill to sled down but we did hop the fence beyond the three-holer and slid down a tiny hill to the creek bottom.
- Often Dave and I would put on our overshoes, sling our skates over our shoulder and hike up to the lake where we would shovel snow off the ice and play a game of hockey. That is until that darn hockey puck that Dave glued together out of tire tubes got too cold and fell apart!
- Winter was a time of daily carrying in 5 gallon cans of kerosene for the stove in the living room. It was the only heat after Dad took out the cook stove. Some time later Dad did put a barrel outside and a line into the stove in the house.
- There was a time when we would go out to the granary to get coal for the cook stove. I do not know who delivered the coal.
- Winter was a time of COLD car rides as Dad never heated the car before we left and most of the time we would visit relatives who were close so by the time we arrived the car still was not very warm.
- Winter was a time of board games, electric sets, Lincoln Logs, ping ping, puzzles and more.
- Winter was a time of running upstairs as fast as possible and jumping in bed under about 3 or 4 quilts. I remember when I was in the 5th grade and we had a geography test. Mrs. Fox was our teacher. She called me up to her desk the next day and wondered why I got such a poor grade. She guessed it may be because I slept under so may covers I got tired instead of good sleep!
- Winter was a time of many arguments with Mom. Ear laps down, ear laps up, ear laps down, ear laps up. I finally wised up and would cover my ears when I left the house. Then as soon as we were out of sight I would put the ear laps up!
- Winter was a time of walking to the barn in the snow with a lantern in one hand and the milk pail in the other. The lantern would hang on a nail while we sat on the one legged milk stool and milked. I can still see these many many pair of beady cat eyes in the dark begging for a squirt of milk.
- Winter was a time of lying in bed counting the frosty nail heads in the ceiling!
- Winter was a time of enjoying the fruit of our summer labor with quart jars of peaches and other food. Actually to be truthful it was mostly the labor of Mom.
- Winter was a time of digging out the hay from the snow and throwing it over the fence OR early on riding in the hay rack to the field and filling it with hay and then throwing it into the hay barn when we arrived home.
- Winter always presented the challenge of keeping the water tank in the barn full without having it run over into the pen. We were successful most of the time!
- Winter was a time of hunting fox as we drove around the country side. AND make sure you did not complain about cold feet or Dad would stop the car and tell you to get out and run for a while to warm up!
As one can see our life way back in the 50's and 60's was so so different than life today. No computers, no TV for a long time and no phone. Our play consisted of board games, made up games and card games. Oh, you could throw some comic books in for reading material. Actually we could bring books home from school to read. In the school year of 58/59 I read and handed in 110 book reports--we were encouraged to hand in 25 book reports. most of the reading was in the winter. I am guessing that half of the books were about horses! I always wanted a horse but no luck.
Enough, Terry and I will not hear laughing and screaming little kids tonight. Instead it will be a pretty quiet time with an early bed time. Tomorrow we will spend much of the day with friends at their house. We will relax and enjoy the gift of life and then think about fun and wild times next weekend when we are in South Bend with 12 grand children.
Happy Birthday Benedict
Five years ago today Benedict (Ben) came into the world. He is one of the 12 best grandsons any grandpa could have. Ben you are a great young man, we love you.
Grandpa Lee and Terry
Grandpa Lee and Terry
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Christmas Day is close
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November 1, 1982 |
Terry is getting stronger and better each day. She went on a mile+ walk yesterday by herself and did well and-----under 30 minutes which is what the Dr. wanted. I found out yesterday, from the MRI of my foot, that there is not bone damage but rather an inflamed nerve so I sat still while the Dr. did the big "C" injection and I am sure that will make a difference. I was pain free when I got out of bed this morning. As I walk on it there is some pain but I know it will heal soon. Not playing tennis entered my mind but then I said, "that is not an option"!
I have family places on my phone weather and it all looks good: Madison 26, Holiday Island 35, Sandy UT 32, Jamestown 33, South Bend 20, Peachtree City GA 29, St. Paul 28, Grimes IA 28, oh and then there is Naples at 67!
That is it for today, another day to see and experience how good our God is.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
We did it!
We won our seventh match yesterday 2-1 and that gave us the league championship. We had 7 weeks of competition. Each week we played 3 matches so a team could get a total of 21 points if they won all their matches each week. We started out 3-0 and then for the next 6 weeks we won 2 of the 3 matches. We went into the match yesterday against the second place team having to win 1 of the 3 matches for the championship. I felt we could win all 3 but on court #3 they played a first set tie breaker, a second set tie breaker and then a match tie breaker and lost. It certainly was fun to win it all in our second year of playing.
The winter season starts January 16th and that will be a new and tough challenge. There will be more teams and better teams so it will be fun to see what happens. We played in 86 degree temps yesterday and it was HOT on the court. It is a 60 and over league with my team ages ranging from 65-82.
We had a fun party after our match yesterday. Burgers, brats, potato salad and beans. The guys had a great time.
We are having very warm temps here. Sunday we set a record high for the date with 86 and I think the normal high is about 76. I have seen the - numbers in much of the country the last few days and I have no complaints.
Today will be for cleaning up the house, Terry doing PT, me seeing the Dr. about my foot and then some running around and oh I will play tennis at 10:30.
Hard to believe that we are 5 days away from Christmas Day.
I have a sip of FP left but it is cold.
The winter season starts January 16th and that will be a new and tough challenge. There will be more teams and better teams so it will be fun to see what happens. We played in 86 degree temps yesterday and it was HOT on the court. It is a 60 and over league with my team ages ranging from 65-82.
We had a fun party after our match yesterday. Burgers, brats, potato salad and beans. The guys had a great time.
We are having very warm temps here. Sunday we set a record high for the date with 86 and I think the normal high is about 76. I have seen the - numbers in much of the country the last few days and I have no complaints.
Today will be for cleaning up the house, Terry doing PT, me seeing the Dr. about my foot and then some running around and oh I will play tennis at 10:30.
