Monday, January 28, 2013

Going towards February, Going towards 70!!!!!!

It seems like life travels about that fast!!!!!

I don't think of myself as being old, I don't feel old (well most days!) and I try not to act old but yet a bit of reality hit yesterday.  Terry helped me have a nice birthday but she could not change the fact that at the age of 66 I have now climbed the curve of the 60's and am headed towards the 70 mark.  I tend to think in terms of the "now" and it did not bother me to think about going in that direction but still I feel just a bit different today.   It was a fun day.  Terry made a nice breakfast, we did a bit of shopping, then she treated me to lunch at a nice restaurant which happens to be in a very upscale shopping place. The sea food was delicious.  We then spent the rest of the afternoon at home where I took several calls.  In the evening we again went out to eat at a place I had never been.  Each entree included the full salad bar so we filled up on the salad bar and took 90% of our entree home for today!  That is not a sign of the 70's, is it??  The server was so funny.  She actually gave us an extra baked potato and other things so I think we took more food home than we ordered!  We ended the day on a fun note as I spent about 20 minutes on the phone with son John.
I did take some time yesterday to think about what I have experienced with life and death over the last several years.  Perhaps the trek towards 70 seems significant because over the last few years I lost Gail who was 63 and friends David who was 62, Jeanette died at the age of 64, Bonnie died at the age of 59, Diane died at the age of 61 and last Friday brother-in-law Mike died at the age of 68.  Of course I often think of brother Ronald and sister Janet who both died in their late 20's.  As one remembers these people and others who lived a full life yet were denied much of their old age I feel blessed and it makes me want to make each day count.  It also brings to mind that in happiness, in conflict, in praises and in confrontations do what one can today because tomorrow could very well be too late.
Life goes on in Naples in kind of a predictable way.  Terry and I arrived in late October so we have been here this winter for over three months already.  We have spent much time reading, walking and playing tennis among other things. 
As I was talking to Travis last night I counted the books I have read since October 25 and it has been 18.  Never have I had nor have I taken the time to read much and it has been delightful.  Three of the books have been 900+ pages and have almost seemed short as they were so interesting to read.
I have gotten into tennis in kind of a big way and have enjoyed it so so much.  I actually over did it a bit so am off the courts for a week or more but to compete in a sport for the first time in maybe 40 years has been exciting.
I enrolled in another one day a week, six weeks course in writing.  I took a class like this last winter and it was good but kind of difficult but this time around it has been very fun so far and the instructor is very encouraging.  Three more to go before the end.  I am using the classes to get some editing done on the writing I did in November and December.
Time goes so fast that Terry and I are beginning to plan our trip back to MN.  Will write more about that later.
The son of some friends was married last Friday.  They were married on the Gulf beach as the sun set which was a perfect setting.  Terry asked them if they had arranged for picture and they had not so I had the honor of shooting 250 shots before, during and after the wedding.  It was fun and the pictures turned out well.  The next day we burned them onto a DVD and delivered it to our friends.  A fun thing and they were so thankful.
I already mentioned that brother-in-law Mike died last Friday.  Sister Helen lives in Holiday Island AR as she and Mike moved there about 10 years ago to retire and live out their old age.  I say old age but Mike was only 68 and Helen is only 62.  Mike had dealt with health issues for some time and finally on Friday his struggles ended.  Sometime in late February Helen will have a party to celebrate his life.  Sister Joan, who lives in UT, flies in today and will stay for about 10 days.  I know those two and with the arrival of Joan Helen will find much to laugh about and that will be good.  Oh I am sure there will be tears as well but then sometimes, just sometimes, one needs tears to stir up the happy memories!!
We are looking forward to this Wednesday.  Daughter-in-law Amy's parents Dick and Jeanne are spending January and much of February in Naples.  On Wednesday they will come over for a shuttle ride to the beach, a walk and then lunch afterwards.  They spent time doing this last year and it was a fun time.
It looks like our company this winter will be less than last year.  Jerry and Susan will come in March and a friend from teaching will be in town this weekend but I think that will be it.
Wow, that is about it.  The coffee cup with Naples Pier on it has very little FP left and I am kind of out of ideas so will sign off.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Towards February

I have said too many times that time flies and here we are already on the downside of January!  It seems that each time one turns around or looks at the calendar another week or two have gone by.
Terry and I continue to keep busy and out of mischief.  It seems that we are kind of off the biking for now.  We have not talked about it but each day is full and it just seems that biking is not in the cards for a while.  I did ride up to the tennis courts this morning just to check some things and it was chilly.  I know that compared to Minnesota it is warm but to ride the bike for a short ways in mid 50's I became chilly!  Perhaps a bit of a wimp but it is what it is.
We do keep going to the library for more books.  I have never taken or had the time to sit and read much but now it is such fun.  I am currently in one of these books that is hard to put down but then at 11:00 PM the eyes told me last night that I had no options.
With encouragement from Terry I started a writing class last night.  It is six weeks, one night a week, but for some reason both of us must have experienced a senior moment and forgot the first class last week.  I learned a lot in the class last year but struggled a bit--this class seems like it will be fun with a learning curve as well.  I think I am going to use it as a time to go through some of my writing and get tips on how to improve them.  I have about 65 two page writings so the material is there.
After much time, talking, phoning and e-mailing I finally landed on a tennis team. I will get to play in my first match next Wednesday.  It will be my first real competition since my softball days in the mid seventies and on that team it was questionable if the competition was to win or drink more beer after the game!  I actually remember well my shock after that first softball game when I took my family and biked home and the rest of the team took their wallets and headed to the bar.  I am excited about the tennis team as I noticed Wednesday after the team had played most of the guys enjoyed some Gatorade and crackers!!  There is no team on the starting level so I will have to play up to a level that will be a stretch for me.   I have been assured that it will be OK but I will serve and see next week!. 
We have been experiencing wonderful weather for some time now.  The temps have actually been a bit warm for tennis as in the afternoon it is usually low to mid 80's.  I will play tennis at 1:00 today but a cool front is here and it should only be mid 70 :)
Here it is 9:30 AM.  I have written, I have biked to the courts and the FP is down to the mud on the bottom of the cup!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Into the new year

