Friday, December 25, 2015
Happy Birthday Benedict
Benedict arrived 4 years ago as a special present to Cynthia and Michael on Christmas Eve. He is a special guy. Full of energy and as I watch him when we visit his mind is always going at high speed. Happy birthday Benedict, we love you
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and remember
Taken a couple of days before Christmas but as you can see, at a temp of 85--no snow |
After traveling for Christmas the last 2 years we decided we needed some quiet time this year and stay home. So what happened? We were invited to a friend's home last night and about 25 people showed up. It was a nice time but not real quiet. Today we will spend some quality time together and then venture over to our neighbors for a late afternoon dinner. While I certainly miss family and for double sure grand kids the time alone with Terry and with friends here is wonderful.
As I sat alone near our pool this morning with FP/Baileys' in hand I took some time to REMEMBER. I also thought about how Christmas changes with each year. One year there may be plenty of gifts, the next it may be slim. One year family is all together and the next family may be scattered. One year you may be able to hug everyone with a merry Christmas hug and the next year they may be gone. One year everyone may be so happy and the next someone may be hurting. Like I have said, "the only certain in life is it will change".
This morning I choose to enjoy the quietness of the house as I sat with my FP. I did remember the hustle and noise of kids so happy and busy the last two years but I realized that was then and this is now. I settled into the comfy chair, put a smile on my face and remembered:
- The space above the kitchen cupboards stacked with wrapped presents. I know there was more than one time when Mom and Dad left for the evening and we took each one down to shake them and try to guess what was inside.
- Dad came home and had purchased reflectors for the Christmas tree lights. Mom so like them and we put them on the tree and plugged the lights on.
- I opened my package and there was a clock radio for my very own. I could now set my alarm, listen to baseball as I fell asleep and listen to music which did not happen often.
- There in my hands was an electric blanket. Wow, would that be great during the winter months when the bedroom would get down to below freezing. That winter when I would arrive home late from a basketball game and head upstairs to bed I could count on the blanket being turn on and waiting for me! Mom was great.
- A life size punching bag, we had a lot of fun with that.
- A pogo stick!! I got good enough to hop all the way to the barn, turn around and hop all the way back without falling off.
- Another puzzle, that would be our New Year Eve's project for sure.
- A new deck of Touring cards. Our old one was about worn out.
- Of course I spent much time thinking back on Santa Claus Day in Lidgerwood. There was a real free movie, bags of candy with that darn huge apple in and then the trek to the Dime Store to pick out presents for everyone. The presents would range from thimbles to an oil can to baseball cards and more. I remember when I was in high school I spent most of my money on a big picture for Mom. I think it cost $10. I probably earned the money by hauling bales for Rollof. Mom was so pleased but she insisted that it was not right of me to spend so much on HER.
- Every year I relive the water tank episode and this year was no different.
- Then there was my junior year of college when I came home for Christmas. When I opened my present from Mom and Dad there was a nice blue bath robe. I did not dare them them that my girl friend had given me a robe that was a lot more interesting!
- Of course in the memory bank there are always sad ones too. I remember the first Christmas after brother Ronald's death, two years later after sister Janet's death and many many years later after Gail's death. There was much sadness and many tears. BUT as God would have us, life goes on and life is for the living for sure. I am guessing that, after having her oldest son and oldest daughter die, Mom did not go through a Christmas without some tears. Material things can usually be replaced but sons and daughters, no.
- Of course one always has to remember the weather. There were cold cold Christmas times, icy Christmas times and snowy Christmas times and I do think of those times as I sit here in 75 degree weather!
- At my age I am thankful for warm weather, for kids, for grand kids and especially a new life with Terry, she is wonderful.
Monday, December 14, 2015
back home
a 2-3 pound southern pike (pickerel) |
Today, well it is a busy one. Tennis at 7:30, the dead dish washer will be replaced this morning, tennis this afternoon and dinner guests tonight. My schedule is beginning to look similar to days from 15 years ago!
The afternoon match is the last of the fall. Our win/lost record is terrible but it has been fun and almost all of the matches have been close. It will now be on to the winter which I think will have better results in the win/lost column.
Enough for now. I have a whole cup of FP left but after being away for several days there is much to do if this house is to host guests for dinner tonight.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Happy 46 John
Have a great day and may it be full of fun and surprises. Love, Dad and Terry
Thursday, December 3, 2015
December is here and we celebrate Advent.
This picture was taken through our patio doors as we did not want to scare it. It was fun to watch this pileated Woodpecker.
Life continues on a path that is both busy and fun--most of the time.
Tennis is an up and down thing. I lost another match Monday. We lost the first set, won the second set in a tie breaker and then lost the match tie breaker, a most disappointing day. A downer for sure. Yesterday I played well in a morning match and then I added a good players to my winter team--an up day for sure!
My right knee, it still needs some TLC and the dr. appt is not until the 9th.
A couple of nights ago I went to start the dish washer and NO GO. It is dead. So for a time the kitchen will be disrupted and the bank account will be depleted but--IF that is the worst thing in my life I am a blessed man.
Our weather continues to be hotter than usual. Yesterday I was sweating on the tennis court before we started play.
Terry and I had a fun time at a friend's house for dinner on Tuesday. A lot of laughs and I sold a book! Then yesterday we spent the afternoon at some friend's home as we enjoyed seeing what she had done for her 50th HS class reunion. I sold another book! It was quit a contrast seeing what they put into their reunion and Terry's and mine from Sargent Central--nothing. There is, of course no blame, the fact is there was nobody to pick up the ball and go with it. As we talked yesterday I thought it would be wonderful if someplace there was movies of our marching band. We were the governors band for two years and went on several trips including marching in the Indianapolis 500 parade before the race. I have never seen any pictures of movies and have no idea if any exist but it would be fun if there were some.
We had a great Thanksgiving. Two couples came over about 1:00 and stayed until about 6:00. Good food and fun conversation. The leftovers, they are great!
No, the FP is cold and I need to get to tennis. I have started to get there a bit early and do a fast walk on the machines. This body of mine, at this time, needs to warm up to get going.
Life continues on a path that is both busy and fun--most of the time.
Tennis is an up and down thing. I lost another match Monday. We lost the first set, won the second set in a tie breaker and then lost the match tie breaker, a most disappointing day. A downer for sure. Yesterday I played well in a morning match and then I added a good players to my winter team--an up day for sure!
My right knee, it still needs some TLC and the dr. appt is not until the 9th.
A couple of nights ago I went to start the dish washer and NO GO. It is dead. So for a time the kitchen will be disrupted and the bank account will be depleted but--IF that is the worst thing in my life I am a blessed man.
Our weather continues to be hotter than usual. Yesterday I was sweating on the tennis court before we started play.
Terry and I had a fun time at a friend's house for dinner on Tuesday. A lot of laughs and I sold a book! Then yesterday we spent the afternoon at some friend's home as we enjoyed seeing what she had done for her 50th HS class reunion. I sold another book! It was quit a contrast seeing what they put into their reunion and Terry's and mine from Sargent Central--nothing. There is, of course no blame, the fact is there was nobody to pick up the ball and go with it. As we talked yesterday I thought it would be wonderful if someplace there was movies of our marching band. We were the governors band for two years and went on several trips including marching in the Indianapolis 500 parade before the race. I have never seen any pictures of movies and have no idea if any exist but it would be fun if there were some.