Hard to believe that we are 5 days away from Christmas Day.
I have a sip of FP left but it is cold.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Down memory lane one more time--last Sunday of Advent 2016
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Uncle Mark holding John in front of the tree in 1969 |
It is Saturday, December 21st of 1957. Mom is bustling around the house getting things in order as today is the big day. It is the last practice of the church Christmas program. That does not make me happy. There is a lot of snow outside and it would be a great day to go sledding. There is also the puzzle that is waiting to be completed and of course it would be fun to play Dave in Ping Pong. We are pretty even when we play but last time he beat me and I am itching to get back at him. BUT it is into the cold car and off to Bergen Church for at least 2 hours. At the age of ten I did not realize that these program practices and the actual program were perhaps the highlight of the year for Mom. She loved to play the piano and during the program I am sure we sang MANY songs! I suppose it is not expected that a 10 year old boy would understand that about his mom but it would have been nice. We arrive at the church at 12:50 PM and of course we are the first ones there. Walking into the church I inhale the aroma of pews, song books and Christmas trees. By 1:30 everyone is there, perhaps 20 kids and Mom. For the next couple of hours it is stand up, sit down, sing, be quiet and that goes on and on and on it seems. Finally by 4:30 we are finished and we head home, again in a cold car, as darkness settles in on the North Dakota prairie land. As we drive home I do take some satisfaction from the fact that Chuckie and I did catch up on school, home and THINGS boys talk about.
It is December 10, 1955. Dad had been away for several days dealing with some health issues which of course were not shared with us kids. Mom was so excited as she thought Dad would be home today, Saturday. Some how we had gotten a small tree and the lights were up. It was not a magnificent tree, like one would wish for, but Mom was happy and excited about it as there had been times when there was no tree. The floor under the tree was bare linoleum but after all Christmas was 2 weeks away. About 3:00 PM as Joan finished washing dishes and Dave and I had all of them dry Mom looked out the window and said in an excited voice, "Daddy is home". Everyone rushed to the entry, raced past the cream separator and opened the door to welcome Dad who had several packages. He came into the house and placed them on the kitchen table and then handed one to Mom. He smiled and said to open it right away. There in a cardboard box were shiney cone like reflectors that were meant to put on each tree light. Mom thought they were wonderful. I am guessing that after we put them on the tree lights Mom thought it was the best tree ever.
Memories, they are good to have and fun to make.
An update on Naples life. Terry is doing more and more things. She now goes on walks by herself and does well. She is almost off all pain meds and that is good. Today she will spend some time in the kitchen as she makes a couple of things for our party tomorrow.
I actually took Thursday off from tennis and that helped my foot. It is not bad but it does bother when I do too much. I will find out on Tuesday if there is any hairline fracture but really it makes no difference as no matter what it is time will heal it. Our last fall tennis match is tomorrow. After wards the team and wives will come over for a picnic party. Terry is making potato salad and beans while I will BQ burgers and brats. Nothing fancy but I think it will be a good time. I have already started to think about the winter season which begins with league play January 16th. I will have 13 players, 8 of which will be pretty quality tennis players. It may be interesting to get in playing time for everyone. Maybe I have recruited to the point where I will be hurting for playing time!!! I think the guys feel I am a pretty good captain now but after the season maybe that will change.
My Advent readings have been very good. I am so thankful for the goodness of our God.
The Baileys and FP are gone. Oh my, a week from today will be Christmas Day.
Friday, December 16, 2016
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Travis and Aaron helping Dad shovel the driveway in 1976 |
Once again my tennis team won 2 of 3 matches in our league play last Monday. We now hold a 3 point lead with our final match coming Monday. We do play the second place team so we need to win 1 match to win the league. I am confident but I hope I am not over confident. We have already played this team twice and both time came away with 2 of the 3 courts but I know anything can happen in sports. The team will gather at our home for a picnic after the match.
Health wise, Terry is doing better. She does not have much pain now and yesterday actually went for a walk solo! I had an MRI on my foot Tuesday and I have not gotten a call so I am thinking things are fine. The Dr. did say he suspected there may be a tiny fracture someplace in the bone and that was the reason for the MRI. I am on that med that you take pills like 6 the first day, 5 the next day etc until you get to none and then things should be perfect!--I predict! I did not play yesterday and that helped a lot.
Wow, Christmas is coming fast. Christmas Eve is a week from tomorrow. I have taken time each day this Advent to be thankful and I do try to be a better person each day. The only problem with that is it is too easy to fail.
My FP is gone and it is time to dress and get to the fitness center before 9:00 tennis.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
December 11, third Sunday of Advent and time for memory lane with Baileys!
It was the Christmas of 1971. A friend came over for a good home cooked meal as he was not married. He said he had a special present for John. Rodger went back out to his car and came in with a box that was wrapped in Christmas ribbon. As he set it down the box moved and as John walked over to the box he stared at a little puppy! Buster was added to the Lee family. It was probably one of the most unexpected presents we ever received!
It is a good thing Christmas only comes once a year as I remember many times I put MUCH work into those presents. 1975 was the year and I had worked on presents for the boys for some time. I had decided to make them toolboxes. Willie, the woodworker at the School for the Deaf, had given me a key for the wood shop so I could work some nights. About a week before Christmas I carefully cut all the pieces of pine for the three tool boxes. I figured that the next night I would work late again and put them together. As I walked into the shop the next night, it was late, my heart sank as several of the pieces had warped and were of no use. Time was short and I had to put them together that night so I carefully picked out more pine from Willie's wood, I would ask for it the next day, and cut again but this time I cut and assembled. As I finished the clock was near midnight so I had to call it a night. I still had to put a finish on them and then wood burn their names. Christmas eve came and there was no doubt the presents were more about Dad than the boys as they were 6, 4 and 2. What were they to do with a tool box but anyway they were delighted to get something that Dad had made. I think all three of those boxes still exist and are used by the boys.