I just looked back on the blog and realized that the last time I wrote was January 1st.  It is hard to believe that we are now a week and a half into the new year. 
Life continues to roll on and it seems as if with increasing speed.  We are settled into winter in Naples and more than keep busy. 
We have been reading a lot which is something I am enjoying very much.  Last night I finished "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett, all 973 pages of it!  I hesitate to recommend books to people as there are as many interests as people but I can not remember enjoying a book more than that one.
I have gotten into more tennis and continue to enjoy it immensely.  It helps that I have raised my level of play so that I can compete with better players.  Well I say that and then remember yesterday was mostly a disaster!
We finally were able to get some furniture out of the house.  It was really very nice but too large, I mean way too large.  Now the task of trying to replace it with some things.  We went looking a week ago and the quality one finds is less than encouraging unless a person is willing to mortgage their house for it!!  We will keep on looking until we come up with something.
Yesterday for lunch we attended a seminar at a place called the Capital Grill.  We had thought about going there for a meal as it is supposed to be really nice and you guessed it expensive too.  Well we thought we would sign up for this seminar to see what kind of food they serve.  The free lunch was very very good and the people we sat by were so funny we almost laughed ourselves silly.  An 83 year old man said he is a history buff and was talking about his great great grandfather who was in the Civil War.  Another older man chimed in and said so was my  g g grandfather, I bet they knew each other!   As I write about it I can not get the spirit of it right but we laughed so hard.  I thought his wife was going to fall off the chair. 
We had two couple over for dinner Wednesday and served Grandma Lee's cream potatoes again.  They are always a big hit. 
As we do the many activities here I have to remind myself that it is OK to enjoy fun times. I am so enjoying the competition in tennis.  Of course the object is to have fun and really sometimes a good shot against me is more fun than a mistake by an opponent.  It is fun to win but more fun to engage in an activity where there is competition, fun and fellowship, win or lose.  I was disappointed that I did not get on a team.  There are too many guys trying to play on teams and it is kind of who you know!  I was surprised to find out that but then should I have been surprised?  Anyway if I had gotten on a team with too many players I may not have played much so will enjoy being free to play when and againist whomever I want.
More FP and no more words for today.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

No picture as the year is too young!  Terry and I had a quiet New Years Eve.  Ate half a bag of chips and read books!!  I saved my new year celebration for this morning.  I drink my FP coffee black but this morning at 7:00 AM I indulged a bit with some Baileys in my coffee!  Oh yes, yesterday I said good-bye to 2012 with an Americana which I had not had at Starbucks for many months!  I guess my celebrations tell my age and that is fine!
A quick look back at 2012 says that it was a good year.  One could go on and on about things that seemed to not go well but I go back to my friend Jim B who died in January of 2012.  The last 18 months or so of his life he dealt with cancer but kept such an upbeat attitude and never lost his love of God.  Each time I would see him and ask him how he was doing he said good.  Then he would add that there are days when he didn't feel that well but when one looked at the alternative he was happy!  I made a calendar out of monthly pictures for Terry for Christmas.  On January I have a picture of Jim's funeral card.  Terry and I each have one and we have laminated them and use them for a book marker. 
I think we will spend the first day of 2013 talking a lot, reading a lot, taking an hour walk on the beach and maybe splurging a bit and having a late breakfast of eggs, hash browns and steak!
Some of the highlights of 2012:
  • just being together is the greatest highlight
  • taking in 42 Minnesota State Parks
  • taking in 9 national parks
  • getting our little tiny teardrop camper
  • seeing Terry's oldest grandson graduate from high school
  • spending time with grandchildren
  • I spent time writing each morning from November 1 through most of December.  That was fun and I plan to do more in 2013.
  • bike rides, tennis matches and walks
  • Terry helped me build a lumber rack and then I spent time, with her encouragement and help, cleaning my woodworking place--so so so fun and nice now.  Not finished but so thankful
  • spending time with family and friends on our fall trip
  • Cynthia and Mike will bring a new grandchild into our lives!
  • We hope to experience new adventures out of the country and to the western U.S.
  • We hope to resolve some lingering health issues that are on going.
  • Grand kids just continue to get older, Henry grade 4, Liam grade 2, Leo grade 1, Faustina K and the rest are not far behind!  I hope I am correct on those as it is getting difficult to keep up with them. 
Of course there were difficult things to deal with too.  No need to dwell on those things but my prayer is that in the difficult things God's love and peace will come through.
My FP is almost gone but what is left is cold and for me that is so not good!
Happy New Year and may God's love, peace and protection be yours through out 2013