We had a great Thanksgiving. Two couples came over about 1:00 and stayed until about 6:00. Good food and fun conversation. The leftovers, they are great!
No, the FP is cold and I need to get to tennis. I have started to get there a bit early and do a fast walk on the machines. This body of mine, at this time, needs to warm up to get going.
Monday, November 23, 2015
It was fun but I am not over it yet
So we had this match today and Terry and I played court #1. We lost the first set 4-6, came back and dominated the second set 6-2 BUT lost the tie breaker. It is not the end of the world but I am not over it yet, I need more time!
Our weather finally took a break and we had perfect weather today with a high in the mid 70's.
Terry and I journeyed to the library and brought home 6 books so I am ready to get into reading again. I have not read a book since we arrived here in October.
Our Thanksgiving plans are set. We will be having two couples over and I think it will be a fun day. One of the couples is from Massachusetts and one from Wisconsin.
I have yet to hear from the dr I need to talk to about my right knee but I will call again tomorrow as I need to get things going soon.
It is 6:00 PM so no FP.
Our weather finally took a break and we had perfect weather today with a high in the mid 70's.
Terry and I journeyed to the library and brought home 6 books so I am ready to get into reading again. I have not read a book since we arrived here in October.
Our Thanksgiving plans are set. We will be having two couples over and I think it will be a fun day. One of the couples is from Massachusetts and one from Wisconsin.
I have yet to hear from the dr I need to talk to about my right knee but I will call again tomorrow as I need to get things going soon.
It is 6:00 PM so no FP.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
A fun time
Here is proof that there is tennis! As you can see we played Grandezza and we had a lot of fun. Greg, in the picture, and I played court 2 and won 6-2 and 6-3. Sure, it it always more fun to win but yesterday the guys we played against were fun to play so that helps. Our team also won court 3 and came, or so close on court 1. Terry took the pictures and did a nice job. I am changing pairings and courts this fall to see if we can come up with good pairings and courts for the winter. Our pro here at Tarpon Cove said the fall league is kind of like spring training. There are only 4 teams in the fall league and we have played each of them. We start the second round next week. For the first round our record is 3-6, I am hoping the second time around we can be above or near 500. I am guessing that there will be a whole round of different players etc this second time around so perhaps I will not be able to compare. BUT next Monday I am hoping to play against the guys we played the first time. I don't really get mad but I sure would like to get even!!!--they won the first time in straight sets. In the league there are only 2 sets. If a set ends up 6-6 there is a 7 point tie breaker. If each team wins one set there is a 10 point match tie breaker.
We continue to get unseasonable weather. Yesterday during the match, which started at 1:30, the temp was in the high 80's. Normal is low 80's for this time of the year.
I received the report from my MRI of my right knee. It says I have a partial tear of the PCL (grade two injury). I have yet to hear from my Dr. so not sure what it all means. In searching the internet, it has all the answers-right, it seems that I could benefit from PT. Actually the knee is pretty good but there are times that it lets me know it is a bit weak. I am hoping my Dr. will look at the report and then refer me to a specialist who will give me a prescription for PT. Terry is going to a PT who seems to be good so that is where I will go, I think.
No more FP.
We continue to get unseasonable weather. Yesterday during the match, which started at 1:30, the temp was in the high 80's. Normal is low 80's for this time of the year.
I received the report from my MRI of my right knee. It says I have a partial tear of the PCL (grade two injury). I have yet to hear from my Dr. so not sure what it all means. In searching the internet, it has all the answers-right, it seems that I could benefit from PT. Actually the knee is pretty good but there are times that it lets me know it is a bit weak. I am hoping my Dr. will look at the report and then refer me to a specialist who will give me a prescription for PT. Terry is going to a PT who seems to be good so that is where I will go, I think.
No more FP.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
We had our second fall tennis league match yesterday. Even though our team lost 2 of the 3 matches My partner, Jack, and I came through with a win. We fell in the first set 3-6 but came back in the second set 7-5. We were ahead 4-0 and then blinked-- all of a sudden we were even 4-4. In the 10 point tie breaker we prevailed 10-5. The competative juices were in full force and it was fun! Tennis is a funny sport. It seems that seldom are both people at their best so often one player has to carry the match and and in a nanosecond the other player needs to step up. When both are on, of course it is fun. I talked to one of the guys who lost to us. He said he was mad and then hastened to say he was mad at himself, not me. He said they beat themselves. I replied that it is funny but if we had lost we would have said the same thing, we beat ourselves.
Our weather continues to be almost summer like. This morning we got just enough rain to cancel our match and then 10 minutes later it was sunny. By that time the clay was too slippery to play on. The normal temps are in the low 80's but we have been in the high 80's and have even hit 90 some times.
I am in the middle of a huge picture project and I think I took too too many pictures in the past. BUT when I get to the pictures on the computer that will be even worse.
Our 6 tennis courts are being redone. They put almost 3000 lb of new clay on each court. With wind and rain, the clay errodes. It gets to the point that any hit on a line is crazy and almost impossible to hit so at that point the courts need to be redone so the tape, the lines, are not protruded above the clay. I do not know how often the courts need to be redone but I do know it costs about $2500 per court to get the work done.
No, I have enjoyed my break from the picture project but it is back to work.
Our weather continues to be almost summer like. This morning we got just enough rain to cancel our match and then 10 minutes later it was sunny. By that time the clay was too slippery to play on. The normal temps are in the low 80's but we have been in the high 80's and have even hit 90 some times.
I am in the middle of a huge picture project and I think I took too too many pictures in the past. BUT when I get to the pictures on the computer that will be even worse.
Our 6 tennis courts are being redone. They put almost 3000 lb of new clay on each court. With wind and rain, the clay errodes. It gets to the point that any hit on a line is crazy and almost impossible to hit so at that point the courts need to be redone so the tape, the lines, are not protruded above the clay. I do not know how often the courts need to be redone but I do know it costs about $2500 per court to get the work done.
No, I have enjoyed my break from the picture project but it is back to work.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
What you get in Naples
orchard by our front door |
desert rose by our driveway |
orchard by on our neighbor's driveway |
Not much news here. We are having HOT weather for November as the temps have been about 5-8 degrees above normal. That means that in a 7:30 tennis match a person can wring out water from the bottom of your shirt by 8:00. I am enjoying the competition of tennis. I played a bit of racket ball in the early 80's and some softball in the early 70's but mostly my focus was working and trying to make sure things were all right with family. Probably to a fault but there are no regrets, however my current tennis has been a breath of fresh air. I am beginning to realize that, everything equal, the guy who has played tennis for many years is way ahead of someone who picked up a racket for the first time after collecting SS! But it is fun and the exercise is great.
I have yet to get into the winter mentality. I have not started a book, I have not gotten my fingers on the guitar and I still have many loose ends to tie up with papers etc. But, it will happen.
I have not thought allot about my book. Sister Joan has not called for any books for some time now so sales are stale!!! I have not experienced a line at our door here to buy the book either. I have hopes that at least ONE guy will want one!