It was Christmas in the 50's, perhaps mid. There was NO money to be had but it did seem like Dad and Mom managed to find enough for some presents. The ping pong gun was a big hit. I am not sure if it went to Dave or me but both of us used it for a long long time. Some time later there was another one that you could load multiple balls in and fire away at a rapid rate. It was great fun and one of the best ever presents.
That is it for today, the third Sunday in Advent. I have been faithful in reading scripture each day and it has been good. Thank you Lord for your son Jesus who came as a baby to save us from our sinful self. I am grateful for your love, your protection and I desire to serve you each day.
We have our 6th tennis match tomorrow. I find that I am always nervous before a match but now that we are in 1st place there is a bit more nerves coming through. Win lose or draw it will be fun.
FP, it is finished and was special today as we have a glass cup that shows how much Baileys you need to use. I used a bit more than last Sunday and it was GOOD.
It is a good thing Christmas only comes once a year as I remember many times I put MUCH work into those presents. 1975 was the year and I had worked on presents for the boys for some time. I had decided to make them toolboxes. Willie, the woodworker at the School for the Deaf, had given me a key for the wood shop so I could work some nights. About a week before Christmas I carefully cut all the pieces of pine for the three tool boxes. I figured that the next night I would work late again and put them together. As I walked into the shop the next night, it was late, my heart sank as several of the pieces had warped and were of no use. Time was short and I had to put them together that night so I carefully picked out more pine from Willie's wood, I would ask for it the next day, and cut again but this time I cut and assembled. As I finished the clock was near midnight so I had to call it a night. I still had to put a finish on them and then wood burn their names. Christmas eve came and there was no doubt the presents were more about Dad than the boys as they were 6, 4 and 2. What were they to do with a tool box but anyway they were delighted to get something that Dad had made. I think all three of those boxes still exist and are used by the boys.
It was Christmas in the 50's, perhaps mid. There was NO money to be had but it did seem like Dad and Mom managed to find enough for some presents. The ping pong gun was a big hit. I am not sure if it went to Dave or me but both of us used it for a long long time. Some time later there was another one that you could load multiple balls in and fire away at a rapid rate. It was great fun and one of the best ever presents.
That is it for today, the third Sunday in Advent. I have been faithful in reading scripture each day and it has been good. Thank you Lord for your son Jesus who came as a baby to save us from our sinful self. I am grateful for your love, your protection and I desire to serve you each day.
We have our 6th tennis match tomorrow. I find that I am always nervous before a match but now that we are in 1st place there is a bit more nerves coming through. Win lose or draw it will be fun.
FP, it is finished and was special today as we have a glass cup that shows how much Baileys you need to use. I used a bit more than last Sunday and it was GOOD.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
47 years ago
Time flies when you are having fun (I mean when you are busy). Happy birthday John. You are a shining star in a world that needs more like you!!! We love you, Dad and Terry
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
2 of 3 again
My tennis team played its 5th match of the season and for the 4th time we won 2 of the 3 courts. What happened to me--on court 1 I lost in a tie breaker. We lost the first set 3-6, came back to win the second set 6-3 but faltered in the tie breaker. I did not help our cause. With 1-0 lead in the tie breaker I had an easy shot to put away and hit it wide. On the next point my partner returned an easy shot into the net so there we were 1-2 instead of 3-0. We ended up losing 7-10. In those darn tie breakers a mistake here, a great shot by them there and you are in the hole that is difficult to dig out of. The good part is we are now on top with 11 points leading second place who has 8. There will be 6 more points to gather in the last two matches. I sure would be nice to go into the last match, which will be against the second place team, with a 4 point lead. I know, success breeds greed! But what the heck there is nothing wrong in wanting to be #1, is there?
Even though I lost my match I did have some good news. I have been working on my serve and even took a 30 min lesson last week. I had Terry chart my first serve and second serve. I got 82% of my first serves in a and we won 70% of those points. On my second serve we won 75% of those and I double faulted once. I know that is boring but being a fairly new player I am happy to improve in that aspect of the game.
Our tennis courts are about 1/4 mile away and Terry walked to and from by herself so she is making good progress.
Time to dress and get to the courts and guess what, I have enough FP to put in a cup and bring it with me.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Second Sunday in Advent, a little Baileys' and down memory lane we go
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Aaron, Travis, John and Lisa in front of the tree at Aunt Ann's in 1973 |
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mine was not colored but it was pretty much like this |
Christmas is here and I am so excited. I let Mom and Dad know that I would like a clock radio. Now I am not sure if any electrical device will work upstairs in the winter as the temperature often goes below freezing. Sometimes I go to sleep counting how many frosty nails I can see that poke through the roof boards above the bed. But I am thinking that maybe, just maybe, Mom and Dad were able to get a clock radio for me. Mostly what I would like is to be able to see the time when I woke up but even more than that it would be glorious to lie in bed in the summer time and listen to Harry Cary announce the St. Louis Cardinals baseball games. THERE it was on the floor in front of me, a kind of square package that certainly had the possibility of a radio AND yes it was that. The only downer was Mom then told me she would not have to call upstairs to wake me in the morning. Shoot, I always liked that as it made me feel important but of course the radio out weighted the downer of that. For the next several years I listened to Harry C as I lay in bed trying to convince myself it was not stifling hot in my bedroom during June, July and August. Now the clock could not be counted on to be accurate when ever the temp dipped below freezing in my bedroom.
The lutefisk and lefsa were all gone(we had them yesterday) the presents were opened and they were pretty thin this year but there had been a new puzzle so that was good. We huddled in the cold car, as always, and headed the 3 miles to Grandma and Grandpa's home. It would be a fun evening with cousins and Grandma and Grandpa were always fun to visit. Grandpa had a laugh that would echo back from the Grand Canyon,when he was still in ND, and Grandma always had cookies, lots of them! Of course we would have to endure Grandpa eating way way longer than anyone. He would grin from ear to ear and then take another helping of something just to tease us. As he looked into our worried faces he would throw his head back and laugh, a laugh that I can still hear today. The evening would be long. We would eat and then play games. If the weather was nice enough all the cousins would venture outside for a game of hide and seek. I think I may have been really good at hiding! As the evening wore on we would get tired and want to go home but about that time the adults would be in the middle of a card game so it was into Grandma and Grandpa's bedroom, move all the coats off the bed and go to sleep. As midnight approached it would be home again in the cold car and then hustle upstairs and cozy under the layers of blankets to keep warm. As I drifted off to sleep I am guessing I was already looking forward to New Years Eve when we would put puzzles together, maybe put leaves in the table and play ping pong and for sure toast thin slices of potato on the cast iron stove top.
