Here we are at the end of April and is seems that the year is new yet!!
Terry and I are in a holding pattern. I have this darn right leg that is troublesome. I probably should not even mention it as it is so trivial in the long scheme of things but it is a bother. I have seen my tennis racket lie on the bed for 3 weeks or so with no activity. I have had an X-ray, an ultrasound, an EMG and tomorrow there will be an MRI. All because I have this darn ache in my lower leg and walk like Chester on Gun Smoke!!! I ALMOST think it is a bit better today but really I do not know. Anyway our planned trip north which we thought would start on the 10th is up in the air. Well we will go to St. Paul but the camping trip may have to wait. ENOUGH
Our new driveway is in, the pavers look great. Terry and I put the first coat of sealer on it today and we will be able to get the car back in the garage by Saturday. There are 46 units in our community and I think 30 of them will have the pavers done. The old cement driveways all needed repair so this is a timely project. Many of the ones who chose not to do it are mainly rental units so they probably do not care a whole lot. Anyway, the driveways look great and the entire community looks so much better.
We took the plunge and bought a MAC computer. Apple was not able to move our items to the new MAC so it is a work in progress. I am sure it was a good thing to do BUT there is always a learning curve that is often not much fun!
My book has been a non issue as I am waiting to hear from the edit people. I have not heard so am not sure if they read it and dumped it, read it and there were so many error that it will take forever or maybe they read it and it was so good they can't put it down!! Well the last option is hardly a possibility, I think it just takes time as I am sure they are doing many things at the same time. Wait and see is the mode I guess.
Our summer like weather continues. It was 90 yesterday and then in the afternoon we had a storm that brought an inch of rain. The 6:00 PM weather showed that it was clear then and the next several days would be nice. Wait, we got 1.25 inches of rain over night--the weather here is a hit and miss and mostly miss I have concluded!
No, I think it may be almost time for the second coat of sealer! It is PM so no FP.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
There is no reason for the picture. We made the BIG switch, from a PC to a Mac. I am trying to learn how to use it. Not all of our things were transferred over so I have no idea what, where or if any of the pictures are. We invited a couple over yesterday who have a home in Barabo WI. They switched to a Mac about two years ago so they gave us a lesson of sorts. It will take a while but I am trying to force myself to use the NEW thing so I get used to it.
I am getting very tired of my aches and pains so will only say that I have a Dr. appt today and an MRI on Thursday. I am hoping that will tell some things. Our three week camping trip as we go to MN is on hold for the time being. I want to see what the Dr say. After all of that I must say I have no complaints.
Our new driveway pavers are in. I am planning to seal them this week and then we can get the car back in the garage. The pavers are a HUGH improvement over the cement driveway. The workers are very good and they work hard. In the first 14 days they finished 15 driveways.
I am hoping to hear from LuLu this week so I can go farther with the book. They are going over the first 1800 words and then checking to make sure other things are in order. I think one of the big things is could there be any issues with pictures in the book. I doubt that would be the case as all are family pictures that Dad took. They may ask about the sketches as they are professional but I paid Andy G to do them for me so no problem there.
The picture, that is a toy I made, I think for Liam some time ago.
Got to sip that last drop of FP and then move the car to a different driveway for the paver people as they will still be working on this side of the street for most of the week.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Happy birthday Mike
Happy birthday Mike. Your looking good and remember that you are now closer to 40 than 30 but yet a long way off!! Continue to be the wonderful husband and father that you have been over the last several years.
I am in one of those "moods" today. Kind of iffy, kind of what if, kind of passive, in other words just in that "kind of _____" mood!! To start out I am thankful for so much. Terry is great, my kids are super, the grand kids are wonderful and the list goes on. I guess yesterday started this. I had flown back to St. Paul on Tuesday to look for a picture for the cover of the book. I didn't find it and was a bit discouraged. There was another picture I would liked to have had and that was not a good choice. So I was up in the air as to what picture to use and how to get an old picture up to the standards LuLu wants in a cover picture. At our Villia party Wednesday RL, who is a professional photographer, was there. I talked to him at length and he offered to take a picture and work with it. Terry and I took several pictures over to his house last Thursday to see what he would say. We settled on one picture and he told us why he thought it is ideal! Yesterday he stopped over with the prints and I think it turned out GREAT. He then e-mailed me the file so all I had to do was forward the file to LuLu which I did this morning. He would not take anything for doing the work but said he would be delighted to get a book. DONE As I said I am thankful for many things.
My "what if mood" is related to my right leg. I am starting to wonder if it is going to get better. I think I have started to walk with a favor to my right side which is NOT a good thing. Maybe I need more tennis? I played last Thursday and did OK. I will play again tomorrow and Wednesday. We will see if it works. Sometimes it feels fine and then it aches the next hour. These are the "golden years" right??