My tennis team, well it is a bit more work than I would like but in the end it is a fun thing. We have our first home match Monday. My goal is to get everyone up to a new level of play, will it happen? Of course the main focus is and should be on fun and I think that is happening.
No, time to get to work as the FP is history.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
A special day
Happy 35th birthday Cynthia, we love you.
November 1st, 1980 was a special day. Gail received her gift from God, a baby girl. After putting up with 4 guys in her life for many years she welcomed a girl with joy.
I feel like the person who is lost and walks in circles to get some place. I started scanning pictures and did about 300 of them but then realized that I MUST sort them and scan them in some order. The first 300 need to be erased and scanned again. As they say, live and learn--I suspect I may be a bit slow!
Yesterday Terry and I participated in a 90 minute tennis clinic with about 45 people and 6 pro players. It was a fun learning experience but there was a down side. One of the 6 sessions was on warming up and fitness. I happened to get that session 5th and by that time I was tired--I needed not a fitness session at that time. And Terry, she got it last!!!
We continue to experience warm weather. It has been in the high 80s most days.
My tennis team has it's first match tomorrow. I have to be sure and remember that the fall league is kind of like a spring training because we will experiment with different match ups and there are at least 2 guys who on the 2.5 team would probably be rated 1.5 players! Regardless of what happens it will be fun.
We set our clocks back last night but this morning my mind and body are not changed so I am confused but I am not sure that is new.
Enough for now.
November 1st, 1980 was a special day. Gail received her gift from God, a baby girl. After putting up with 4 guys in her life for many years she welcomed a girl with joy.
I feel like the person who is lost and walks in circles to get some place. I started scanning pictures and did about 300 of them but then realized that I MUST sort them and scan them in some order. The first 300 need to be erased and scanned again. As they say, live and learn--I suspect I may be a bit slow!
Yesterday Terry and I participated in a 90 minute tennis clinic with about 45 people and 6 pro players. It was a fun learning experience but there was a down side. One of the 6 sessions was on warming up and fitness. I happened to get that session 5th and by that time I was tired--I needed not a fitness session at that time. And Terry, she got it last!!!
We continue to experience warm weather. It has been in the high 80s most days.
My tennis team has it's first match tomorrow. I have to be sure and remember that the fall league is kind of like a spring training because we will experiment with different match ups and there are at least 2 guys who on the 2.5 team would probably be rated 1.5 players! Regardless of what happens it will be fun.
We set our clocks back last night but this morning my mind and body are not changed so I am confused but I am not sure that is new.
Enough for now.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
I march on!
I continue on my quest to get pictures in order. These are cousins on Mom's side of the family. I know Russell, Arlene, Ruth, Dean, Dean's brother (name?), Phillip Jr (?)-his wife (?) and I have no idea who is in the front on the left. It was taken around 2004. I know that at least two of the cousins are now gone.
In 2013 Terry and I stopped in CA to say hi to Ruth Gregerson who was 94 at the time. It was a fun conversation. She asked us if we would like something to drink. We said a glass of wine would be great. She laughed and said, "That is great, I enjoy a glass of wine, I am not like a lot of the Sampsons!" She went into the kitchen, poured wine and then forgot about it! Ruth is the daughter of Ansel, the oldest of Mom's siblings so she was a lot older than the Lee's.
Anyway, one of my goals for the winter is to get most of the prints on the computer. Terry and I purchased a scanner for the job and so far it is working great. Not sure how many hundreds of pictures there are but there is a lot. AND my pictures are a drop in the bucket compared to Terry's!
Most things are now put away in the house. We have now been in Naples a week so it is time to start to plan out the winter. Not sure what but it is always good to start!
I get distracted with the picture stuff and my FP turned cold-that is all.
In 2013 Terry and I stopped in CA to say hi to Ruth Gregerson who was 94 at the time. It was a fun conversation. She asked us if we would like something to drink. We said a glass of wine would be great. She laughed and said, "That is great, I enjoy a glass of wine, I am not like a lot of the Sampsons!" She went into the kitchen, poured wine and then forgot about it! Ruth is the daughter of Ansel, the oldest of Mom's siblings so she was a lot older than the Lee's.
Anyway, one of my goals for the winter is to get most of the prints on the computer. Terry and I purchased a scanner for the job and so far it is working great. Not sure how many hundreds of pictures there are but there is a lot. AND my pictures are a drop in the bucket compared to Terry's!
Most things are now put away in the house. We have now been in Naples a week so it is time to start to plan out the winter. Not sure what but it is always good to start!
I get distracted with the picture stuff and my FP turned cold-that is all.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Late but only one excuse for two
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Audrey turned 7 October 13--we were on the road |
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Cynthia and Mike celebrated their 9th anniversary yesterday, the 20th--no excuse to be late on it |
Cynthia and Mike, happy anniversary.
Life has taken a Naples turn since we arrived. Of course, what would one expect??? We are adjusting to warm temps as the days since we arrived have been in the high 80's. We are trying to resume activities that are only Naples but it seems that it takes us at least a week to settle in. For the most part things are in order but there are still some things that need to be done.
I put out an e-mail Sunday afternoon to three guys to see if anyone wanted to hit the ball on Monday. A guy that I did not e-mail showed up at 7:30 and we hit the ball for an hour. Then on Tuesday I had a half hour lesson with the club pro and played a 90 minute match at 10:30. The good things that happened in the match were:
- I lasted the entire 90 minutes!
- I did NOT fall!
- I made some good shots!
- I did not suffer from heat stroke!
- My serves were mostly in!
- My back was okay!
- I had fun!
No, I do think there is some work to do and the FP is down to the last 2 sips.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
88 today
You are correct, we are not in St. Paul today. We arrived in Naples Friday evening about 6 after driving 600 miles for the day. Our trip was uneventful which we were thankful for. We had a night with Aaron and Amy, a couple of hours with John and Mary and two nights with Kim and Dave. Kim and Dave moved into a different house this past summer and it is very nice. Large house, on a lake and pretty much everything one would expect in that situation. Dave and I spent a couple of hours fishing. I caught my first every cat fish.
We were thankful for gas prices that were so much lower than in the past. I am guessing that the gas bill for driving down here was $150 less than a year ago. The lowest we found was in TN where we filled for $1.95.9 Kind of fun and a HUGE change from the $5.39.9 we paid in Coldfood AK in the summer of 2014! Wow, it just occurred to me that if we were in MN I could use that $150 to buy a new tool for the shop. I did purchase one for a project this summer and it saved me a LOT of time and I think it helped me do a better job too.
I am on our new Apple computer and I am trying to learn how to use it. The picture did not load where I wanted it and I used it only to see if I could do it on the new computer. The picture was taken in the late fall of 2009 when Travis and I traveled to Devils Lake, ND. The snow, well it was late November!!!
We backed the camper into the garage Friday and waited until Saturday to unload. By noon on Saturday pretty much everything was in the house, now to decide where it all goes!
I am hoping to get on the tennis court this week. I had better as team play starts in two weeks. If I don't get into half tennis shape I may have to be the none playing captain which does not sound like fun in any way.
I think it will take some time to get used to the FL heat. It is not bad but for sure it is different than MN. I will miss my woodworking but I think reading and tennis will be a good replacement.