On another note we have a tennis match tomorrow at home. In fact our last 3 matches of the season are at home. I have been practicing my serve and I am hoping Terry can chart some things for me to see if it is an asset yet! We play Grandezza, who we took 2 of 3 from earlier but they won all three courts against Pelican Sound last week so I am guessing we will have our hands full. I am hoping for 3 wins, I will be OK with 2 wins but anything less will be a downer. As you can see success brings about a certain level of greed I would say. I will try to change but....
Terry is continuing to get better but at a very slow pace. She did walk a mile in under 30 minutes two days ago. The Dr wanted her to be able to do that by the end of December so my idea of slow pace may be totally off base and she may be doing very very well.
We plan to put together our Christmas cards in the next couple of days. For us we are a bit late but maybe not as we have received one card so far! Maybe that is all we will get.
One last sip of FP, the Baileys' is long gone, and I will sign off.
Friday, December 2, 2016
We have a name
Up early this morning and guess what! I looked at my phone and we have a name. So what did I do? I had a little bit of Bailey's in my FP to celebrate. (just a little as there is tennis at 7:30) Leo Augustine is now official. Not sure what we are going to call him this New Years with Leo Charles Lee and Leo Augustine Adkins but maybe by their middle name too. Some suggestions would be Little Leo (do not like that), Leo Charles or Leo Augustine (too long), Leo C or Leo A (not sure about that). Maybe we can get by over New Years with baby Leo. I think! Whatever comes about is fine but it certainly will be a fun time over New Years with ALL the Lee Clan.
There was more good news on the tennis front last Monday. For the third week in a row we came out on top in 2 of the 3 matches. We will now play each of the 3 teams one more time before the fall season comes to a close. It has been fun to see the guys as they finally have had success with the team. We all rode in my car to the Monday match and on the way home you would have thought these guys were the BEST of friends and had known each other for a long time. Well the truth is there is not a lot of social activity among the guys outside of the tennis and one of the guys is on the team for the first time. I had lunch with two guys yesterday, one of them is on the team and the other was on the team last year but he is dealing with a medical issue. The guy who is on the team went on and on about how much fun the team is having--fun to hear. Regardless of the "fun times" we are hoping we do not do a Vikings act and fall flat on our faces. It is interesting as one has success it is easy to get greedy! Now I want to win all three courts next Monday! We are in first place with a 2 point lead and there are 9 more points to fight for over the last 3 matches. We will see. I would make a prediction but that may be dangerous.
As I walked into the kitchen this morning to start the FP the clock showed 4:44, way too early but what is one to do. There is a tennis match at 7:30 this morning so I can't really go back to bed and for sure one can not go to bed after having a tiny bit of Bailey's. MAYBE there is a nap later today. I try to avoid those darn things as I have in my head they are for old people or sick people but then maybe I fit into one of those categories!
The FP with a tiny bit of Bailey's is gone!
There was more good news on the tennis front last Monday. For the third week in a row we came out on top in 2 of the 3 matches. We will now play each of the 3 teams one more time before the fall season comes to a close. It has been fun to see the guys as they finally have had success with the team. We all rode in my car to the Monday match and on the way home you would have thought these guys were the BEST of friends and had known each other for a long time. Well the truth is there is not a lot of social activity among the guys outside of the tennis and one of the guys is on the team for the first time. I had lunch with two guys yesterday, one of them is on the team and the other was on the team last year but he is dealing with a medical issue. The guy who is on the team went on and on about how much fun the team is having--fun to hear. Regardless of the "fun times" we are hoping we do not do a Vikings act and fall flat on our faces. It is interesting as one has success it is easy to get greedy! Now I want to win all three courts next Monday! We are in first place with a 2 point lead and there are 9 more points to fight for over the last 3 matches. We will see. I would make a prediction but that may be dangerous.
As I walked into the kitchen this morning to start the FP the clock showed 4:44, way too early but what is one to do. There is a tennis match at 7:30 this morning so I can't really go back to bed and for sure one can not go to bed after having a tiny bit of Bailey's. MAYBE there is a nap later today. I try to avoid those darn things as I have in my head they are for old people or sick people but then maybe I fit into one of those categories!
The FP with a tiny bit of Bailey's is gone!
Thursday, December 1, 2016
6 & 6
Baby Adkins arrived yesterday, November 30. At this point he is "no name". He entered the world at 7 pounds & 7 ounces and from this picture he looks about perfect, just like the other Lee grandchildren!!! Cynthia reports that the labor and birth went very well and everyone is doing great. His due date was December 7 so he is following in his sibling's footsteps by coming a bit early.
I just got a text, no phone call yet, which only means we are in a modern world!
More news when there is a name. "No name" makes everything equal, six girls and six boys and he also makes the Adkins 3 & 3. Like Jude said in October, "when the baby comes out it will sleep in the crib"!
Here is the crib. I am so happy that they are making good use of it. Veronica will have to give it up in a few weeks. To this day the cribs remain one of my favorite projects. It was a bit beyond my skill level but time overcomes ineptness!
I just got a text, no phone call yet, which only means we are in a modern world!
More news when there is a name. "No name" makes everything equal, six girls and six boys and he also makes the Adkins 3 & 3. Like Jude said in October, "when the baby comes out it will sleep in the crib"!
Here is the crib. I am so happy that they are making good use of it. Veronica will have to give it up in a few weeks. To this day the cribs remain one of my favorite projects. It was a bit beyond my skill level but time overcomes ineptness!