On the plus side I have been able to get a bit more sleep. Yesterday I did not wake up until 7:20 and today it was 6:10. I would enjoy sleeping until 7:30 or so but the last couple days have been a lot better than 4 and 5 AM.
No, this is about enough. I have been swimming to see if that helps my leg and I need to get over to the pool. I think there is some person who is turning up the temp of the pool. Two days ago I went and the water was 94---way too hot. I turned the temp down and yesterday it still was 90. We have been having warm weather so the sun does heat it up in the afternoon but------to swim in a warm warm pool is not even refreshing.
We still have not decided when to leave here for MN. I am not sure I want to take in national parks with a gimpy leg but maybe we should and I will be fine. Perhaps I am getting to the point of being wimpy and weak!! I am almost beginning to think the term "golden years" refers to needing gold to pay for therapy!!
FP is GONE. Swimming pool, here I come.
I am in one of those "moods" today. Kind of iffy, kind of what if, kind of passive, in other words just in that "kind of _____" mood!! To start out I am thankful for so much. Terry is great, my kids are super, the grand kids are wonderful and the list goes on. I guess yesterday started this. I had flown back to St. Paul on Tuesday to look for a picture for the cover of the book. I didn't find it and was a bit discouraged. There was another picture I would liked to have had and that was not a good choice. So I was up in the air as to what picture to use and how to get an old picture up to the standards LuLu wants in a cover picture. At our Villia party Wednesday RL, who is a professional photographer, was there. I talked to him at length and he offered to take a picture and work with it. Terry and I took several pictures over to his house last Thursday to see what he would say. We settled on one picture and he told us why he thought it is ideal! Yesterday he stopped over with the prints and I think it turned out GREAT. He then e-mailed me the file so all I had to do was forward the file to LuLu which I did this morning. He would not take anything for doing the work but said he would be delighted to get a book. DONE As I said I am thankful for many things.
My "what if mood" is related to my right leg. I am starting to wonder if it is going to get better. I think I have started to walk with a favor to my right side which is NOT a good thing. Maybe I need more tennis? I played last Thursday and did OK. I will play again tomorrow and Wednesday. We will see if it works. Sometimes it feels fine and then it aches the next hour. These are the "golden years" right??
On the plus side I have been able to get a bit more sleep. Yesterday I did not wake up until 7:20 and today it was 6:10. I would enjoy sleeping until 7:30 or so but the last couple days have been a lot better than 4 and 5 AM.
No, this is about enough. I have been swimming to see if that helps my leg and I need to get over to the pool. I think there is some person who is turning up the temp of the pool. Two days ago I went and the water was 94---way too hot. I turned the temp down and yesterday it still was 90. We have been having warm weather so the sun does heat it up in the afternoon but------to swim in a warm warm pool is not even refreshing.
We still have not decided when to leave here for MN. I am not sure I want to take in national parks with a gimpy leg but maybe we should and I will be fine. Perhaps I am getting to the point of being wimpy and weak!! I am almost beginning to think the term "golden years" refers to needing gold to pay for therapy!!
FP is GONE. Swimming pool, here I come.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Late but on tax day Leo turned 8
Happy birthday Leo. 8, wow you are getting so big. We love you and miss you. Grandpa Lee and Grandma Terry!
A lot happened in a week
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new outfits for happy farm boys!!!!! |
I flew to St. Paul on Tuesday afternoon and flew back to Naples on Wednesday morning. I was looking for a certain picture for the cover of my book but could not find it! So we took several others to a friend down the street who is a professional in photography. We picked out one and he said he would be able to photoshop it so it will be very good. So the cover is done, I think!!!
I played tennis yesterday for the first time in almost 2 weeks. At first I thought I had shin splints in my right leg and it got to the point that I went to EC and had several tests done. NOTHING Yesterday Terry and I had our spring appt with a neurologist and it did not take him long to let me know that it is coming from my back. So I will try some meds and have to exercise to see if that fixes it. I am tired of these little aches and pains as at my age I am thinking I should be in perfect health! Anyway I need to get serious about doing the things required of someone who is 68 and knows that he has a lot of activity left in his body.
Wednesday evening Terry and I organized the last of our monthly parties here. We live in a large circle where there are about 46 units, many of which are now mourning for their owners who have left for cooler climates for the summer. Anyway, in February and March we had around 30 people show up and everyone seems to really enjoy the time. Wednesday we were surprised as there was still over 20 who came. It is not at our house but rather at the pool that we all share. It is not work as all we do is put out a flyer and then make sure there are plates, cups etc. and everyone brings a dish to share. Wednesday was our last until December.
About half of the units here are getting rid of cement driveways and walks and putting in 6X9 pavers. Ours is supposed to happen next week. It makes the place look nicer. It will be nice to get it done before we head north for the summer.