Terry and I did not do a lot of physical exercise this summer so we need to get back into that. It should not be too difficult to get those extra 8-10 pounds off but it is a matter of doing it.
I am sipping my FP out of my "End of the Alaska Highway" cup but it has turned cool. Need to reheat the cup and then unpack some more.
We were thankful for gas prices that were so much lower than in the past. I am guessing that the gas bill for driving down here was $150 less than a year ago. The lowest we found was in TN where we filled for $1.95.9 Kind of fun and a HUGE change from the $5.39.9 we paid in Coldfood AK in the summer of 2014! Wow, it just occurred to me that if we were in MN I could use that $150 to buy a new tool for the shop. I did purchase one for a project this summer and it saved me a LOT of time and I think it helped me do a better job too.
I am on our new Apple computer and I am trying to learn how to use it. The picture did not load where I wanted it and I used it only to see if I could do it on the new computer. The picture was taken in the late fall of 2009 when Travis and I traveled to Devils Lake, ND. The snow, well it was late November!!!
We backed the camper into the garage Friday and waited until Saturday to unload. By noon on Saturday pretty much everything was in the house, now to decide where it all goes!
I am hoping to get on the tennis court this week. I had better as team play starts in two weeks. If I don't get into half tennis shape I may have to be the none playing captain which does not sound like fun in any way.
I think it will take some time to get used to the FL heat. It is not bad but for sure it is different than MN. I will miss my woodworking but I think reading and tennis will be a good replacement.
Terry and I did not do a lot of physical exercise this summer so we need to get back into that. It should not be too difficult to get those extra 8-10 pounds off but it is a matter of doing it.
I am sipping my FP out of my "End of the Alaska Highway" cup but it has turned cool. Need to reheat the cup and then unpack some more.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Fall is here
No question, fall has arrived. AND I have decided to follow the new way McDonald's is doing things. I see by their sign that they now serve breakfast all day so I have decided to follow suit. I had oatmeal for my afternoon snack yesterday!
I have experienced the saying, "don't hurry but be quick" over the last few days. Many things to do before we head to Naples. I try not to hurry but I try to get things done quickly. Yesterday it was Terry and I in the yard mowing, taking care of the garden and in general getting the yard ready for winter.
Today, so far, it was a quick trip to the clinic for some blood work as I need to get that done before we leave. I think we will get a start on getting things in the camper today as our weather has been perfect for going in and out of the house. Yesterday we got the spider spray inside and outside of the house so we are hoping that the webs decrease.
No, enough for now, I did not have my FP this morning as I stopped for an Americano at Starbucks on my way home from the clinic.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Happy October
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The moon from our front yard |
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Our new addition |
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It needed a third shelf--it looks crooked but it is not! |
Oh my, much to do today. I think I am ready.
* I retrieved the paper, took out the sports and placed the rest of the paper on the bed for Terry
* then I ground the coffee and put on the hot water for FP
*as the water was heating I wheeled the garbage to the curb and carried bags of compose to set beside it
*by that time the water was hot and the FP begin
*I cut a potato for hash browns and put the sasuage in the pan
*about the time the pototes were finished I cracked two eggs on top of them and put english muffins in the toaster
*after breakfast it was time to read scripture and write some down for Terry
*then it was get down on the floor and do the stretching so that darn back stays well
*needed to to open the garage as I forgot my thumb brace in the wood shop last night
*finally, after the daily supplements, there is some time to open e-mails and go to facebook for a short time
*NOW it is time to get out in the shop but I may be too tired!!!
Terry and I have this habit of cramming too much in too little time. So here we are getting projects finished, starting to plan for the trip south and today we will have lunch and dinner guests! It's all routine, right?
No more FP and no more time on the computer.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
a new day----again
I have decided to forgo the tattoos, the backward cap and the huge belly. Instead I have decided to get a new life!!! I will use the Arnicare gel that is supposed to help heal my right leg that became bruised when I gently fell over on my bike. I will wear, all the time, the brace the therapist made for my left thumb yesterday. The X-rays show arthritis in the thumb base so of course there needs to be several trips to the therapist. Then about the big belly, I decided that I did not like that idea.
Time is slipping away and the list of projects is really not getting much shorter.
Some good news, I got a call from a friend in Naples and he has taken it on himself to get the team together for the fall league. It is a much shorter schedule than the winter but I am glad he is doing it. Also, at the celebration last Saturday we sold 18 books. That was fun. I had purchased 100 paper backs and 80 hard cover books and I need to take a count to see how many are left Well I just counted and I have 39 hardcover left and 29 paperback left. I guess that means that I have sold or given away 71 paperbacks and 41 hardcovers. Kind of fun!
I just poured the last of the FP and as I picked up the cup I noticed a deer, a bug, a tree and a tent on the cup. Reminded me that we have not been camping for a LONG time. Things need to change.
I am half finished with wood projects for Christmas. Need to finish soon.
Time to get to work.
Time is slipping away and the list of projects is really not getting much shorter.
Some good news, I got a call from a friend in Naples and he has taken it on himself to get the team together for the fall league. It is a much shorter schedule than the winter but I am glad he is doing it. Also, at the celebration last Saturday we sold 18 books. That was fun. I had purchased 100 paper backs and 80 hard cover books and I need to take a count to see how many are left Well I just counted and I have 39 hardcover left and 29 paperback left. I guess that means that I have sold or given away 71 paperbacks and 41 hardcovers. Kind of fun!
I just poured the last of the FP and as I picked up the cup I noticed a deer, a bug, a tree and a tent on the cup. Reminded me that we have not been camping for a LONG time. Things need to change.
I am half finished with wood projects for Christmas. Need to finish soon.
Time to get to work.
Monday, September 21, 2015
another week
Our computer is in the hospital and perhaps is near death so this will be short. I do not like nor do I know how this key board for the i pad works! Maybe I just figured out part of it Terry has an appt today, we then need to stop at Rockler and Costco and then pick up the lap top to see what we can do. We can not get it connected to the internet, which of course is a problem.
Home projects are at a crawl and they need to be speeded up.
enough, this key board is driving me crazy so the only thing saving me is the FP this morning!
One more thing. We attended the People of Praise fall party Saturday and had my book as part of the craft and art show. Eighteen people were interested enough to buy it!!! It was fun to share and talk with people and of the many conversations only one came up with "remark" that was off the charts.
Time to shave and get ready for the day
Home projects are at a crawl and they need to be speeded up.
enough, this key board is driving me crazy so the only thing saving me is the FP this morning!
One more thing. We attended the People of Praise fall party Saturday and had my book as part of the craft and art show. Eighteen people were interested enough to buy it!!! It was fun to share and talk with people and of the many conversations only one came up with "remark" that was off the charts.
Time to shave and get ready for the day
Monday, September 14, 2015
Six Years
It was six years ago today that Gail died. It was the end of a long painful journey for her where she endured surgeries, injections and way too many dr appt. As family mourned her death we knew that life must go on but it would never be the same.
And today life is so different. Everyone in the family has seen much change. John and Mary moved out of Minnesota and added Elspeth to their family. Travis has seen much change in his life. Aaron and Amy now live in a different house and have added Ruby to their family. Cynthia and Mike have added Benedict, Agatha and Veronica to their family and now have a great house in a different city--but near! I have been blessed to remarry and have a wonderful wife. Terry and I have traveled far and wide, seen much and have done much.