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Unforeseen riches!
I forgot to mention that we received another quarterly check from LuLu for the sales of our book. I smiled so proudly when I deposited the $22.87 check into the account. THEN I noticed that with such a large check the monthly interest increased from $.01 to $.02!!! Terry and I are on our way to unforeseen riches. I will not print our balance but you can guess by the amount of interest that the balance is HUGE! We have had a lot of fun with the book.
The first Sunday of Advent 2016
It is again Sunday during the holidays so it is only fitting that one can pour the FP into a little of Baileys and enjoy, remember and look forward.
- It is December of 1969 and Grandma and Grandpa Saunders come for a quick visit to see their very first grandchild. At one point in time John decides to welcome Grandpa by wetting through his diaper onto Grandpa's lap! I remember Grandpa not being real sure he is old enough to have a grandchild (he was 52). Of course over the couple of days John is seldom in his crib but always in some one's arms. Nobody had any idea that John would be the first of many many grand children and great grand children.
- It is the winter of 1956. Friday, December 21 is the Christmas program at Wood Lake School. For some reason I was chosen to tell the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus. Remember this is a public school! I have read and reread and reread the story over and over and over again until I know each and every word. Some students sit around me as I begin the wonderful story of how Jesus was born and came into the world to save all of us. Later Mom tells me that she thought I would never end as she told me I went on and on and on. After the program there are treats which for me are the highlight of the evening. Once again, as we head home, Dad refuses to start the car to warm it up. Helen sits between Mom and Dad in the front seat and Dave, Joan and I huddle in the back. By the time we arrive home, after the short drive, there is a tiny hint of warm air in the car. I am not sure if it is from the heater or from the 6 bodies in the car. I kiss Mom and Dad good-night and scamper up the stairs to undress and dive under the feather tic cover. As I drift off to sleep I think of Jesus in the manger and I wonder if he kept warm enough!
- It is Thursday, December 24th of 1959 and the weather is cold cold cold. It is seldom that I look forward to doing chores in the dark of winter but this night is different. As I trudge out to the barn I know that most of the cows will be inside. That means that the aroma and the heat from them will welcome me when I open the door. Chores tonight will be short. I need to check the water tank, the calves need hay, five of the cows need to be milked but that will not take a long time. I wonder why we have Shorthorn cows because they give very little milk compared to Holstein cows. The chores will go fast because after I am finished there will be lefsa, lutefisk, boiled potatoes and then presents. I am hoping that one of the presents will be a new puzzle. I love to put puzzles together on New Years Eve and stay up late late late. One of the problems in doing that is we always fry potatoes on the cook stove and then the buttery grease on our fingers stain the puzzle pieces BUT it is fun. I hope against all hope that I do not get socks for Christmas. Sure I hate to fold over the sock toes that are too long and those holes that Mom missed make for uncomfortable walks but really, socks for Christmas! I hope there are some more games to play as that Touring Card game is almost wore out.
Yes, holiday memories are good. As I start to look north of 70 maybe, just maybe, I need to dial down those memories a bit and dial up the current activities! We will see. For some reason the FP went down smooth and fast--oh yes that Baileys will do it every time.
Wake up Carmen, it is time to hit the fitness center and practice that serve with the idea that it will become an asset and not a liability.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving 2016!!!
I wanted to start this holiday season in style so before I filled my Alaska cup (a gift from Terry) with FP I poured a bit of Baileys in rather than the usual cream! I am now good to go for the entire day.
I received a nice note from sister Helen and a nice note from brother Dave. I am thinking sister Joan is making lefsa, taking care of Ron and spending time with those 4 little ones and those 4 big ones!
Thanksgiving and Christmas are times of the year that I spend quiet times thinking, reflecting and reminiscing about the past, present and future. This year again my senses have been dulled by the death of a friend and tennis teammate. John was in his low 80's and had lived a very active and full life. As an MD he traveled to third world countries to give of himself and in his spare time he did woodworking and many other things. Times like this I can not ignore the fact that this is the last Thanksgiving that I will be south of 70! I often struggle with the fact that my body and mind are not in the same place. I am not sure if that is good or bad.
This morning I have made the decision, for today, that I will take life and run with what God has given me. Now there may be a question as to what that is but I intend to find out before it is too late. Terry and I will spend a quiet day but will enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal mid afternoon. I am not sure if I enjoy the meal the most or the leftovers the most.
I do think of how different this Thanksgiving is from the past 60 or so. It seems to me that growing up on the farm it was usually cold and snow on the ground. It even seems that it was kind of fun to do the chores in the barn because it was warm there! In Devils Lake I KNOW it usually was cold. I remember very well one Thanksgiving we headed to our parents on Wednesday night after school. About 10 miles south of Devils Lake the roads because glare ice and the ditch looked like a good possibility. We found an approach, turned around and headed back home. In St. Paul one of the goofy measuring sticks was by Thanksgiving it would be freezing in the garage. How about that for a Thanksgiving memory! Here, as I tapped my phone this morning, it showed the temp to be 66! Warm enough for a walk, a tennis match and perhaps a sunset at the beach. Life is changeable as one grows into maturity!
Just a few things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:
- my wife Terry who is terrific
- my kids who are all growing into maturity with success and grace
- my grandkids who daily give hope to a new generation
- I am thankful to be looking at north of 60 in January
- to live in a country and have all (actually more) that I desire and need
- for FP with a little kick in it!!!!
There are many many more things too but enough for now.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Oh my, only 2 more Sundays left in November!
I woke up this morning and wanted to be sure I was in Naples and I decided I was because:
- The temp was a CHILLY 60!
- I remembered yesterday when I got in the car to go to the store and realized that I did not have any shoes on!
- As I was getting out of bed I recalled that on the weather last night they made a big deal out of the forecast that said Monday morning it would be in the high 40's!
- I rode my bike to the tennis courts yesterday to practice my serve and it was sunny and hot!
