Jude putting the finishing touches on the bookcase he and Grandpa made |
If you want a great colored picture, call Faustina |
Agatha, Miss Goldie Locks! |
Grandpa and Grandma think Jude resembles him, Jude is not certain! |
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Faustina, putting an oil finish on her book holder |
Grandpa's wood shop has been busy the last few days. First Jude made a bookcase and then Faustina made a book holder. Grandpa helped a bit!!
Terry and I thought and prayed about going to IN tomorrow to take in the memorial services for our friend Tom but we decided there is just too much going on now and it is too far so will catch up with his wife Phyllis later. I have not seen an e-mail but a friend, Colin, was not expected to live until the end of the day yesterday. The sadness and hurt go on.
John/Mary and family will be here tomorrow. I think they will be in town for a few days. I went to the grocery store last night to get the BOGO's that ended at midnight. The little gal who carted the groceries out thought I had enough food for a long long camping trip. I just said the when little/big grand kids come to town you need to be stocked up!
At men's group last night we met with some young men. Oh my, it is so refreshing to hear young men express their desire to serve the Lord and be what Jesus would want them to be. As a more mature guy now, I need to hear that from our young strong men.
I am fighting a war on weeds in the lawn. Sometimes I think I am winning and sometimes I think I lost! More work ahead but really, those darn weeds are a tough fight!
I heated the FP up once and now it is done.