In the last six years I have seen many friends, some who have been younger than me, die. Every time I experience the death of someone I know it is like a knife in my heart but life does go on and I am thankful for a God who has looked after me and is so good. Each morning I wake up I thank God for Terry, my children, my grandchildren, friends and for my life. I deserve nothing but am so thankful for all I have.
And today life is so different. Everyone in the family has seen much change. John and Mary moved out of Minnesota and added Elspeth to their family. Travis has seen much change in his life. Aaron and Amy now live in a different house and have added Ruby to their family. Cynthia and Mike have added Benedict, Agatha and Veronica to their family and now have a great house in a different city--but near! I have been blessed to remarry and have a wonderful wife. Terry and I have traveled far and wide, seen much and have done much.
In the last six years I have seen many friends, some who have been younger than me, die. Every time I experience the death of someone I know it is like a knife in my heart but life does go on and I am thankful for a God who has looked after me and is so good. Each morning I wake up I thank God for Terry, my children, my grandchildren, friends and for my life. I deserve nothing but am so thankful for all I have.
John and Judi Mouw |
Glorine and most of her family |
I was able to see John a lot. We hunted deer together, he let me use his car some times when I was in college and he allowed me to live with him one summer before he married Judi. Judi's parents lived in Devils Lake so we would see them at times. I never will forget one time we invited John, Judi and her parents over for a "pigs party" Our idea of a pigs party was to have several kinds of ice cream in the evening. Their idea was a MEAL! About an hour after they arrived we started to hear stomachs as they had not eaten and of course there was no food in sight!!! Finally someone spoke up and we all had a laugh but they were still hungry. John offered to go out and get KFC. After the chicken we did have ice cream. A fun story to remember.
The story is the Lee family lost two siblings early in life but we received great replacements. Can you replace siblings who die at a young age? I would say no but for sure we had wonderful subs!
As Terry and I sat at the kitchen table yesterday she made a list of things that are a MUST before we leave. As I think about that list today I had better get off the computer and get to work. I am starting to have some serious doubts about my back. The hurts are in my legs and ankles but I know the trouble is coming from my lower back where things are a bit out of place. As I sit and type my left ankle aches but I know it is coming from the lower back. We will see.
I am happy with our lawn, well kind of. I spent time this summer getting rid of weeds. We actually have several spots where everything is dead now but that is by design. Much of the lawn is now a lot better as the temps go down and allows the grass to choke out the weeds that we have dealt with all summer. Is it nice, NO but it is better now than any time during the last few years.
No more FP and no more thoughts.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Is summer over? People say Labor Day starts the fall season.
A year ago today, we were in line at the ferry dock so that we could board the Alaska Marine Highway for Washington state. It was the end of 5 weeks in Alaska where we saw much, experienced much and also took a side trip back to Minnesota so that Terry could say good-bye to her mother. We stepped on land again the 12th and still enjoyed another 3 weeks, including a stop in Jamestown for the guitar, before arriving home in early October. Our last stop before St. Paul was a short visit to Minnesota State Park #72, yup we visited them all.
This summer has been so different it is difficult to describe. Among the projects we have undertaken are:
So I say happy fall, it may be close to fun time on the tennis courts and bikes as well as settling in with a good book. I must say Terry has, to some degree, kept up her reading but me--nothing. Terry can read in bed forever but if I read in bed I fall asleep before page 10!
FP has gone the way of the eggs and sausage so it is time to paint.
This summer has been so different it is difficult to describe. Among the projects we have undertaken are:
- plant and tend to the garden
- take care of the weeds in the lawn
- travel to ND and SD for family reunions
- repair, patch, prime and paint the north bedroom
- scrap, prime and paint the basement walls
- finish a wall in the basement
- making some future plans for home improvement--maybe
- construct two radiator covers
- finally getting the published copy of the book
- refinish the table top in the kitchen
- repaint the Nani room
- remove the braided rug in the living room that had been there since 1979, it was in need of relocation!
- move the braided rug from the den to the basement
- work on many Christmas presents
- get a start on putting thousands of pictures on the computer
- taking care of 3/4 mile of movie film
- making 3 batches of pickles
- taking out the linoleum floor in the sun room
- doing some landscaping on the west side of the house
- caring for the flowers on the north side of the house
- picking raspberries in the back yard
- doing animal control in the back of the garage!
- AND more I am sure
So I say happy fall, it may be close to fun time on the tennis courts and bikes as well as settling in with a good book. I must say Terry has, to some degree, kept up her reading but me--nothing. Terry can read in bed forever but if I read in bed I fall asleep before page 10!
FP has gone the way of the eggs and sausage so it is time to paint.
Friday, September 4, 2015
I need to change
I have been thinking much lately and I have decided I need to change. I have been observing men in our culture and I want to be like most men. I have no idea what the interior of other men is but I do know that by observing the exterior I am different. I will post some pictures at the end of this to give you an idea of what I want to be, just like so many men that I see.
There is no doubt, I have not kept up with the ages. I do not have a tattoo and actually have never thought about getting one BUT maybe it is time. I mean I see guys ALL the time with 2,3,4,5 or more tattoos. The more I see the more I like so by the end of the year I may look like this.
Now, how cool is that?
Then there is the matter of the hat. I never used to wear a hat but today I wear one often. In fact it is necessary to have one when you are driving or walking east early in the morning. I have hats from Florida, hats from Alaska and other places too. I even have a work hat that has TC (Terry and Carmen) and would you believe those darn Minnesota Twins copied my hat design! I do have the hats but I need to wear them differently. I like to wear mine kind of low on my forehead when I am looking into the sun but I see now the "in" thing is to wear the brim backwards and if for some reason you are looking into the sun you just use your hand to shield the sun. Yup, for sure I am going to start to look like this all the time.
I am thinking it will improve my looks and it will mean that I will not stand out in a crowd as a nobody.
Lastly there is the belly thing. I look at the floor in front of my feet and I can see it pretty well. (to be truthfull i have gained some weigh this summer but not enough) But I think the norm now is to look down at the floor and see things 2 or 3 feet ahead of you and ignore what is right at your feet. Again it will make me "just one of the boys" when I am in the crowd. For sure, by the end of the year I want to be just like this guy.
That will also be a great reason to get new clothes.
I am going to start tomorrow, trying to be one of the guys and be in the "in" when I go out!
Enough of the serious stuff. Terry and I continue to work in the basement. Terry is doing the painting and I am doing the makeover kind of things. We have today and tomorrow and that is it. We promised ourselves that this week was the end of the basement work. Next week it is on to the sunroom with it's awful walls and glue filled floor. Should be fun, I think.
It has almost been too hot to do a lot of work. My wood shop was at 93 yesterday and I decided that was too hot to continue. I have one personal project that I would like to finish before we go to Naples. It is not necessary but it is fun and I want to see how it turns out. Will it happen, not sure but I will try.
No more FP so it is work in the basement time.