- When I went outside this morning I picked up the paper instead of unlocking my wood shop!
- I heard the pool cleaner start up at 9:00 AM!
Yup, I am in Naples for sure!!!
I am happy to be starting in on a new week. I lost count but I think we made about 8 visits to the doctor or to a medical place for MRIs. Terry had a nerve block on Tuesday to kind of start the week and then finished with a flurry with a Kyphoplasty Treatment on Friday AM. She was very sore yesterday and when she would get up to walk she was extremely careful. I think the walking was not so much the issue as was the getting up and getting down again. She will have an appt with a doctor tomorrow and the a follow up appt the Monday after Thanksgiving to see how the Kyphoplasty went. They will take an x-ray and then talk with the doctor. At this time we feel that she received very poor treatment in the Twin Cities and we most likely will not use the pain clinic again in St. Louis Park. I think they treated the pain rather than the cause. Well perhaps we should have known a pain clinic would do that. We are so so thankful for the doctors we have here as they seem to be among the best.
Tennis, it continues to take up time and I guess that is good. We came out on top last Monday by winning courts #1 and #2 which means after 3 weeks we are 7-2 with the second place team right behind at 6-3. We play them the Monday after Thanksgiving without one of our best players and then we play them again the last match of the fall which is December 19th. For sure much can happen in between so we will see but these first three weeks has been fun mainly seeing the confidence winning some matches has given some of the players. I pretty much have the winter lineup in place. I feel I will have 6 players capable of playing well on courts 1,2 and 3. I will have 3 players that will most likely rotate into the 3rd court. One of them will improve and do well, while one will just be "not very good" and the third guy is a good player but he is 83 so his movement is slow. Enough about tennis.
Terry and I will have a quiet Thanksgiving Day. We will stay at home, make a special meal and relax. I may be just what the doctor ordered! Then I will enjoy leftovers for several days.
My FP was gone a long time ago.
Monday, November 14, 2016
new transportation
For the past several years we have loaded bikes into the car or the camper and hauled them south or north but we never really use them on our trips. So it was time to leave bikes in St. Paul and also leave them in Naples. I went on Craig's List yesterday and pulled up 1000+ bike posts! This seemed like a good fit. I felt it was in good shape and was at a decent price so there it is. I will ride it to the tennis courts for the first time today.
I will not play tennis this morning. We have a match this afternoon and I have found that playing the morning of a match is not a good thing for me. Next week, Thanksgiving week, we do not have a match so it will be 2 weeks before our next match. We have our last 3 at home which is kind of nice. Really all the clubs have nice courts but it just is fun not to drive. Most away matches are 20-30 minutes away.
Our weather continues to be super. I think it is supposed to be sunny and 80 for our match this afternoon. I walked out last night to see the BIG moon.
Terry continues, at a snail's pace, to improve I think.
No, it is time to get dressed, down the last drop of FP and head to the courts for a short time. After that it will be stretching in the fitness center. My back, so far so good.
I will not play tennis this morning. We have a match this afternoon and I have found that playing the morning of a match is not a good thing for me. Next week, Thanksgiving week, we do not have a match so it will be 2 weeks before our next match. We have our last 3 at home which is kind of nice. Really all the clubs have nice courts but it just is fun not to drive. Most away matches are 20-30 minutes away.
Our weather continues to be super. I think it is supposed to be sunny and 80 for our match this afternoon. I walked out last night to see the BIG moon.
Terry continues, at a snail's pace, to improve I think.
No, it is time to get dressed, down the last drop of FP and head to the courts for a short time. After that it will be stretching in the fitness center. My back, so far so good.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
November 9th, the end of political items on TV
As I sit here in Naples FL I am reminded that I am blessed. My health, it is OK, and I am happy that Hillary is not going to be our next president. I am sure if she had run against Dennis the Menace I would have voted for Dennis!!! Am I pleased with Trump? He is kind of a loose cannon but we will see.
Tennis, we won our Monday match 2-1 so we now stand 5-1 after 2 weeks. What does it mean? Not a whole lot except it is nice to have some success, even if it is for only a short time. At the end of the fall season where will we be? I am not sure but for now I will say it is fun!
The weather man made a big deal out of the fact that for the next several days the lows will be in the high 50s! What the heck is that? I am enjoying the low 80s now and for the next few days.
It looks like Terry and I will spend Thanksgiving as just the two of us. That is not bad. Terry is still dealing with a lot of pain so I think I will fix dinner on the 24th and we will just spend a quiet day, the two of us. Actually I am excited about it.
Oh my goodness. Dr. John L. was told that his last few months of fatigue is due to Pancreatic cancer and we all know that it is not a good sign. John told a friend that at the age of 55 he had a major heart attack and now 30 years later it may be his time. He said he is failing fast. He is thankful for the extra 30 years but oh my goodness living in an "aging" community has its down times for sure.
Terry had an MRI of her left knee today and will have an MRI of her left hip tomorrow. We are trying to get to the bottom of where all this pain is coming from. I do think that she is getting better each day but is it so so so slow.
Help, we have too much food. Friends brought over food a couple of days ago and tonight our next door neighbors brought over a meal. Terry is not eating much so I guess it is up to me! Help, I do need to lose weight.
Enough for now. I hope that family and friends are having a great November.
Tennis, we won our Monday match 2-1 so we now stand 5-1 after 2 weeks. What does it mean? Not a whole lot except it is nice to have some success, even if it is for only a short time. At the end of the fall season where will we be? I am not sure but for now I will say it is fun!
The weather man made a big deal out of the fact that for the next several days the lows will be in the high 50s! What the heck is that? I am enjoying the low 80s now and for the next few days.
It looks like Terry and I will spend Thanksgiving as just the two of us. That is not bad. Terry is still dealing with a lot of pain so I think I will fix dinner on the 24th and we will just spend a quiet day, the two of us. Actually I am excited about it.