Terry and I went out yesterday and made one of two purchases that we wanted to get done before we leave. Perhaps next week we will look at a new Mac laptop. I have been frustrated while working on my book as more often than not I see this expression, "program is not responding" and then it is tempting to respond in a negative way! We have not wanted to do anything until I get all my book things finished and in as I would not want to delete or put in trash and then find out that I needed that but too late. As one can tell I am NOT into computers in a big way but I usually am able to get done what I need to do.
We have been having summer like weather here. Our day highs have been in the upper 80's and it is not unusual to have a rain shower in the afternoon. It is good to get tennis in by 9:00.
With writing, going and coming I did not get to Leo's birthday greeting so will do that now. Again, we did remember to call him on tax day, April 15th.
I will have enough FP left to carry me over to Leo's birthday blog.
Friday, April 10, 2015
more work as we get into April
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just wanted people to know I have not changed a bit!!!!!!!!--notice no helmet! |
OK, so it is now 1/3 through April and there is still much to do!! I received a reply from the publisher LuLu and more work of course. The permission papers that I submitted are not what they require so I needed to do those again. There are decisions about font, size, spacing, and more. If I desire an epilogue, which I do, I need to attach that to the manuscript and resubmit it and of course the list goes on and on. The front picture was not 300 dpi so that is no good. Well a person could get bored so I will stop.
I have been working most of the week on catch up. I let MANY things slide as I worked so there were, and still is to some degree, many things that needed filing and ordering. We purchased a Neat machine some time ago and are trying to store things on that to cut down on the pounds of paper we take back and forth. Of course the book left, or should I say I, papers and pictures scattered all over the house but I am close to getting that cleaned up and in order. Order never was one of my strong points so I would say it is a work in progress!!!
It is late afternoon so no FP to talk about!
Very late happy birthday to Liam--April 2
Monday, April 6, 2015
Happy Easter, He has risen and we are forgiven
a 50 pound sting ray |
sunrise as we head out to fish |
thinking about the fish we would like to catch |
The half day fishing trip was fun and we caught many fish but they were small. The 50 pound sting ray was the highlight of the trip. The captain cut the stinger off and let it go. The captain was nearly pulled over board but with the help of Terry and I he was able to stay on board and save his $1000 reel and rod! We had fresh fish for lunch and it was good.
I THINK I have most everything submitted into LuLu for the book. I intend to call them today and see what they say. I know there will be a lot of questions and a lot more work for me but I needed to get things submitted in order for them to tell me what I need to change. I e-mailed John M and Richard A yesterday as they are on one of the pictures I want in the book. It seems a bit crazy but one needs written permission from anyone who is in a picture. Because of that there were one or two pictures I could not use. One was of our basketball team from the 7/8 grade. I have no idea how much work it would be to try and contact guys you have not seen in 50 years!! I do know it would not be worth the trouble.
Terry and I spent a quiet Easter. After church we stayed for a bit and had goodies. For Easter dinner we had a simple but delicious cream potatoes, ham and asparagus. We spent it at home and just the two of us. Quiet and peaceful, which was a welcome from the last week or so. We did think about last year's Easter when John/Mary and family was here. That was fun.
I did start to do a bit of planning for our trip to MN. We intend to take in national parks: Congaree, Shenandoah, Acadia and Cuyahoga which will be the last of the parks for us in the 48 states. We have not planned when or how to take in the last four which are plane trips away!
Both Terry and I have tennis at 7:30 this morning. I like the early time and Terry would rather have a later time but you get what the system comes up with. Sometime soon we need to sit down with the two pros and discuss "if" we will have a team next year. One of the pros, Phil, had knee replacement so he has been out.
Enough, the FP is almost down to the last drop.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015
Some flowers by our front door. I just returned from the airport where I took Gary and Mary. Gary is a friend from the past and I had only met Mary once. They flew in last Monday night. The last four days have been a whirlwind. Gary loves fish, so we ate out a lot and had a lot of fish. We took a half day fishing trip and came home with a few pound of fish which were very good. We took in an airboat ride, a quick tour of downtown Naples and the Edison home in addition to other things. It was a fun 4 days. I did get in 2 tennis matches in the 4 days and Terry got in a lesson on Friday.
My book, well it is farther along than last week at this time but I do not know if my deadline is going to happen. I THINK I have submitted all that I can at this time. One last item was sent Thursday AM and I did not hear from them yesterday so perhaps on Monday. We will see how the timeline goes.
I have a stack of paper work to take care of but will probably get to that Monday. We are now looking at leaving in 5 weeks so I need to get on the plans for the trip back to MN. We will go as far north as Maine on the way home so it will turn out to be a 3 week trip.
It is hard to believe that Easter Sunday is tomorrow. Lord come in all your glory.
I took my FP with me as I drove to and from the airport so it is about gone!!
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