There is no doubt, I have not kept up with the ages. I do not have a tattoo and actually have never thought about getting one BUT maybe it is time. I mean I see guys ALL the time with 2,3,4,5 or more tattoos. The more I see the more I like so by the end of the year I may look like this.
Now, how cool is that?
Then there is the matter of the hat. I never used to wear a hat but today I wear one often. In fact it is necessary to have one when you are driving or walking east early in the morning. I have hats from Florida, hats from Alaska and other places too. I even have a work hat that has TC (Terry and Carmen) and would you believe those darn Minnesota Twins copied my hat design! I do have the hats but I need to wear them differently. I like to wear mine kind of low on my forehead when I am looking into the sun but I see now the "in" thing is to wear the brim backwards and if for some reason you are looking into the sun you just use your hand to shield the sun. Yup, for sure I am going to start to look like this all the time.
I am thinking it will improve my looks and it will mean that I will not stand out in a crowd as a nobody.
Lastly there is the belly thing. I look at the floor in front of my feet and I can see it pretty well. (to be truthfull i have gained some weigh this summer but not enough) But I think the norm now is to look down at the floor and see things 2 or 3 feet ahead of you and ignore what is right at your feet. Again it will make me "just one of the boys" when I am in the crowd. For sure, by the end of the year I want to be just like this guy.
That will also be a great reason to get new clothes.
I am going to start tomorrow, trying to be one of the guys and be in the "in" when I go out!
Enough of the serious stuff. Terry and I continue to work in the basement. Terry is doing the painting and I am doing the makeover kind of things. We have today and tomorrow and that is it. We promised ourselves that this week was the end of the basement work. Next week it is on to the sunroom with it's awful walls and glue filled floor. Should be fun, I think.
It has almost been too hot to do a lot of work. My wood shop was at 93 yesterday and I decided that was too hot to continue. I have one personal project that I would like to finish before we go to Naples. It is not necessary but it is fun and I want to see how it turns out. Will it happen, not sure but I will try.
No more FP so it is work in the basement time.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
It's not my fault@#!*!
I walk into the basement and start to work. I need to sand a few spots before we put some paint on. As I approach the last rough spot I notice a trim board missing, I need to fix that, right? I finish that and as I start to walk upstairs with a smile on my face I see a few spots I missed with the filler, got to get those. Well now that is finished but they need to dry before I sand. I round the corner to get some tools that I left and there, staring at me, is a wall that has an 8 inch gap which allows one to see into the furnace room. I am in luck, I have enough boards left from the wall many years ago to fill that gap. Well that is not such a small job. I nail the last board in place, after making some spacers so they match, and there to my right is the back side of the basement bedroom wall. It is not finished, just studs looking me in the eye. Well, that should really be finished and my measurements tell me I need two 4X8 sheets of wall board. It is then another trip to Menards for that and of course I need some mud to fix the seam. Wait, the kitchen table that I brought outside in the morning needs to be brought in as Terry finished sanding the top and is now ready to put the first coat of finish on. Wait, I need to finish sanding as Terry is also ready to roll the paint on the walls. The natural gas pipes should be covered as well as the electric box and and and and it goes on.
Like I said, it is not my fault. I have been thinking a lot lately and I think it is my parents' fault. Don't question me, just believe me. They made some mistakes as I was growing up and I am what I am today because of them, no doubt.
NO, the above, about Mom and Dad is not true. ALL of my faults, I own. They are mine because of what I have been over the last many years. So we move forward, doing the projects that are so piled up, almost to the point of discouragement but we move forward each day, one step (project) at a time.
FP helps but it is gone for the day.
Like I said, it is not my fault. I have been thinking a lot lately and I think it is my parents' fault. Don't question me, just believe me. They made some mistakes as I was growing up and I am what I am today because of them, no doubt.
NO, the above, about Mom and Dad is not true. ALL of my faults, I own. They are mine because of what I have been over the last many years. So we move forward, doing the projects that are so piled up, almost to the point of discouragement but we move forward each day, one step (project) at a time.
FP helps but it is gone for the day.
Friday, August 28, 2015
It's a plane, no it's a bird, wow it IS a bat!
Dave, Janet, Helen and me |
As Terry and I sat in the living room watching a movie last night there seemed to be a something in the room. It floated in front of the TV as if there was a giant moth or butterfly in the room. We turned on the lights and THERE in front of us zoomed a BAT. How it got into the house we have not idea. We turned the lights off and opened the front and back doors. In about 10 minutes it disappeared into the night through the open front door. I guess we just live an exciting life! I think the last time we had a bat in the house was 20+ years ago and that was before we had a glass on the fireplace. I am assuming that it left because there were no bugs in the house and Terry and I did not look very inviting. We have plans today to finish the walls in the basement and then move the washer and dryer back into place. The basement, when we are finished, will look 500% better BUT it is an old house so it will still look that way.
That darn FP, it disappeared faster than a flying bat.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
A busy day for ROYALTY and the old and new look!!!
There are some good things that come out of the wood shop. I have wanted to cover these for many years but never got around to it. There are now two complete and 7 left. Perhaps those will have to wait for another summer.
Yesterday was busy, that is for me at my age! There was a time when I got out at 3:30 AM, went to school at 7:00 AM, stayed late at school to coach the soccer team and then had one or more meetings in the evening. Thankfully those days are only a memory and I am not sure the memory is much any more. BUT yesterday was busy, really. I arrived at 8:40 AM for my doctor appt which was at 8:45. I did not have to wait long and the meeting with the doctor was great. We talked about my back and hand issue, went over blood work that was done in Florida and then she extended my two prescriptions so I do not have to get her permission for refills while in Naples. When I got home Terry was ready to leave as both of us had dental appt. That was when I became royalty, I got a crown. Well really the truth is I had to buy it for a LOT of money!!! Terry had a filling and I also had a small one. On the way home we stopped to have a bit to eat with numb lips and mouths but it was good anyway. I started to work on the basement walls in the afternoon as we are cleaning, scrapping and painting the block walls. Terry said she thought she noticed a faint oder of gas. She called Xcel and they came about 3:00. They worked in the house until 7:00. There was a tiny gas leak above the dryer, an old pipe sticking out of the wall about 12 inches which the guy sawed off and plugged, the hot water heater was not venting out in a good way so we fixed that and then he installed a new outside intake valve and meter. About the time he left I hopped in the car to go to a meeting so really I was honest, it was a busy day.
No, I need to get one more gallon of paint from Menards this morning before we begin our day project. With all the projects we have going now I am thinking of having my retirement check sent to Menards so I don't have to pay each time. On second thought not a good idea as several years ago I lost my wallet there and it was in the lost and found BUT it had been gone through and the money was missing. I think I will stick to plastic payment form at Menards as plastic is easier than real money. Maybe I have that wrong but then I think my quota for a day is one wrong so no worry.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Time marches on
Terry's daughter Kim and family spent the weekend in the cities as they came for a cousin wedding. It was picture time after breakfast at the Egg and I. For some reason my phone did not take a great picture but from left to right they are Dave, Josh, Tori, Terry, Zach and Kim. One grandson, Sam, stayed back for a church commitment.
We are deep into several projects. They are:
1. basement walls need to be sprayed, scrapped and painted. I think the last time anything was done with them was with Grandpa Saunders perhaps in the early 80's.