Oh my goodness. Dr. John L. was told that his last few months of fatigue is due to Pancreatic cancer and we all know that it is not a good sign. John told a friend that at the age of 55 he had a major heart attack and now 30 years later it may be his time. He said he is failing fast. He is thankful for the extra 30 years but oh my goodness living in an "aging" community has its down times for sure.
Terry had an MRI of her left knee today and will have an MRI of her left hip tomorrow. We are trying to get to the bottom of where all this pain is coming from. I do think that she is getting better each day but is it so so so slow.
Help, we have too much food. Friends brought over food a couple of days ago and tonight our next door neighbors brought over a meal. Terry is not eating much so I guess it is up to me! Help, I do need to lose weight.
Enough for now. I hope that family and friends are having a great November.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Still more to do
Terry and I arrived in Naples a week ago yesterday. I am getting a bit better but I still am not all here! I think much of it is due to Terry's health. She is battling pain pretty much all the time which means NO activity. I am hoping that we can get some new answers this coming Friday as we see a pain doctor here.
I played tennis Monday-Friday. My team had it's first match Monday and for the first time in many matches we took all three points. There are 3 matches each meet. We call them court 1, 2 and 3. It is supposed to be that the stronger players are on court 1 and the least skilled are on 3. I had not played tennis since May so I played court 2. My partner, Rusty, and I lost the first set, got our feet under us and won set 2. That meant there would be a 10 point tie breaker with the winner having to win by 2 points. We had a good start and were ahead 5-2 and then lost the next 3 points. We surged ahead again at 8-5 and as Rusty was about to serve I turned to him and said, "This is a really important point"! After I said it I wondered how Rusty took it. We did win 10-5 and after the match Rusty asked me why in the world I said that!!!! Well! This Monday we play a team that won their 3 matches so it will be interesting. The fall league is very different than the winter. Many teams scramble for players as they often come in October and then go again the month of December. Our pro described the fall league as kind of a spring training. Anyway I am back into tennis and for now my back seems to be good.
Our home here is still not put away as I am not used to taking charge of that but slowly things are being put away and it will get done.
The weather, not into it yet. I played a bit of tennis yesterday PM and it was HOT. I think it was in the mid 80s with some humility so different than St. Paul in November.
This summer I read zero books as I was into the wood shop etc but I have already read 2 books here so that is good.
No tennis this weekend and then our second match on Monday.
Enough for now.
I played tennis Monday-Friday. My team had it's first match Monday and for the first time in many matches we took all three points. There are 3 matches each meet. We call them court 1, 2 and 3. It is supposed to be that the stronger players are on court 1 and the least skilled are on 3. I had not played tennis since May so I played court 2. My partner, Rusty, and I lost the first set, got our feet under us and won set 2. That meant there would be a 10 point tie breaker with the winner having to win by 2 points. We had a good start and were ahead 5-2 and then lost the next 3 points. We surged ahead again at 8-5 and as Rusty was about to serve I turned to him and said, "This is a really important point"! After I said it I wondered how Rusty took it. We did win 10-5 and after the match Rusty asked me why in the world I said that!!!! Well! This Monday we play a team that won their 3 matches so it will be interesting. The fall league is very different than the winter. Many teams scramble for players as they often come in October and then go again the month of December. Our pro described the fall league as kind of a spring training. Anyway I am back into tennis and for now my back seems to be good.
Our home here is still not put away as I am not used to taking charge of that but slowly things are being put away and it will get done.
The weather, not into it yet. I played a bit of tennis yesterday PM and it was HOT. I think it was in the mid 80s with some humility so different than St. Paul in November.
This summer I read zero books as I was into the wood shop etc but I have already read 2 books here so that is good.
No tennis this weekend and then our second match on Monday.
Enough for now.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Happy Birthday Cynthia
When Cynthia was in the first grade the gym teacher asked if anyone had been to a soccer game. Cynthia raised her hand and said, "I have been to 100's"!
On this day 36 years ago you came into the Lee family to make Mom's dream come true and to even out the family--3 boys and 1 girls!! Love you Dad and Terry
On this day 36 years ago you came into the Lee family to make Mom's dream come true and to even out the family--3 boys and 1 girls!! Love you Dad and Terry
Monday, October 31, 2016
The end of October 2016
When I clicked on the "weather" button on my phone 72 came up. I looked outside and the sun was bright and the wind was calm. My tennis team has it's first match this afternoon. I have only been able to round up 8 players and of those 3 are out of town this week. I need 6 for the 3 matches so we asked a guy to just play today. I played once, Saturday, since May 14th so we will see what happens. I will play court #2
Terry will not come to the match as she still has much pain and finds it difficult to sit or stand for any length of time. She has PT tomorrow and we are hoping to get some relief then.
It will take me some time to adjust to Naples this season. I am so used to just going out to my wood shop when Terry is busy or is not available but of course there is no wood shop here. I did start a book yesterday as I did not read during the summer so that is one way to keep busy.
We did not bring our bikes down so went on Craig's list to find one and guess what! There is over a 1000 listed. Did did get one yet.
No moreFP
Terry will not come to the match as she still has much pain and finds it difficult to sit or stand for any length of time. She has PT tomorrow and we are hoping to get some relief then.
It will take me some time to adjust to Naples this season. I am so used to just going out to my wood shop when Terry is busy or is not available but of course there is no wood shop here. I did start a book yesterday as I did not read during the summer so that is one way to keep busy.
We did not bring our bikes down so went on Craig's list to find one and guess what! There is over a 1000 listed. Did did get one yet.
No moreFP
Saturday, October 29, 2016
I am in a different world
Terry and I arrived in Naples yesterday at about 2:30. I am in a different world now.
There were difficult moments coming to Naples again. Our friend Ben R is battling the issues of a severe stroke and we will not see him this winter. Our neighbor Diane is battling a major health issue and we may not see her and John this winter. A friend Bruce B died over the summer and I do not think his wife Linda will come down. I know that we all get older and things change but this is difficult. When I step onto the tennis court this morning for the first time in 5 1/2 months I will think about Ben and Bruce.