2. one more radiator cover will be completed tomorrow
3. the sun room walls and ceiling need to be repaired and painted
4. the sun room floor has to be scrapped of glue and then sanded.
5. the front lawn needs to be reseeded in parts
6. Christmas presents need to be finished
7. Need I add more???
I am thinking of renaming my blog, This Old House, but perhaps that is not necessary.
As the sun peeks over the horizon this morning my phone shows the temp at a steady 52! According to the weather people that is normal for the first part of October! No problems, the state fair is coming this week and the weather is always warm for that.
I continue to get bodily reminders each day that I am no longer a teenager. Not sure that is good but then as the day's title goes, time marches on.
No, that darn FP is history and that means that it is time to hit the wood shop.
We are deep into several projects. They are:
1. basement walls need to be sprayed, scrapped and painted. I think the last time anything was done with them was with Grandpa Saunders perhaps in the early 80's.
2. one more radiator cover will be completed tomorrow
3. the sun room walls and ceiling need to be repaired and painted
4. the sun room floor has to be scrapped of glue and then sanded.
5. the front lawn needs to be reseeded in parts
6. Christmas presents need to be finished
7. Need I add more???
I am thinking of renaming my blog, This Old House, but perhaps that is not necessary.
As the sun peeks over the horizon this morning my phone shows the temp at a steady 52! According to the weather people that is normal for the first part of October! No problems, the state fair is coming this week and the weather is always warm for that.
I continue to get bodily reminders each day that I am no longer a teenager. Not sure that is good but then as the day's title goes, time marches on.
No, that darn FP is history and that means that it is time to hit the wood shop.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Happy 12th Birthday Henry
Remember Why
Aunt Bertie, Uncle Obert and their daughter Arlene |
I have to remind myself at least once a day why I wrote the book. Of course it was mainly for the grand children. Why, well I have sent many books to people and have heard nothing from most of them. I did not expect an A+ review but I guess I did expect at least a note saying they received it. For me, it is another lesson in doing what you think you should do but not having expectations of others. I guess with this note I am admitting failure but what is life about if it is not about trying to do your best and accepting your own failures---then trying to eliminate them as life goes on.
Terry and I took some time yesterday to write down things we should do this fall. After looking at the list we may be here all winter. We will not but I doubt the list will have everything erased before we leave. Leaving may come sooner than later as we would like to take in Acadia National Park on our way. We will see as the weeks go by.
We did get some outside work done yesterday and I need to finish up some of it this morning so it is gulp the remainder of the FP and get the dirty clothes on.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Happy birthday Jude
Jude is 6 today! |
We have a rainy day in St. Paul. I checked the rain gauge and it shows an inch of rain which we really needed. Perhaps the farmers are not excited about it in August but for us "town folks" it is great for lawns and gardens.
I took the pickup in for some repairs yesterday as the brake line had a leak. As I left the garage today, after picking it up, I almost went through the windshield it stopped so fast!!! Anyway it is good to get the old things fixed up. I am thankful for being able to keep things in good order.
I purchased some grass/weed killer as parts of our lawn have a healthy growth of crab and quack grass. Not good!
I am being lazy today. I should be out in the wood shop but my energy is low. But tomorrow will be another day and maybe I can get those engines going.
Enough, just wanted to say happy birthday to Jude.
Friday, August 14, 2015
From the North country
One project for the summer. I put this 2" slab of maple on some ash legs that I cut and we have a new computer table! The maple is from central MN and the legs are from north of Grand Rapids, MN.
We are looking at a warm (hot) humid day here. By Monday it is supposed to be in the high 70's but for the next 3 days maybe in the 90's with the dp above 70. Florida maybe?
I am in trouble. As Terry looked at the table she came up with another project idea, yikes. It may not come to be so will not mention what it is. I have lumber in the pickup for two Christmas presents so I really should get busy.
I need to get that bike out and work off my breakfast now that the FP is gone.
We are looking at a warm (hot) humid day here. By Monday it is supposed to be in the high 70's but for the next 3 days maybe in the 90's with the dp above 70. Florida maybe?
I am in trouble. As Terry looked at the table she came up with another project idea, yikes. It may not come to be so will not mention what it is. I have lumber in the pickup for two Christmas presents so I really should get busy.
I need to get that bike out and work off my breakfast now that the FP is gone.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Shocked---in a good sense
In our house we have an add on dormer on the south. I call it the sun room. It has red linoleum on the floor. I have always wanted to know what was beneath the linoleum. My guess was just boards as the entire house has hardwood floors but this was an add on and then covered. Yesterday Terry and I ripped off some of the red stuff and WOW--there is hardwood under it. Yes, way to go Tom Ruth (the former owner).
When Terry and I are here in the summer I get together with a group of men each week in the context of People of Praise. Last night 5 of us drove to St. Michaels (maybe 30 miles) to spend time with a cousin of one of the men. John's cousin, Dave, had a terrible accident while cutting down a tree about 5 months ago. Dave and his wife, Marie, have a small farm and another business on the side. After the accident Dave spent about 3 weeks in the hospital and then another 10 weeks in a rehab home. Dave is an A+ personality and I think is in his early 50's. At this time he is dealing with a broken right ankle which is healing, a broken left femur which has a rod in it, a broken clavicle which was broken but the worst is severe nerve damage in his left side. Of course he is on meds but the constant pain is still there. He described it as having a 100 bees stinging you and he said his palm, which is the worst, feels like it is on fire! We talked for a while, with him and his wife, and then prayed with them. It was a very good time and I know that God was there in a powerful way. Terry and I will put Dave on our prayer list and I am sure he and Marie would appreciate any prayers offered their way. At this time Dave is skeptical of his farming future but of course God can do anything. To prove my point that Dave is a great guy he has an International M tractor and last fall he and his buddies make 500 pounds of venison sausage! How great is that?
Our car has a 9:30 doctor appt so must go. Also, that FP is down to the very last drop.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Happy Birthday Aaron!!!
![]() |
Aaron is 42 as of today! |
Love, Dad and Terry
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Not much
This went the way of the horse and buggy a couple of days ago |
Dad is on the left, I find it interesting in these old pictures that he always has a hat on--on the right, Russell? |
I am getting closer to seeing how the first radiator cover looks. I am not sure I will like it but will see.
Not much to say this morning. I am kind of in one of those moods where I could write for a long time but I am guessing whatever I wrote would not be worth writing or reading!
I am going to take my Fp and finish it as I read the sports.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Grandpa is losing it!!!
Elspeth turned 2 July 31 |
Helen in her prime! |
Actually a big birthday for baby sister Helen today. She was born in 1950, need I say more? Helen has not changed a bit, she is still a great looking gal with a super personality and a fun spirit. Also, she has many friends who think she is the super lady! I am going to go out on a limb and say that all of her siblings, Joan, Dave and I think she is lovely, smart, fun, witty and we love her dearly. Happy Birthday Helen
Enough of the birthday stuff. I woke up to a rain gauge that showed an inch of rain last night. We needed it. There was a stormy night predicted so don't know if the rain soaked in or ran off down the street. Regardless, it will help the garden and lawn. Our garden is now keeping us with fresh tomatoes and squash. It is fun to walk out to the wood shop and stop to enjoy a grape tomato. In the wood shop there are some things happening. I am not sure how much but as I stopped to survey the shop yesterday and there was sawdust all over and things were kind of messy! That means I have been in it. Does it mean I have done much?