Our trip here over the last three days was uneventful and it went fast. Last spring we did a camping trip on the way to MN and drove 5000 miles in three weeks. This time we did not visit anyone or anything and we drove 1720 miles in three days--a big difference.
I know that Terry is often in much pain yet but I do think she is getting better each day. I feel it will help to not have any steps in the house as here everything is on one level. She will have PT Tuesday and we are hoping she can get some ideas for water exercise. If so will will heat the pool and she can start that.
No paper yet and I hope it arrives. There should have been one yesterday when we arrived home but there was none. Of course we did not know if it was delivered or not.
Enough for now as the FP is nearly gone.
- I did NOT dream about how to hang the bathroom door last night but instead I had visions of myself playing basketball in HS (I play tennis at 7:30 today)
- I got out of bed, opened the door and was in the living room instead of going down a long flight of stairs.
- The temp is 73 and not 54.
- In the garage is the car and not work items.
- I see palm trees and not trees that have shed all their leaves.
- When I look out the back I see a swimming pool and a pond, not a cedar tree and the neighbor's house.
There were difficult moments coming to Naples again. Our friend Ben R is battling the issues of a severe stroke and we will not see him this winter. Our neighbor Diane is battling a major health issue and we may not see her and John this winter. A friend Bruce B died over the summer and I do not think his wife Linda will come down. I know that we all get older and things change but this is difficult. When I step onto the tennis court this morning for the first time in 5 1/2 months I will think about Ben and Bruce.
Our trip here over the last three days was uneventful and it went fast. Last spring we did a camping trip on the way to MN and drove 5000 miles in three weeks. This time we did not visit anyone or anything and we drove 1720 miles in three days--a big difference.
I know that Terry is often in much pain yet but I do think she is getting better each day. I feel it will help to not have any steps in the house as here everything is on one level. She will have PT Tuesday and we are hoping she can get some ideas for water exercise. If so will will heat the pool and she can start that.
No paper yet and I hope it arrives. There should have been one yesterday when we arrived home but there was none. Of course we did not know if it was delivered or not.
Enough for now as the FP is nearly gone.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
YesYesYesYesYesYes the major work is done!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Monday PM |
Tuesday Pm |
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Wednesday Pm |
Thursday Pm |
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Friday PM |
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Saturday PM |
Monday PM |
Tuesday PM |
Wednesday PM |
Thursday Pm |
Friday PM |
Today |
Today |
Today |
Today |
Today |
Today |
We are bummed out as the camper is in the garage and will sit there all winter. My main concern is getting Terry back to 100% so camping and the camper will have to wait!
When we leave Wednesday the high should be 48 and when we arrive in Naples on Friday the temp should be 86! No complaints!
Terry has one more procedure today and we are hoping and expecting that she will be fine to travel for the next three days.
I will not blog until we arrive in Naples and perhaps have played my first tennis in almost 6 months. I am hoping that I have forgotten all my bad habits! Do not be so negative, I can always have hope!
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Ten years ago
Ten years ago I walked Cynthia down the aisle of the Cathedral. I had a smile on my face and a tear in my eye as my little girl was venturing into her own world with Michael. The little girl who came into our lives November 1, 1980 and fulfilled a dream for her mother Gail.
Look what has happened! Five little little ones and a sixth on the way. They have a special house which serves them so well and as one can see it is full of life.
Happy 10th anniversary Cynthia and Michael, may today be special and the coming year bring you more life, more joy and God's rich blessings.
Love, Dad and Terry
Look what has happened! Five little little ones and a sixth on the way. They have a special house which serves them so well and as one can see it is full of life.
Happy 10th anniversary Cynthia and Michael, may today be special and the coming year bring you more life, more joy and God's rich blessings.
Love, Dad and Terry
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Today is the day!!!!!
I received a call from Cold Springs MN yesterday and the install for the vanity top is on. Going back:
I may sound a bit "over the top" with this but I have owned two houses over the last 45 years and this is the first ever "new" upgrade to a house. I have fixed, painted, repaired, did landscape and more but never have I had an upgrade to the interior of my home so it is a BIG deal for sure. The install of the granite is huge because after that I can hang the mirrors and things will look kind of complete as the tile should be in by Friday and after that it will be putting the finishing touches on things. NOW saying that, I admit that finishing things is NOT my strong point so I need to push on. I am super at ideas and starting things but to button things up and say "amen", I need to improve big time and I will.
- late June we decided on granite
- early July we started looking
- about July 10th we found what we thought we would like but it was in Duluth MN
- July 13th we drove to Duluth and said we would like it
- the bath redo went on and on and on and things needed to happen in a certain order
- painting had to be done, the floor had to be in and etc before the cabinet could go in
- about July 20th we visited Paulson Brothers woodworking and decided on red birch for the wood as that would compliment the granite
- the vanity was finally put in about 2 weeks ago and we were set for the granite to go in last Tuesday BUT the slab cracked and we had to find another that was the same-a separate story
- we did that and made arrangements for Overstock Countertops to get it
- yesterday the call came that install will be TODAY
- 3+ months comes to an end
I may sound a bit "over the top" with this but I have owned two houses over the last 45 years and this is the first ever "new" upgrade to a house. I have fixed, painted, repaired, did landscape and more but never have I had an upgrade to the interior of my home so it is a BIG deal for sure. The install of the granite is huge because after that I can hang the mirrors and things will look kind of complete as the tile should be in by Friday and after that it will be putting the finishing touches on things. NOW saying that, I admit that finishing things is NOT my strong point so I need to push on. I am super at ideas and starting things but to button things up and say "amen", I need to improve big time and I will.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Day by day
Before the tile started--this was my work |
The cement board went up first on Tuesday--from here on it is not me but Steve the tiler |
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Water proofing was next on Wednesday |
Thursday was spent getting many things ready |
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Friday the tile was brought in and a starter board was put in |
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The tile started to appear Saturday. The green markers are to flatten the tile as all tile has some unevenness to it |
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