As I sit here and type my FP is down to within an inch of the bottom and the sun just peeked into the window. That means it is time to journey to Home Depot and Menards to get some material!
Monday, August 3, 2015
The first week in August
The Sampson clan (Mom's) but Dad is there too. Never saw him with a hat--1st on the left and back row. Grandpa S is in the middle. |
Dave in the same kind of picture as on my book cover. Not sure if he let me play with his puppy or if I let him play with my puppy. Of course all the dogs were FAMILY dogs! |
- One year I was bitten by a spider and spent the better part of camp in bed, not one of the best memories.
- I still can see Norine's eyes at about midnight as she hurried to tell me that the frozen dough in the cooler had thawed and it was rising almost off the shelves! The kitchen workers had to cut and bake goodies much of the night!
- For sure the most indelible memory is the year George S became ill the first afternoon of camp and died in the hospital during camp. He was a counselor for the 4th grade boys. After the news of his death I walked down to his unit of boys to tell them. They happened to be doing something where they were all lined up. As I shared the news they all took off their caps and bowed their heads.
- The canoe trip that the girls took down the river where one girl almost drowned. As I stood in the dining room that night after their rescue I had to decide when to call the parents. I dialed Gail, who was at home, but no answer. That was a long lonely night as it seemed it was only I and God there. That was when I promised that I would never go to camp without Gail again. That was true until 2009.
- One closing ceremony we all lit candles and stood in the dark to worship God by candlelight, it was awesome.
- I had to deal with hundreds of campers over the years and once, only once, did I have to send a camper home for bad behavior. Not a good memory.
- A person can not think about camp without memories of the years that we had 400+ campers and another 100 staff. Borrowed tents, rented portable toilets and perhaps borrowed grace as well! The men, who did the running, picked up the toilets and I would give money to have a picture of 5 pickups with toilets behind going down the road in a caravan!
- One of the years the temp was near 100 every day and the heat index hovered near 110. People had ice under their hats among other ways to try to cope with the heat. We only had one person who had to go home because of the heat.
- The Cub Scout camp that has been used for many years now has a swimming pool. The second day of camp the head pool guy made a mistake and in the morning the pool was drained! No pool for the rest of the camp.
- There was the evening program when the weather was threatening. We decided to stay in the outdoor theater and go through with the program. I knew it was safe. The next day one of the scout staff showed me where there was a tornado that was coming at camp but made a horseshoe journey around it!
- There could be hundreds of other memories but will stop with these.
I accomplished the "cards" for August. Terry and I send cards for family birthdays and anniversaries. I finished all of the 6 for August. That was nice.
I put some chalk in the north bedroom during the weekend and now that room is pretty well finished. I think Terry is going to do a few tiny touch ups. I am making a cover for the radiators. It is fun to design and make things. I have high hopes that it will look nice.
No more FP--time to hit the road as I have a breakfast get together with a friend this morning.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Pass the bottled water---No I mean pass the tin cup!
Water break at Wood Lake School. Note the two outhouses in the back ground. No bottled water here!
The water pump, it was a life saver during recess!
Grandma enjoying some of her granddaughters. I actually can still taste her baking.
It is a beautiful day in St. Paul. Yesterday we had North Dakota like winds but today it is calm and less humid. I have finished some of my work for the day!
*took a bike ride and made an appointment at the clinic to get stitches out. I wanted Terry to do it but the Dr. said he wanted a nurse to look at the cut to make sure it is okay. It is fine but I suppose it would be wise to let them do the honors. Go figure, a few days after trying to trim the neighbor's trees, she had a professional service come out! I told her a little late as I held up my arm. Of course I am to blame as is often the case. When you get older it is easy to use age as an excuse. Several years ago when I drilled a hole in the garage roof, no excuses.
*watered the tiny garden. We have enjoyed 3 grape tomatoes and there is a big tomato that is almost ripe. It looks like the second and third squash will be ready soon. Terry is in the middle of making pickles from the cucumbers.
*enjoyed my breakfast of eggs mixed with hash browns with several cloves of garlic--not sure Terry will like me this morning!
*I did get sister Joan's, not to subtle hint about the picture. Being the brother I am, there will be a picture in the mail soon.
*I have some new found knowledge. I was not sure of the difference in quack grass and crab grass. I did think that crab grass was named that because when it comes into the lawn a person is sure to crab. So I googled and they do not even look alike. By the way, we have both in the yard!
Oh my gosh, the neighbor across the yard, divorced, is out in his front yard with PINK underwear. Poke out my eyes please!
Terry is finished with the north bedroom, oh my she did a wonderful job of patching, smoothing and painting. If there happens to be a young mother or dad reading this a word of warning--do not let kids put stickers on woodwork! There is a tiny bit of touch up but it is pretty much done.
*my bunny relocation program has come to a halt. Those darn bunnies are too difficult to catch. I had some success earlier this summer but not lately.
Enough for this morning. I just have enough FP to finish cleaning up the kitchen. That is to say I will drink and work at the same time.
Mary, Helen and Gayle enjoying lunch with Grandma Lee |
Grandma enjoying some of her granddaughters. I actually can still taste her baking.
It is a beautiful day in St. Paul. Yesterday we had North Dakota like winds but today it is calm and less humid. I have finished some of my work for the day!
*took a bike ride and made an appointment at the clinic to get stitches out. I wanted Terry to do it but the Dr. said he wanted a nurse to look at the cut to make sure it is okay. It is fine but I suppose it would be wise to let them do the honors. Go figure, a few days after trying to trim the neighbor's trees, she had a professional service come out! I told her a little late as I held up my arm. Of course I am to blame as is often the case. When you get older it is easy to use age as an excuse. Several years ago when I drilled a hole in the garage roof, no excuses.
*watered the tiny garden. We have enjoyed 3 grape tomatoes and there is a big tomato that is almost ripe. It looks like the second and third squash will be ready soon. Terry is in the middle of making pickles from the cucumbers.
*enjoyed my breakfast of eggs mixed with hash browns with several cloves of garlic--not sure Terry will like me this morning!
*I did get sister Joan's, not to subtle hint about the picture. Being the brother I am, there will be a picture in the mail soon.
*I have some new found knowledge. I was not sure of the difference in quack grass and crab grass. I did think that crab grass was named that because when it comes into the lawn a person is sure to crab. So I googled and they do not even look alike. By the way, we have both in the yard!
Oh my gosh, the neighbor across the yard, divorced, is out in his front yard with PINK underwear. Poke out my eyes please!
Terry is finished with the north bedroom, oh my she did a wonderful job of patching, smoothing and painting. If there happens to be a young mother or dad reading this a word of warning--do not let kids put stickers on woodwork! There is a tiny bit of touch up but it is pretty much done.
*my bunny relocation program has come to a halt. Those darn bunnies are too difficult to catch. I had some success earlier this summer but not lately.
Enough for this morning. I just have enough FP to finish cleaning up the kitchen. That is to say I will drink and work at the same time.
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